justcallme A S H, on 29 January 2017 - 09:38 PM, said:
That it was the prominent issue gathered from players prior to the actual round table, there has been plenty of threads on the subject and they started with CW Phase 1, it is worth looking at from the point of selectable DropZones.
It won't completely stop it as it is the action of spawn camping that will trigger the player response to change drop locations. It will depend a lot on the teams as to whether it is actually seen in a game, but it also depends a fair bit on the modes.
Skirmish and possibly Assault at the two modes that may experience more spawn camping. But in alleviating the problem we do create new options and tactics for players and experienced teams to develop.
To prevent players from unknowingly deploying to a DropZone that is overrun, I believe it needs at a minimum some sort of warning verbally announced but also visibly on the Battlegrid. I think the easiest option is to adapt the capture mechanics from Conquest for the DropZones. We already have the warning and visual clues with this mechanic, it just needs a Drop/No Drop option added.
The other side of the coin is having some way to send the DropShips to one of the other DropZones. So if the difficulty is in changing Alpha Lance to Take Alpha Dropship to Bravo DropZone, is there an alternative solution?
I think there might be two options.
- The Drop Pods.
It avoids problems with re-pathing the Dropships.
As a straight up vertical drop it can be positioned to avoid conflicts with the Dropships.
It is a solo drop so it does not provide the protection in numbers without a whole bunch of players doing it at the same time,
- Using reserve Dropships and lances.
It all seems possible, but it also seems a little needlessly complex.
One item that should really be included with the ability to select a DropZone is the ability to determine when the drop occurs. So instead of the 30 second continual timer, we have an option to declare when we are ready to drop and then in we go. It would be a nice feature at Lance Command level.
It does occur to me that players may refuse to drop again in which case the other team is stuck waiting for the match to time out if there is no objective that can be completed. For this reason we need to be able to capture and re-capture DropZones. It should go hand in hand with being able to select the DropZone and if a team is not able to hold on to any of DropZones, effectively they have lost their beachhead and need to regroup for another attempt (ie. end of that battle, get ready for another new one).
Edited by 50 50, 30 January 2017 - 01:58 AM.