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Weekly Review - July 20th

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#21 Solis Obscuri

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Posted 20 July 2012 - 11:01 AM

View PostManDaisy, on 20 July 2012 - 09:12 AM, said:

Except for a brief few seconds, more video could have been shown on how to properly utilize the shield arm of the centurion. Also the shield should be big enough to only merit a 45 degree twist instead of a full 90 degree twist which cuts off view, in order to use the arm in this way. 1:30 video mark centurion properly using its arm.

I'll give you a 45º twist... ;)

#22 Wardog316


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 11:06 AM

You asked [beta key]:
How was the Centurion video? Could it have been 20% [beta key] more awesome? Tell us how [beta key]!

This is way too easy... If I were the Mech pilot, it would 100% more awesome.

(hopefully I do not need to explain that innuendo.... [beta key])

In case you missed the subliminal message [beta key], I will repeat [beta key]

#23 fett


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 11:43 AM

I was sort of surprised with the Spider, but not disappointed.

I know that all of the fans of non-stock mechs will just say you can make any chassis into an 8/12/8 machine, the fact is that out of the box the Spider is as fast as it gets, AND appears to have the narrow profile it is known for. This thing will be very tough to hit.

If the developers deliver on the promise that all mechs will have their purpose, why not go to the extreme? I mech with 8/12/8 is practically an aerospace fighter. And when it wants to escape,... good luck catching it. Up, up ans awayyyy!

#24 xxx WreckinBallRaj xxx


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 11:50 AM

The Centurion video was great I just hope all the other Mechs are going to get one. They would be very helpful to people that don't know much about the Mechs or their variants and are making shopping decisions. The video could have been longer but it basically said all there was to say anyway, assuming viewers already know about weapons.(And if they don't they should research those on their own)

#25 Colonel Cody


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 11:56 AM

Yeah. I like the idea of the Testimonials and the Salesmen's pitch "Justin Xiang-Allard says "My Yen Lo Wang kept me safe throughout my Solaris 7 career and destroying the Capellan Confederation from the inside. I love this mech"!

Edited by Colonel Cody, 20 July 2012 - 11:56 AM.

#26 BFett


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 12:02 PM

For Desktop Wallpaper 7 could we please have another in-game screenshot (Maybe of the Centurion)? That would make next week 20% more awesome.

#27 Crimson Dux


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 12:08 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 20 July 2012 - 09:00 AM, said:

How was the Centurion video? Could it have been 20% more awesome? Tell us how!

O O K K K... you asked for it. Sorry for the incoming wall.

1st of all: the audio.
You have to decide. What you want? FX, music or voice? Then boost the volume of it. You cannot have a voice-off semi-muffled by sound of gunfire in the closeup shots.
Voice. Ok... The text is not the most glamorous but the voice is as dull as the contents. It doesn't have energy, it's too monotone.

2nd. Video.
You don't know anything about MWO. You see a video about it. You start it: Oh! Its about a mech! The Centurion! The "epiphany of a balance mech"! Cool! It's the one being shot at in 50% of the video, right?
Where, but where you have a visual indication that make him stand out of the other mechs? Isn't this video about him? You don't have any better footage than him hiding behind containers? He look so bad *** there...
The frozen city footage isn't working. Silhouettes in a blank background isn't the most appalling thing.

3nd. Editing.
The cut isn't right (it's difficult for me to explain). Per ex. at 0.18, you waste 1 second with nothing, then some lasers and the fight start putting the visual tension at the right of the screen. When the mech explode you cut without even showing him hit the ground. What? 1 second of anticipation then you cut the result by half? Then you have a scene with the elements in the center.1 1/2 seconds later you have the centurion coming from the right. Good! But why wait so long? To show an AC20 shoot of the hunchback? And when the enemy start exploding you cut to another scene (0.29) with 3 seconds of nothing. You see what I mean? I could write pages about the editing.

Ideas for the future
Show the "star"! An extreme close up of the mech "face" with a traveling from/to the back ground. Something, anything that make me be excited about him.
Put a slowmo in the beginning of the video: mechs forming up to fight, a la beginning of the MW4 missions.
You are talking about variant. Show the mech lab before talking about each of one. Footage of selection of a torso there: its dinamic with lots of colors, life. Or put a still with some schematics. It will beak the continuous rhythm and provide some variety.
Less cockpit footage. More zoom and close combat.
And please have the "star" do the killing blow! Show his enemy dying and not having him turning around his foe, shooting without any immediate effect.

I'm tired of analyzing this, have to go anyway.

#28 Redshift2k5

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Posted 20 July 2012 - 12:34 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 20 July 2012 - 09:00 AM, said:

Could it have been 20% more awesome? Tell us how!

An Awesome would have made it 100% more awesome :) I hope more videos are forthcoming, the masses are hungry

#29 TimberJon


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 12:58 PM

I really want to go to the Nvidia event. Did all of the invites go out yesterday?

I think my invite got stuck. Can you send it again?

#30 coolnames


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 02:11 PM

My honest & constructive critique of the Centurion video:

It would have been proper to visually identify which mech the Centurion is right from the get-go. A larger portion of the viewers are not going to know which it is, and are forced to assume.

The use of static text to identify the scene might be a good companion to the narration. Such as, in the corner of the video list the mech variant ID when describing it and watching it in action.

As others have said, I too really enjoyed the serious tone the video has, as if it were an actual product showcase from a defense contractor. Those videos are typically bland, and while the content and stats primarily sell the showcased product, in your case, some added (subtle?) flair to the video will help leaps & bounds... IMO :)

Looking forward to seeing more!!

#31 Endude


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 04:37 PM

I guess here is as good a place as any to say thank you. Feed back and inside info has been so awesome, and the founders invites were the icing on the cake ( I know my got lost in the mail, no big deal ;) ) The spider looks beyond cool, cant wait to see it in action, and the centurion is boss too. And not to jump on the "Duncan for MWO" band wagon but..... Seriously though, the game looks amazing, you are all rockstars and I cant wait to play through some of this starstruck brain muck to give constructive feedback instead of just oooing and aaahing. Cheers.

#32 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 05:17 PM

Concerning the Centurion video, Everything that Crimson Dux said. I'd particularly like to add that the video didn't seem to follow the narrative of the audio; it was just shots of Centurions fighting in general, not necessarily anything to do with what was being spoken. For example, at 0:41, the narrator says "Moving to the CN9-AH..." and we do indeed have a cut. Is it to the CN9-AH? No. It's another CN9-A. Likewise, demonstrating the -AH's "knockout punch" at 0:51 with a clip of an -AH firing its AC/20 and getting a kill would be great, or a sequence of clips around 1:17 showing the -AL both sniping with its large laser and knife-fighting with its medium and small lasers to demonstrate its effectiveness "at all ranges". In fact, unless I'm mistaken, nowhere do we see the -AH or -AL variants in the clip at all (all the Centurions I saw were labelled CN9-As. Not sure how to tell between the AC/20 and the AC/10, but none fired lasers from the arm.)

As far as identifying it goes, the first clip, we don't get anything we can reliably identify as a Centurion (okay, we're riding in one, but that doesn't help us know what it looks like, and there's one ducking behind cover, but again, its not labelled and we only half see it). The second clip, the narrator starts talking. "The Centurion is a humanoid,..." oh, its humanoid, right. So...its the humanoid 'Mech I can see on screen? The one with the red glowing eyes? Oh wait, what's the behind it? And now we've got another cut. To a silhouette. And then a Centurion hidden behind some buildings. Then another silhouette. The first decent, labelled shot of the Centurion is at 0:49, almost halfway through the video. Yes, you've got concept art for this, but you haven't linked to that from the YouTube site, so you're either preaching to the choir or failing to identify what it is you're talking about.

Aside from that, it was a very nice video. Some nice bits of footage to chew on and some good info on the 'Mech. I loved the salesman style pitch, and look forward to the next one!

#33 Zeon x LobbieZ


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 05:32 PM

cant wait for this game to come out!!

#34 Red squirrel


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 11:01 PM

I would love to have a video for each confirmed mech. It is good to know more about the variants of the mechs. And the salesman style is great.

About the 20% more awesome....I think the shield was not shown in action properly
And I agree with what Murphey said. You should actually show the variants you are talking about.
(e.g Talking about the CPLT-K2 you should not see a CPLT-C1 shooting LRMs........)

Finally to people complaining about the strikt hard point system. I think it is important to have limitations. Otherwise you can just transform each mech into each other ....

Edited by Red squirrel, 20 July 2012 - 11:10 PM.

#35 Svenz


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Posted 22 July 2012 - 08:18 AM

Centurion video was off the hook :o

#36 HandofDeath


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Posted 22 July 2012 - 08:51 AM

View PostTeam Leader, on 20 July 2012 - 09:07 AM, said:

You mean to tell me it's already been a week since the last weekly review? Feels like just yesterday!

I hope you can say that in two more weeks

Atlas Video would be nice! Not that I'm picky

#37 John411


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 12:49 AM

As a TT MW player from back in the day, I knew the Spider was going to eventually show up. I did not expect any info this soon however.

#38 Dragunz Pryde


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 05:59 AM

I have to admit, the centurion build sparks my interest. It seems a very well balanced Mech with both good firepower and survive-ability. As far as the comments calling it plain in look, well i have a feeling they are working hard on providing us pilots with ways to truly personalize our Mechs. I cannot wait until the BETA hits on the 7th....WOOT!

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