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My Timber-Wolf Builds

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#1 The6thMessenger


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Posted 01 February 2017 - 08:57 PM

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TBR is my workhorse mech, my very first mech. I wouldn't say that it's the best, but it's the thing that could do most builds good if not the best. I also thoroughly enjoy hybrid builds, I don't guarantee that they would have stellar performance, or consistently work, I just say that they would be fun.

Have fun with these builds.


TBR-A ER-LL Sniper - (3x ERLL, 6x ER SL, 24 DHS)

My very very first build. The 3x ER-LL goes through GH, but you can shoot 4 times before critical heat. ER-SL is your close range weapon, do not use the ER-LLs close range. It has JJs too so you can go over terrains if need be.



TBR-A Laser Vomit Highmounted - (2x LPL + 6x ERML, 23 DHS)

Large Pulse Laser and ER Medium Laser syncs quite well together. This build doubles as a laser-sniping platform, and an alpha. When hill-humping, just use the top weapons; 2x LPL + ER-ML. You also have JJ so you can easily reposition yourself.

TBR-A Laser Vomit - (2x LPL + 5x ERML, 24 DHS)

This version forgoes the low mount that you can use for hill humping, and one ER-ML for one DHS, it's much cooler and would still produce an insane alpha, and would run relatively cooler.



TBR-A Dakka Vomit, 4x ERML + 2x UAC5 [300], 18 DHS
TBR-A Dakka Vomit, 3x ERML + 2x UAC10 [240], 15 DHS

Standard Dakka, shoot your lasers AND your UAC5s till you're near overheating, only then you cease using your lasers and just use your autocannons. Playstyle is usually hit-and-run, you stare only as your laser requires so it's best to always use both lasers and UAC5s as you peek. Unless you're focusing down an enemy, that which you are not being focused down yourself, you can partition your laser and UAC, but generally that's not the case with the peekaboo.

You can swap one of the lasers for more ammo as you wish.



TBR-A Party-Wolf - (9x MPL, 23 DHS)

An even crazier version of Laser Vomit, except with MPLs maximizing alpha damage and has lower cooldown, but likewise lower range. It goes through GH and would be best fired at partition of two each volley, maybe left and right for side peeking, or top to bottom for hill humping.

You can alpha all 9 MPLs if you think you can get away with it like a 1-hit kill from the rear, among other situations. But mainly, don't.



TBR-S LRM-Boat - (4x LRM10A [1080], 4x ML, 17 DHS, CAP)

Uses the TBR-S variant, for it's JJ.

Tempting as 4x LRM15A, no, the best lrms are LRM10As, they are tighter and have shorter stream, better ammo efficiency. There are 4x ERML, use it, get your own locks, don't rely on allied locks too much, and shoot them whenever you can. Strive to be able to shoot your Lasers first before your LRMs.

Keep moving, and always flank. Lurm at best within 400m, 600m on brawling allied, UAVs or any stable allied locks, and 800m on extreme circumstances like Polar Highlands and Alpine Peaks with good allied locks.



TBR-S SSRM-LRM Hybrid - (2x LRM15A [720] + 2x SSRM6 [300] + 4x ERML, 15 DHS, CAP)

If you prefer hybrid builds like me, here's a non-meta SSRM-LRM build for you. Combination 2x SSRM6 and LRM15As shoots 55.8 damage at a single missile volley, as opposed of the 40 damage of 4x LRM10As that hits ghost-heat when group-fired. This also reduces your shoulder profile a little bit, because the SSRMs would be on the shoulder, than ears with the center torso.

SSRM6s also provides deterrence against enemy lights that decide to hound after you. Of course being under ECM means you can't lock, so it's best be with your team for backup, don't hang back and wander off. Being able to fend off lights does not mean that you only use SSRM for backup anti-light, no it's a primary weapon too -- it's best used whenever you can with the LRMs cause it shares locks. However be smart about it, as the SSRMs targetting the bones means that even if it's fire and forget, and the enemy is not fully concealed, some of the missiles may hit the ground.

The Short-Range nature of SSRMs means you need to get close, within 360m (396m with module). As with normal LRM boating style, get your own locks, strive to be able to use ALL of your weapons, so that means you also need to get a bit close to use your SSRM.



TBR-S Meta-Jockey (Gauss [30] + 2x ER PPC, 16 DHS)
TBR-S Meta-Jockey (Gauss [30] + 2x ER PPC, 15 DHS)
TBR-S Meta-Jockey (Gauss [30] + 2x ER PPC, 16 DHS)

Nothing says PPFLD-Meta-****-sucking like Gauss + 2x ERPPC, so far up the throat it could swallow the whole thing. But it works, It puts 35 PPFLD + 10 splash every shot. PPC is high mounted for hill humps. This makes use of the TBR-S variant to have at least 1 JJ.

You can also make use of TBR A as base, and S right torso for a non-highmount PPC, resulting in more JJ but less heatsink. Likewise, still use TBR-S and make use of TBR-WAR side torso.



TBR-A SRM-Brawler - (4x SRM6A [600] + 6x SPL, 19 DHS)
TBR-A SRM-Brawler - (4x SRM6A [600] + 4x SPL, 21 DHS)
TBR-S SRM-Brawler - (4x SRM6A [600] + 4x SPL, 22 DHS)

A really powerful close-range brawler, it has 4x SRM6A that puts immense alpha, and 6x SPL for pin-point damage. Remember to always unlock your arms, even though only 4 SPL is in the arms, it's still powerful.

Only use your SPLs on the opening volley or when the mech is still cool enough, and on the last volley, or when there's an exposed component. You can drop 2 SPLs for 2 more heat-sinks, resulting in better heat efficiency. You can even use the TBR-S single JJ to forgo one JJ for a hefty 22 heat-sink total. This allows you to shoot your lasers almost every volley.



TBR Dakka Fire Support - 3x ERML + 2x UAC5 [240] + 2x LRM5 [360], 16 DHS
TBR Dakka Fire Support - 3x ERML + 2x UAC5 [240] + 2x LRM5 [360], 16 DHS - *Warrant Omnipods
TBR-S Fire Support - 3x ERML + 2x UAC5 [240] + 2x LRM5 [360] , 17 DHS
WARRANT Fire-Support - 4x ERML + 2x UAC5 [240] + 2x LRM5 [360], 15 DHS
WARRANT Fire-Support - 3x ERML + 2x UAC5 [240] + 2x LRM5 [360], 16 DHS *Assymetrical, highmount laser

If you're interested in a hybridized Mid-Range fighter, then here's a mid-range version. Branching off from Dakka Vomit, this replaces some of heat-sinks, and one Medium Laser into two LRM5s and two tons of ammo each. Because of the less heat-sinks, there's only 3 ER-Medium lasers, and it still goes hot, still it's a decent bunch to augment your relatively cool uac5 fire. However the 2x LRM5s are nothing more than a fluff to this build. It will augment your damage, 10 damage at a time, every 3.5s, but realistically it's just for extra harassment.

If you want perfectly converged lasers, and you have Warrant omnipods, you can switch lasers and UAC positions into arms. UAC5 looks a lot more bad-*** in the arms that way.

If you want to have less JJ and more of something, you can make use of the TBR-S CT, but the build becomes assymetric, and the bad-*** look is gone and it's more of a Frankenstein's-monster looking thing.

If you had Warrant, since you had symmetrical ballistic arms, you can do it to that too. However due to missing center hardpoint, there's no energy in the CT to be symmetrical, you either have to use two or four laser -- which is either unimpressive or too hot, respectively.


TBR Plink Fire Support 2x UAC2 [300] + 3x ERML + 2x LRM10 [540], 16 DHS
TBR Plink Fire Support 2x UAC2 [300] + 3x ERML + 2x LRM10 [540], 16 DHS - *Warrant Omnipods
TBR-S Plink Fire Support - 2x UAC2 [300] + 3x ERML + 2x LRM10 [540], 17 DHS

If you can feel you can go with more LRMs and less ACs, you can opt for a UAC2 instead, and up your LRMs to LRM 10s.



TBR Plink-Streak Fire Support - 3x ERML + 2x UAC2[300] + 4x SSRM4 [200], 18 DHS

As with hybridized fire-support, if you feel that you can go even closer, you can opt for Streaks -- sometimes that fire-and forget nature is sweet, also it provides a bit of something for lights, and still can go far. It also goes a bit colder than the previous builds.


TBR-S Dakka-Streak - 3x ERML + 2x UAC5 [240] + 2x SSRM4 [200],15 DHS

It can be done with UAC5s and less Jump-Jets. But it is assymetrical, and you need the TBR-S for it's single Jump-Jet.



TBR-A Dakka-Brawler - (2x UAC5 [240] + 3x SRM4 [300] + 4x ERSL, 15 DHS)

A powerful hybrid dakka-brawler build. It's good at brawling, and it can still contribute long range. The SRM4s are adequate even without Artemis, and they have faster cooldown than SRM6s which means you can somewhat match the Dakka's pace.

As for the ERSL, as per the Brawler build, it's only used on opening volleys or when still cool enough, on the last volley, or when there's an exposed component that you can target and take out. Your main go-to is the SRM and UAC5. Try shooting at the head of the enemy to disorient it.

Still it's not as good as the former, bonafide SRM brawler with the Dakka element turning it into a face-tank, and still does less DPS, but it's fun and does work with a lot more situations, even if it loses on specialized builds.



TBR Dakka-Striker - 4x SRM2 [200] + 2x UAC5 [240] + 4x ERSL, 15 DHS

As with the Dakka Brawler, this mixes SRMs with the Dakka, with SRM2s you can put that into the extreme and just pound away with missiles. This makes it less bursty but more sustain-ey and dakka-ey, with full set of modules you can fire your SRM2s almost every time you can fire your UAC5s, but be warned because of the less-bursty nature, you face-tank more, and it runs hotter despite doing less alpha damage.

The extra JJ is requried due to omni-pod requirements, however make use of it for more mobility instead.



TBR-A Plink-Brawler - (2x UAC2 [300] + 4x SRM4 [400] + 4x ERSL, 15 DHS)

A hybrid brawler like the previous, but it forgoes the UAC5 with the weaker UAC2, for more Jump-Jets since 2 is still locked, and 1 more SRM4 for a total of SRM16 per blast. This builds runs a lot hotter even with slightly better DPS, the UAC2 looks ugly, but the symmetry, additional albeit unneeded extra Jump-Jets, the AC2 that allows you to plink from a distance is quite nice.

Simmilar rules and playstyle as the Dakka-Brawler, but that extra Jump-Jets may come into play.



TBR-A Laser-Missile Brawler - (4x MPL + 4x SRM4 [500], 24 DHS)
TBR-A Laser-Missile Brawler - (4x MPL + 2x MG [1000] + 4x SRM4 [400], 22 DHS)

One of the hybrids i came up with, this simulates weak Laser-Vomit at the same time adds a brawler. As opposed of the Meta bonafide SRM brawler, this shifts focus on the lasers while still having formidable missiles, allowing 32 Pinpoint Laser damage, while 34.4 Cumulative SRM damage.

Gameplay is somewhat different to the SRM brawler, that it shifts a bit more to the longer-range laser and is played as a poker, and the missiles are nothing more than a nasty surprise when they get in close and/or is close-enough. Compared to a bonafide brawler, you lose. The general brawling volleys are the Lasers first, and then shoot the SRMs twice, rinse repeat. When it's already too hot, cease fire, else if it's under SRM range you can just keep shooting your SRMS and/or MGs.

First iteration is Cooling intensive, but the second version forgoes two heat-sink and 1 ton of ammunition for two MGs and two more Jump-Jets for mobility. Use either at your discretion.



TBR Striker - 6x MPL + 2x SRM6A [200], 21 DHS
TBR-S Striker - 6x MPL + 2x SRM6A [200], 23 DHS, Warrant Omnipod
TBR-S Striker - 6x MPL + 2x SSRM6A [200], 21 DHS, Warrant Omnipod

A different take on the brawling build, this capitalizes more on the lasers; the Medium Pulse Lasers in focusing 48 damage at a single point, with a fluff of 25.8 by the SRMs. It will lose out on a brawling build, so it takes advantage of the increased range in poking, and destroying component instead. You don't dance with enemies, you hit and run.

If you prefer even more range, you can opt for streaks instead, however it will spread the 25.8 damage around the mech. It's while it's possible to be done with any variants, the best way to achieve this is the TBR-S with Warrant Right torso to maximize the tonnage.



TBR Poke-ATM - 2x ATM6 [270] + 6x ERML + LAMS, TCII, CAP, 21 DHS

A different approach to the ATM, this treats the TBR as a poker with supplementary direct-fire long-range missiles instead. It's like the striker, but with more range. Also comes with an LAMS, so you can help allies with incoming missiles.


Edited by The6thMessenger, 03 September 2017 - 07:50 PM.

#2 DavidStarr


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Posted 02 February 2017 - 12:03 AM

Thank you! Just picked up 2 TBRs on sale, your post is right on time.
I find the lack of free space and tonnage very annoying. Ebon Jaguar has way more build variety, for crying out loud (and possibly even more raw firepower).

Definitely gonna try your SRM brawler and dakka brawler, the builds look solid. Should work in FW, too, I hope.

Edited by DavidStarr, 02 February 2017 - 12:07 AM.

#3 The6thMessenger


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Posted 02 February 2017 - 01:55 AM

View PostDavidStarr, on 02 February 2017 - 12:03 AM, said:

Thank you! Just picked up 2 TBRs on sale, your post is right on time.
I find the lack of free space and tonnage very annoying. Ebon Jaguar has way more build variety, for crying out loud (and possibly even more raw firepower).

Definitely gonna try your SRM brawler and dakka brawler, the builds look solid. Should work in FW, too, I hope.

I wouldn't suggest Dakka Brawler on FW, cause it's usually the meta vs meta there, and you're not meta with dakka brawler.

#4 DavidStarr


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Posted 02 February 2017 - 04:07 AM

Could you elaborate? What would be meta TBR builds? Laser vomit? I feel it's not a good platform for that. And in my experience pretty much any brawler works well in FW.

#5 The6thMessenger


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Posted 02 February 2017 - 06:34 AM

View PostDavidStarr, on 02 February 2017 - 04:07 AM, said:

Could you elaborate? What would be meta TBR builds? Laser vomit? I feel it's not a good platform for that. And in my experience pretty much any brawler works well in FW.

Not that i'm the absolute authority, but this is just my take on these things. While just doing whatever build works for Solo-queue random drops, that is both QP and FP. FP you are able to fight premade groups even when solo queued, and if they are a large premade group made of the same unit, they are usually the type that don't **** around, they just won as soon as they dropped with you and your non-coordinated solo drops. And not ******* around usually means the mechs are properly optimized, along with them knowing their roles, and doing them -- cause they're coordinated like that.

The general meta is the PPFLD, it's to minimize face time and chance to retaliate, while doing the most damage at a shortest time. This is where PPC flourishes over laser cause even if an LPL deals 11 damage over 0.67s, the PPC deals instantaneous 10 damage, and because of that they don't have to stare enemies down and are less likely to take damage -- all you have to do with a PPC is shoot then hide, while you need to stare for 0.67s with an LPL with a 0.67 window of being shot back. Okay, now we've established the PPFLD philosophy, the "meta".

TBR has a lot of build, i can't say that there's just one "meta build" for TBR, rather there are "meta builds" for the what they are aimed to do, like if it were Gauss Vomit, Laser Vomit, Dakka, LRMs, etc.

6 SPL and 4 SRM6A is "meta-build" because it's what works best upon a brawling role, it's completely specialized on a single role, even if it sucks at everything else -- it's that one specific setup (or a range of setup, sometimes people just go 4x SPL or 5x SPL but the thought is same) that works better than the rest and is the general go-to.

But the 4x ER-SL + 2x UAC5 + 3x SRM4 is hybridized, while it's "good" at two roles like dakka and brawling, it's not going to out do those completely specialized on brawling, and those completely specialized on dakka.

And considering the PPFLD philosophy, you can just shoot all your rockets at once and burst your laser, then torso twist and side shield to spread damage, but with the Dakka element of the Hybrid Dakka, you have face-time that compromises you -- the meta is ain't in your side with the Hybrid Dakka.

I would advise you to go Full-Meta in FW for the best chance of success, cause those that are coordinated have a leg up on you, don't surrender the other one.

#6 DavidStarr


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Posted 03 February 2017 - 09:48 AM

Thanks for the detailed explanation.
It's not enough to bring a meta build, though. One needs to understand how to play it right. For instance, I don't like PPCs at all and have much better luck with dakka even though it requires face time. just saying.

#7 The6thMessenger


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Posted 03 February 2017 - 03:06 PM

View PostDavidStarr, on 03 February 2017 - 09:48 AM, said:

Thanks for the detailed explanation.

It's not enough to bring a meta build, though. One needs to understand how to play it right. For instance, I don't like PPCs at all and have much better luck with dakka even though it requires face time. just saying.

Sure i guess.

#8 ShooterMcGavin80


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Posted 18 April 2017 - 02:09 PM

Great post, awesome builds. I look forward to one day giving a couple a shot!

#9 Sup Conejo


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Posted 28 May 2017 - 06:10 AM

For solo new player which of ur builds recommend more? Tried the SRM build but is hard to close without getting ***** hhehe :D

Edited by Sup Conejo, 28 May 2017 - 06:11 AM.

#10 The6thMessenger


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Posted 01 June 2017 - 02:54 AM

View PostSup Conejo, on 28 May 2017 - 06:10 AM, said:

For solo new player which of ur builds recommend more? Tried the SRM build but is hard to close without getting ***** hhehe Posted Image

On your environment since you're a rookie, i assume that you're in some LRM hell? Maybe you should bring your own.

TBR-S LRM-Boat - (4x LRM10A [1080], 4x ML, 17 DHS, CAP)
TBR-S SSRM-LRM Hybrid - (2x LRM15A [720] + 2x SSRM6 [300] + 4x ERML, 15 DHS, CAP)

Or something as straightforward as Dakka Vomit, it's just lasers and dakka.

TBR-A Dakka Vomit, 4x ERML + 2x UAC5 [300], 18 DHS
TBR-A Dakka Vomit, 3x ERML + 2x UAC10 [240], 15 DHS

If you're the type that snipes with lasers, while i don't advise it, use this:

TBR-A ER-LL Sniper - (3x ERLL, 6x ER SL, 24 DHS)

#11 Audacious Aubergine


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Posted 01 June 2017 - 04:55 AM

View PostThe6thMessenger, on 01 June 2017 - 02:54 AM, said:

On your environment since you're a rookie, i assume that you're in some LRM hell? Maybe you should bring your own.

TBR-S LRM-Boat - (4x LRM10A [1080], 4x ML, 17 DHS, CAP)
TBR-S SSRM-LRM Hybrid - (2x LRM15A [720] + 2x SSRM6 [300] + 4x ERML, 15 DHS, CAP)

Or something as straightforward as Dakka Vomit, it's just lasers and dakka.

TBR-A Dakka Vomit, 4x ERML + 2x UAC5 [300], 18 DHS
TBR-A Dakka Vomit, 3x ERML + 2x UAC10 [240], 15 DHS

If you're the type that snipes with lasers, while i don't advise it, use this:

TBR-A ER-LL Sniper - (3x ERLL, 6x ER SL, 24 DHS)

*quietly steals the UAC10 build*

#12 J0anna


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Posted 04 June 2017 - 08:16 PM

Interesting builds, With all the recent changes, I find the Timber Wolf rather lacking. Anything it can do, another mech seems to do better. The high mounts on the Ebon and the HBR are better for poking, the missile and structure quirks on the Mad Dog make it superior for missiles (not to mention the lack of those exposed shoulders), the Orion IIC with it's armor quirks and same or better (if you use the A or S torso) mobility becomes a superior brawler and the PPC/Gauss meta belongs to the NTG. PGI has effectively nerfed the TBR into obsolescence.

Thanks for the builds, I was looking for something it could do differently, but still haven't found it. A small comment, the UAC jam chance reduction is worthless. It's 5% of a 17% chance to jam, so Jam chance drops to about 16.2%. I've removed it from all my builds and replaced it with 2 cooldowns.

#13 ScreamingSkull


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Posted 06 June 2017 - 03:41 AM

View PostJ0anna, on 04 June 2017 - 08:16 PM, said:

Interesting builds, With all the recent changes, I find the Timber Wolf rather lacking. Anything it can do, another mech seems to do better. The high mounts on the Ebon and the HBR are better for poking, the missile and structure quirks on the Mad Dog make it superior for missiles (not to mention the lack of those exposed shoulders), the Orion IIC with it's armor quirks and same or better (if you use the A or S torso) mobility becomes a superior brawler and the PPC/Gauss meta belongs to the NTG. PGI has effectively nerfed the TBR into obsolescence.

Thanks for the builds, I was looking for something it could do differently, but still haven't found it. A small comment, the UAC jam chance reduction is worthless. It's 5% of a 17% chance to jam, so Jam chance drops to about 16.2%. I've removed it from all my builds and replaced it with 2 cooldowns.

Try the Prime with default pods. 5 ER MLs 2 MGs 2 aLRM15s. I've only had 2 matches with it so far but I did 900 damage the first one and 1000 the second. Being able to fight at mid range without getting in people's way to fire shots and pump out damage constantly is pretty useful. Don't play it as a turret.

43 in firepower (10% velocity, 10% laser duration, 5% spread, 15% high explosive, +1 missile rack), 13 in survival (structure focused), 18 in mobility (right side), 8 in operations (4% cool run), 8 in sensors (40% derp, 1.4 target decay)

Edited by ScreamingSkull, 06 June 2017 - 03:46 AM.

#14 Steel Raven


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Posted 06 June 2017 - 08:19 PM

View PostJ0anna, on 04 June 2017 - 08:16 PM, said:

With all the recent changes, I find the Timber Wolf rather lacking.

It's not as much as the T-Wolf is lacking but other mechs are catching up. It's not a bad thing people are no longer complaining about the Orion IIC's performance.

Laser boat builds are still great, missile load out are far from bad (not that it is not a Mad Dog niche but honestly, it's the only thing I like about the Mad Dog) The Ultra Jams hurt every mech across the board.

#15 Metus regem


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Posted 08 June 2017 - 12:32 PM

View PostJ0anna, on 04 June 2017 - 08:16 PM, said:

Interesting builds, With all the recent changes, I find the Timber Wolf rather lacking. Anything it can do, another mech seems to do better. The high mounts on the Ebon and the HBR are better for poking, the missile and structure quirks on the Mad Dog make it superior for missiles (not to mention the lack of those exposed shoulders), the Orion IIC with it's armor quirks and same or better (if you use the A or S torso) mobility becomes a superior brawler and the PPC/Gauss meta belongs to the NTG. PGI has effectively nerfed the TBR into obsolescence.

Thanks for the builds, I was looking for something it could do differently, but still haven't found it. A small comment, the UAC jam chance reduction is worthless. It's 5% of a 17% chance to jam, so Jam chance drops to about 16.2%. I've removed it from all my builds and replaced it with 2 cooldowns.


I've found that my TBR-METUS to be performing better, when combined with this skill set:

Skill for TBR-METUS

#16 Nerokar


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Posted 15 June 2017 - 03:30 AM

View PostJ0anna, on 04 June 2017 - 08:16 PM, said:

Interesting builds, With all the recent changes, I find the Timber Wolf rather lacking. Anything it can do, another mech seems to do better. The high mounts on the Ebon and the HBR are better for poking, the missile and structure quirks on the Mad Dog make it superior for missiles (not to mention the lack of those exposed shoulders), the Orion IIC with it's armor quirks and same or better (if you use the A or S torso) mobility becomes a superior brawler and the PPC/Gauss meta belongs to the NTG. PGI has effectively nerfed the TBR into obsolescence.

Sure you are right. But hey it is still TBR... one of the best looking and most iconic clan mechs! It is not as effective as in its glorious past? Great! Less of them on the battlefield. And honestly, it is still a good one.
Brawling with a TBR ~TBR-D
Maybe I'll try something like this TBR-D Sure it would fit ON1-IIC-A much better, but hey its not a MADCAT...

#17 Oleksandr


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Posted 17 August 2017 - 02:53 AM

Do anyone know a good build with new heavy lasers for Timby?

#18 ShooterMcGavin80


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Posted 17 August 2017 - 08:28 PM

View PostOleksandr, on 17 August 2017 - 02:53 AM, said:

Do anyone know a good build with new heavy lasers for Timby?

Heavy lasers use up a lot of critical slots for not much tonnage, so I think you're going to be challenged to get them to work on a clan heavy or assault. I've tried to get a dual HLL to work on the Ebon Jag, and you end up running out of space before you run out of tonnage, and have to end up going with a non optimal loadout. And frankly the HLL's longer cooldown time means you can't poke as often. So I think the HLL's are best suited to mediums or lights that have more critical slots than available tonnage.

Although... maybe...


You're going in to battle with a half ton unused, but the heat efficiency and alpha doesn't look too bad.

#19 Oleksandr


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Posted 19 August 2017 - 12:58 AM

View PostShooterMcGavin80, on 17 August 2017 - 08:28 PM, said:

Heavy lasers use up a lot of critical slots for not much tonnage, so I think you're going to be challenged to get them to work on a clan heavy or assault. I've tried to get a dual HLL to work on the Ebon Jag, and you end up running out of space before you run out of tonnage, and have to end up going with a non optimal loadout. And frankly the HLL's longer cooldown time means you can't poke as often. So I think the HLL's are best suited to mediums or lights that have more critical slots than available tonnage.

Although... maybe...


You're going in to battle with a half ton unused, but the heat efficiency and alpha doesn't look too bad.

Intersting build.

For now I am using such two - TBR-C(C)-2CERLL+4HML+2SRM6ARTEMIS and WARRANT-2CERL+4HML+2SRM6ARTEMIS.
As for me they are not bad, but they become hot during intense battles.

I want something like this - 2HLL+4MPL on Warrant and I will try to use your build on the TBR-C.

Do you use nodes in the skill tree, that decreases the duration of beam? I do not fill any difference with 2 of such nodes, with 4 maybe, but I need to take many unnecessary nodes for that. So I prefer do not to use any of them and just increase mobility, armor or range.

#20 ShooterMcGavin80


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Posted 19 August 2017 - 10:08 AM

View PostOleksandr, on 19 August 2017 - 12:58 AM, said:

I want something like this - 2HLL+4MPL on Warrant and I will try to use your build on the TBR-C.

Do you use nodes in the skill tree, that decreases the duration of beam? I do not fill any difference with 2 of such nodes, with 4 maybe, but I need to take many unnecessary nodes for that. So I prefer do not to use any of them and just increase mobility, armor or range.

Interesting, when theorizing the HLL's on the Ebon Jag, I also ended up with 2xHLL, 4xMPL. I tried it a little bit but I think the 2xLPL 4xERML is just better. Better range, and better weapon synchronizing. The MPL's and the HLL's have such a different cooldown that you will be temped to poke to fire just your MPL's while your HLL's are on cooldown. But laser vomit works best when you do a massive alpha strike poke and burn with everything. The long cooldown of the HLL's really forces you to have patience, and like I said - the faster poking tempo you can take with LPL/ERML I think is better in most situations.

And yeah, if you are going laser vomit with mediums or larges of any kind (and possibly even small lasers), I think it is definitely worth it to go big and grab ALL the laser duration nodes and most if not all of the heat gen nodes. For instance, with the HLL if you get all the duration nodes the duration of the HLL is actually slightly shorter than a standard ERLL, which helps immensely.

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