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[dropship random-drop leg-damage bug]

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#1 Mechwarrior5973032


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Posted 03 March 2017 - 07:55 PM

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Guess ill post here and patch feedback threads since its a Faction Warfare Bug.
Russ Twitter seems more likely to get reply if achknowledged/not deleted but i dont have twitter account so someone feel free to link him in thanks.

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Apparently MWO / P.I. has been made aware of this issue in multiple other threads and on Twitch.

The issue is that any dropship drop after initial game starting drop can strip almost all your armor from your legs, making your legs 1 alphable to kill you. (if you see a 94 - 96% health mech that probably hasn't seen any poke combat yet focus its legs)

It is dealing 4-6% of your mechs total health in damage (depending on how much leg armor that particular mech has) by dropping you in random locations (usually outside the map) and then reset the dropship and redeploy you with the broken legs (taking an extra 30 seconds aswell)

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Above are screenshot of the most recent time it happened. It happens about once every 10 drops and can happen on nearly every map to varying degree's of inconviniance (missdrop to gambreaking damage).

It has been happening to me constantly since FP/CW phase 4 started, And I have been in drops on coms with EVERY SINGLE UNIT GREATER THAN 6 people that has dropped since phase 4 launched (except evil and zmom that i dont know the ts of) and heard it happen to at least one person in each unit at least once so its a widespread bug not just me.


Edited by CadoSanguinarius, 03 March 2017 - 08:18 PM.
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#2 I cant want to


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Posted 03 March 2017 - 08:00 PM

getting dropped out of bounds and/orwith leg damage almost every faction drop

#3 Nickredace


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Posted 03 March 2017 - 08:07 PM

Bruh calm down, Your not gonna get banned. I agree they should fix this bug, I've had it too, several times.

#4 Mechwarrior5973032


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Posted 03 March 2017 - 08:13 PM

View PostNickredace, on 03 March 2017 - 08:07 PM, said:

Your not gonna get banned.

Holy fastest redact ever, the get me banned bit removed within minutes of posting.
Your right I wont because most of the staff know they need every player they can get/keep.
The people who chuck hissy fits and ban wont even see it.

Edited by CadoSanguinarius, 04 March 2017 - 10:32 PM.

#5 draiocht


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Posted 03 March 2017 - 08:19 PM

Please make sure to have emailed PGI Support to ensure your issue is properly logged.

Their general support email address is: general@mwomercs.com

[mod]Thread title edited for clarity.[/mod]

Edited by draiocht, 03 March 2017 - 08:52 PM.

#6 Willard Phule


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Posted 05 March 2017 - 12:06 PM

When it's something that doesn't get fixed, it's not called a "bug"....it's called a "feature."

Enjoy the newest "feature" added to FW to keep you from getting bored and quitting.

#7 Celtic Warrior


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Posted 05 March 2017 - 12:24 PM

I thought it was a feature?

#8 Appogee


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Posted 05 March 2017 - 12:46 PM

Dude, why are you complaining about unresolved bugs in MWO?

Don't you know there's a Resistance Mech Sale at the moment?

And besides, PGI have their best people working on it. (MW5, that is.)

Edited by Appogee, 05 March 2017 - 12:50 PM.

#9 Mechwarrior5973032


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Posted 05 March 2017 - 02:33 PM

View PostWillard Phule, on 05 March 2017 - 12:06 PM, said:

When it's something that doesn't get fixed, it's not called a "bug"....it's called a "feature."

Enjoy the newest "feature" added to FW to keep you from getting bored and quitting.

We gotta stop that Paul believes it to be true and cant recognise sarcasm.

#10 Javin


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Posted 05 March 2017 - 03:17 PM

Does not happen everytime but when it does, it is very irritating, especially on mediums and lights. Not that anyone IS uses lights besides locusts because IS lights are bigger than all mediums and some heavies.

#11 Willard Phule


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Posted 05 March 2017 - 04:42 PM

View PostCadoSanguinarius, on 05 March 2017 - 02:33 PM, said:

We gotta stop that Paul believes it to be true and cant recognise sarcasm.

You're tracking you can pop a uav and arty/air strike during the feature, right? If you pay attention to your minimap, you can throw them on the enemy as you buzz over them.

Like I said, feature.

#12 Ssamout


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Posted 06 March 2017 - 06:04 AM

Drunken dropship pilot feature has been in the game for a quite long time, from phase 3 I think. its hilarious, funny, and balances the nerves nicely. You never know are you just sightseeing or getting you legs smashed.

The other dropship features that have been there even longer, for like +1 year are also kewl, especially the one that makes you wait for next wave of dropships and next and next until you realise that disconnecting and loggin back is the only salvation. Bonus here is the disconnect penalty and finding your team wiped when you finally get into the match.

#13 justcallme A S H


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Posted 06 March 2017 - 07:02 AM

View PostJavin, on 05 March 2017 - 03:17 PM, said:

Does not happen everytime but when it does, it is very irritating, especially on mediums and lights. Not that anyone IS uses lights besides locusts because IS lights are bigger than all mediums and some heavies.

Yeah IS light / hvy rescale, that was a joke.

That said I would rarely get drop ship stuck/leg damage but since the latest patch I've noticed it is significantly more frequent. 1-2 times a night rather than 1-2 times a week.

Definitely added feature not in said patch notes.

#14 Khalcruth


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Posted 06 March 2017 - 12:52 PM

View Postdraiocht, on 03 March 2017 - 08:19 PM, said:

Please make sure to have emailed PGI Support to ensure your issue is properly logged. Their general support email address is: general@mwomercs.com [mod]Thread title edited for clarity.[/mod]

Been happening since Phase 4 hit, more than two months now. So yeah, emailing PGI Support has REALLY worked out. There's been the December 15th Hotfix, the December 20th hotfix, the 24th of January patch, and the February 21st Patch since the December 13th patch when it started happening. Still isn't fixed. Still isn't even acknowledged as a bug.

Sure, emailing Support has really helped out so far. Lots of results seen from that.

#15 Tesunie


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Posted 06 March 2017 - 01:03 PM

View PostKhalcruth, on 06 March 2017 - 12:52 PM, said:

Been happening since Phase 4 hit, more than two months now. So yeah, emailing PGI Support has REALLY worked out. There's been the December 15th Hotfix, the December 20th hotfix, the 24th of January patch, and the February 21st Patch since the December 13th patch when it started happening. Still isn't fixed. Still isn't even acknowledged as a bug.

Sure, emailing Support has really helped out so far. Lots of results seen from that.

Question: Can you identify, locate the problem, and fix it within the coding of the game?

It takes time to find and correct issues that come up. Especially issues that don't seem to "always happen" or have a "set trigger". If they can't reliably reproduce the problem on their end, than they will have a much harder time tracking said problem. Even if they know of the problem, sometimes it takes a while to figure out a solution to the problem (especially one that doesn't end up breaking other parts of the game).

So, take a deep breath, calm down, and give them time to work on it.

#16 Aylward


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Posted 06 March 2017 - 01:23 PM

Yeah guys...come on now. Cuz "Programming is hard"...Remember ??

They're far too busy being in over their heads in yet another revamp of the core balance of the entire game with their new skill tree that no one really asked for to deal with your occasional scraped knees coming out of the dropships that fly thru each other, damage your parts on the way out, or fail to deliver you to the field at all.. ruck up and enjoy the game you got cuz Russ knows better than you what you want. Now go buy some resistance heroes or MW5 may never get finished.

#17 Tesunie


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Posted 06 March 2017 - 02:05 PM

View PostAylward, on 06 March 2017 - 01:23 PM, said:

Yeah guys...come on now. Cuz "Programming is hard"...Remember ??

They're far too busy being in over their heads in yet another revamp of the core balance of the entire game with their new skill tree that no one really asked for to deal with your occasional scraped knees coming out of the dropships that fly thru each other, damage your parts on the way out, or fail to deliver you to the field at all.. ruck up and enjoy the game you got cuz Russ knows better than you what you want. Now go buy some resistance heroes or MW5 may never get finished.

You do know that the people who design mechs, the people who design maps and the people who fix bugs are all different teams filled with different people?

You don't ask an Artist to launch a ship into space. You don't ask a rocket scientist to create a masterpiece statue to go in the grand park. Just like you don't ask for a visual artist (who makes mechs) to look at the coding to fix mechs not dropping out of dropships correctly.

I also might want to mention, most than likely MW5 doesn't involve anyone from MW:O's development crew (besides maybe the heads of PGI, such as Russ for example). Transverse was the same way, only one person was working on MW:O and Transverse at the same time. The rest were all hired specifically to work on Transverse. But mis-informed people, much like yourself right now, spread misinformation about things and made it seem like if PGI worked on another game that it would be the end of MW:O.

PGI is a business. As such, they shouldn't be forced to work on a single game and that's it. If that is your logical reason, than why is Blizzard not working just on WoW? They have also created Diablo (1, 2 and 3) as well as several other game titles. Not to mention Microsoft, which creates WIndows, Hotmail, X-box, X-box One, etc...

#18 Mechwarrior5973032


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Posted 06 March 2017 - 03:55 PM

I just wish we could get a post saying theyre aware of the problem and the status , cant fix / more pressing issues / "working on it"

#19 Tesunie


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Posted 06 March 2017 - 06:00 PM

View PostCadoSanguinarius, on 06 March 2017 - 03:55 PM, said:

I just wish we could get a post saying theyre aware of the problem and the status , cant fix / more pressing issues / "working on it"

Considering how often it's been posted about, I'd consider it "we know about it/are working on it".

I don't believe there is any official list of "bugs" they know about, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to have an official spot where known issues could be listed at least.

#20 Willard Phule


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Posted 07 March 2017 - 05:11 AM

View PostTesunie, on 06 March 2017 - 01:03 PM, said:

Question: Can you identify, locate the problem, and fix it within the coding of the game?

It takes time to find and correct issues that come up. Especially issues that don't seem to "always happen" or have a "set trigger". If they can't reliably reproduce the problem on their end, than they will have a much harder time tracking said problem. Even if they know of the problem, sometimes it takes a while to figure out a solution to the problem (especially one that doesn't end up breaking other parts of the game).

So, take a deep breath, calm down, and give them time to work on it.

Especially when it takes away from the time dedicated to coming up with new mech packs.

Ignore the bug..er..feature....would you like to buy a new mech pack?

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