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Repair & Rearm

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Posted 02 April 2017 - 11:20 AM

View PostMerlin Kell, on 02 April 2017 - 11:11 AM, said:

lets tax ourselves for the better good.

without those taxes you wouldn't be able to play this game. You would spend every waking second working. Be thankful nobody is coming to your door, footing your the bill for the millions of dollars needed to fix roads and maintain public services.

Socialism is how the working class gets to afford all the neat stuff, because the USA government doesn't pull straws and say, "ahh now it's merlins turn to pay for all the officers in the county. Which would cost you millions. You can't pay the police, the firefighters, emergency services, all on your salary. It takes millions of dollars from as much people as you can tax. Which are all public institutions by they way. Although I am sure you don't use any road you personally don't pay for yourself.

Edited by BLOOD WOLF, 02 April 2017 - 11:23 AM.

#82 Merlin Kell


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Posted 02 April 2017 - 12:01 PM

View PostBLOOD WOLF, on 02 April 2017 - 11:20 AM, said:

without those taxes you wouldn't be able to play this game. You would spend every waking second working. Be thankful nobody is coming to your door, footing your the bill for the millions of dollars needed to fix roads and maintain public services.

Socialism is how the working class gets to afford all the neat stuff, because the USA government doesn't pull straws and say, "ahh now it's merlins turn to pay for all the officers in the county. Which would cost you millions. You can't pay the police, the firefighters, emergency services, all on your salary. It takes millions of dollars from as much people as you can tax. Which are all public institutions by they way. Although I am sure you don't use any road you personally don't pay for yourself.

HAHAHAH tard you drank the Kool aid didn't you... Revolution was fought for a 2% tax on Tea because it was excessive now we see 50% leave our paychecks and ding a lings like you say its merited. The more you give a government the more they will consume.



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Posted 02 April 2017 - 04:58 PM

View PostMerlin Kell, on 02 April 2017 - 12:01 PM, said:

Revolution was fought for a 2% tax on Tea because it was excessive

It was taxation without representation. 2% was not an excessive amount, and that's not debated academically. The problem is that the government had no right to tax them without representation in parliament.

Nowhere is their evidence that the taxes placed where a financial burden to the colonies.

Edited by BLOOD WOLF, 02 April 2017 - 05:01 PM.

#84 Lehmund


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 06:58 AM

View PostMechaBattler, on 06 February 2017 - 12:48 PM, said:

They should have a campaign mode with R&R. But have it be tied to a supply pool. A unit opts to take on a campaign. Every drop eats away at their supply pool based on how many mechs they lost and were damaged. As well as ammo expended. The more expensive equipment they use and the more of it that subsequently gets lost, the more that pool diminishes.

They could have some matches count as supply raids. Both in defending their own supplies and raiding supplies from the enemy. Even if you raid successfully, it won't stop the bleed of supply. You're going to run to ground eventually and end your campaign. You earn as many campaign points as you can. With prizes starting out at c-bill items, then MC, and perhaps a rotating pool of goodies to keep people coming back.

This wouldn't require special modes. It's literally just FP matches assigned a value. For me the most interesting thing would be seeing units having to run cheaper builds to wring out those last points of their supply pool.

I don't think R&R would work well here. The current reward system, though not perfect, works well enough. What could happen though is that there is some real life timer on mechs that get damaged in fights. That way, if you get some mechs destroyed in FW (which is most if not all matches), there is a timer before you can use that one in FW again, simulating time to repair, rearm and replace parts.

The only purpose of this would be a bit more realism/immersion, nothing more.

It could be used as a way to force players and Units to vary their approaches, do more deck management, have more excellent mechs available, or else they have to use Trial mechs to fill drop decks.

That would simulate the need for R&R without impacting in-match behavior as much.

I've also always been for capping entry into FW play preventing inexperienced newcomers to come in solo and get stomped though. If you are grouped up, that's fine, but solo players that are still Tier 5 by PSR really shouldn't be allowed in the complexities of FW IMO.

Doesn't take long to get to Tier 4 (or Tier 3) and by then even if you are still using Trial mechs (which are usually good builds), you have some experience and can get some things done.

Would help with frustration levels.

perhaps after my suggestion of R&R variation gets implemented, more steps towards MW immersion can be put in, like salvage reducing your repair timers, or salvaging some Mech pieces from the battlefield eventually "gifting" you a new omnipod or mech variant from the other side etc....

All good ideas to me.

#85 GoatHILL


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 11:52 AM


Could some please bring this or a like system up at the next round table.

#86 GoatHILL


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Posted 05 May 2017 - 11:39 AM

Another screenshot.

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#87 Lehmund


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Posted 05 May 2017 - 12:33 PM

View Post50 50, on 27 March 2017 - 01:37 AM, said:

Would this be due to the concept of attaching a cost just to re-arm?
What if it wasn't a c-bill cost?
Or what if there was no cost and it just took a certain amount of time?
Would that tilt it the other way and then we have people bringing builds with only 1 ton of ammo and as many ACs as they can fit?

Repair time would be cool for FW. The more destroyed your mech was or the bigger it is (or more expensive it is in equipment), the longer it takes to repair. No C-Bills needed. That mechanic would work terribly at this stage. Would require pilots to have a good stable, get more mechs if they want to serially play FW, vary tactics a little.

My idea of the Salvaged scrap parts needed to repair mechs you dropped in CW (thanks CK16 for the primer on that).

Any kind of mechanic that let's players see just a tiny bit of realism or lore and play more in their mechbays would be good I think.

I'd enjoy that added depth, even though it's a little.

#88 GoatHILL


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Posted 08 May 2017 - 09:38 AM

I have seen multi 4 medium drop decks now on the IS side.

Please we got to have something that stops these 300 damage players dragging their teams down.

#89 Vanguard319


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 03:30 PM

A R&R mode would certainly hamper ballistic and missile boating. Most of the complaints came from players who were failing to break even because they were burning through ten tons of ammunition in every match, even if they had taken no significant damage. It was never a serious issue for people who used less ammo and more balanced builds.

#90 GoatHILL


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Posted 11 May 2017 - 11:03 AM

Damn I was almost leet.

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#91 invernomuto


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Posted 11 May 2017 - 11:19 AM

View PostQueenBlade, on 06 February 2017 - 01:09 PM, said:

A repair / refit mechanic could be used to basically create the "hard core" mode that PGI sold the idea to us on back at the Launch event.

- A timer would be applied to a destroyed mech. The user can wait out the timer to use said mech again or they can pay a fee (that diminishes as the repair time reduces) to ready the mech for deployment.
- Planets could be given purpose by allowing bonus' like reductions on costs and timers for variants, chassis', and even weight classes.
-- extending off this idea, planets that are tagged by a unit could receive higher bonus' towards defending the planet as well as passive bonus' to repair / refit
- Based on faction populations contracts could be made out to cover the costs of repairs and/or refits.
- Ranking system could be used to decrease the cost, as well as increase your pay (Rank 1 should not make the same as a Rank 5, 10, 20 etc).
- Players would not be forced to pay to have your mechs repaired, but rather the mech would be placed on a timer until repairs are completed. Paying a cost would just make the mech immediately ready for deploy.
- Loyalists cost to repair / refit would be cheaper than mercs, but mercs would have higher payouts

Very good points, I like them.

#92 GoatHILL


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Posted 11 May 2017 - 11:45 PM

Just to give clan potatoes equal time.

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#93 50 50


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Posted 12 May 2017 - 01:08 AM

View PostGoatHILL, on 28 April 2017 - 11:52 AM, said:


Could some please bring this or a like system up at the next round table.


Repair, rearm or loot.

People like their c-bills. (I know I do)
People don't want to go into a match thinking that you can earn X c-bills but then can't use that mech again unless you spend X*2 c-bills outside of the match.
However, we can use an alternative currency resource points and then be allowed a choice to either spend those points to repair our mech to stay in the battle longer, do more damage, reap more rewards, earn more c-bills...... or.........

.....take the points and run with the loot!!! Woohoo!!

It changes from being a penalty to a choice.
It changes from a cost to being less of a bonus.

Plus.... I don't think it;s that hard to implement if we start with something simple.

#94 Zuesacoatl


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Posted 12 May 2017 - 02:10 AM


Was here for the original RR. There is not enough funds given in game to allow for RR to happen, even with a C-bill boost. During original RR, with the higher pay out, you did not make enough profit to make the game worth while. Sure it is great for lore junkies, but in a PVP based game, it has no place. There is enough punishment in FW, i.e. recruitment cost, lack of payout if you choose a faction you love over a paying faction, etc etc. Leave this mechanic to mech 5 and just enjoy MWO for what it is, a PVP game based in the setting of mechewarrior. You start putting RR in FW, and you will see the already depleted FW numbers drop even more.

#95 SuperFunkTron


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Posted 12 May 2017 - 06:00 AM

I'm not sure if it was addressed specifically in this thread, but an alternative to Repair and Rearm (with similar effect) would be to integrate that into the rewards calculations. If repair and rearm are being addressed, it's quite clear that we are dealing with the logistical portion of war and thus need to explore that factor more in depth.

I believe that 2 steps can address the concern in a reasonable fashion:

1. Faction Specific Mechs- all mechs available to a player start with a baseline c-bill/xp reward. When part of a faction, mechs that fall within that faction's set of typical mechs gain substantial bonuses to a) incentivize the use of Faction Specific Mechs and a ) address the logistical issues of mech parts and repair costs for less common chassis.

2. If we really want to push the idea of ammo having a cost, then a small amount either for each round fired or for ammo destroyed. The cost should be kept somewhere between a symbolic amount and allowing "poor" players to afford their use. Depending on the size of the cannon being used, the "cost per bullet" can be adjusted, but we should realistically be thinking that about 500-1000 c-bills per a ton of (U) AC 20 ammo is a high point and work down from there. Paying for access to the ammo in the mech lab can essentially be viewed as setting up the delivery line while the the small, post match cost is there to remind us that there is a cost for ammo based warfare

We will obviously see a shift toward laser oriented builds in newer and poorer players, but it would address both the desire of many to see a cost as well as the logical issue of logistical pathways.

*Disclaimer- "Poor" refers to those low in c-bills in MWO. It is not aimed to describe anyone's money management skills, character, or life choices.

Edited by SuperFunkTron, 12 May 2017 - 06:13 AM.

#96 GoatHILL


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Posted 07 June 2017 - 09:44 AM

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#97 GoatHILL


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Posted 24 June 2017 - 10:46 AM


#98 Medicine Man


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Posted 24 June 2017 - 07:56 PM

View Postnehebkau, on 06 February 2017 - 11:54 AM, said:

I am quickly developing the opinion that it is best to NEVER ask PGI for anything. You are not going to get what you expect and often get something that you don't want.

Agreed.. This company is almost as bad as EA.

#99 Monkey Lover


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 02:07 PM

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Drop in one(first in months) just to see how many I would get. We had 3 that did under 150dmg per mech.Even the clan side had 1 who disconnect after doing about nothing lol

I 100% support a balanced cbill repair and rearm.

#100 GoatHILL


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Posted 28 October 2017 - 07:58 PM


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