QueenBlade, on 06 February 2017 - 02:04 PM, said:
50 50, you're only thinking 1 drop. Start thinking multiple drops. Think 4+ hour worth of drops on a planet. Suddenly the importance of keeping your mechs working becomes an issue when you are low on cbills.
As for the retreat, you have the eject mechanic. Currently the game rewards players with 'salvage bonus' for when they destroy an enemy mech, which is based upon the % of hp left when the enemy is destroyed. That same mechanic can be used to determine the repair cost as it accurately determines how much of your mech was left.
While there are players out there with huge c-bill fortunes amassed and there is a potential need to have a c-bill sink in the game, I think implementing repair and rearm with a c-bill cost would be a detrimental move to the mode. If you are a bit poor on funds and had a bad drop in Faction Play that costs you millions to recover from, it would create a flow on effect of removing players from the mode and sending them back to Quick Play, which reduces population, increases wait times and puts up the question: "Why drop in Faction Play when you can lose all your money?"
This effect would be lessened with using Unit Coffers and would provide us with another use for the coffers, but it has the same problems and hits smaller units harder.
For a c-bill sink, a logistics cost to commit a drop deck to a battle has a better approach and as an upfront cost, sets expectations better and is more visible.
For repairs and re-arm I would suggest using resource points and keeping it really simple. At least to begin with.
I will agree with you that repairs and rearm becomes relevant when thinking of fighting over multiple engagements or a prolonged engagement. Faction Play could move in one of two directions at this point.
Option 1 - Keep the stages
Existing setup, but we commit a single drop deck to all stages and measure attrition across them...... I actually started writing up the process in more detail but it got away from me a little so I'll put it in another post.
EDIT: Ok, got more time to write now but I'll try and keep it short here.
The existing setup using stages has a variety of limitations and really misses some great opportunities but if we want a cheap and quick update we could do this:
1. We make our progression through the stages individual. Your team wins. You go to the next stage. You don't and you either play the same stage or go back one stage. Get to invasion stage, win, get a 'success pip' for your faction to be tallied against the other faction at the end of the attack phase. Start the process again at the first stage.
2. When you commit your drop deck, it's for as many stages as you can manage. A mech gets destroyed/lost in one stage, it's not available for the next one. This creates attrition.
3. Use our match scores as an accumulated resource stored on our drop decks. Mechs cost a certain number of points to repair/rearm. Keep it as a simple, click the button, target the mech in the deck and mark it as 'under repair'. It will be available for the next battle.
There are several natural advantages to this but there are several disadvantages as well and I think we could have a better system overall for Faction Play.
Option 2 - Prolonged engagement
This means combining the modes into one bigger battle and having it all work dynamically.... once again, too much detail, saved for another post.
EDIT: If we really want the mode to encompass a lot of items on our wish lists and also address several nagging problems such as spawn camping, limited objectives and wait times we have to move to an open warfare style of game and accept it is a fair bit of work. That is:
1. Combine the modes into one big mode. That means putting all the objectives from all the modes into one map.
2. Change the purpose of holding those objectives. For repairs and rearm, we use the Conquest points to accumulate resource points on our drop decks. The more points controlled the faster we collect points so it creates a continual reason to fight over them.
3. We then spend those points using a repair button and target the damaged or destroyed mechs in our deck. They get a repair timer in addition to just costing X points.
Edited by 50 50, 07 February 2017 - 01:30 AM.