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Stock Mech Campaign - The Galtor Campaign

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#1 Seth


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Posted 06 February 2017 - 11:46 PM

This scenario marks the beginning of the Galtor Campaign. This scenario will take place on February 7th, at 930PM EST on the House Steiner server. Address is ts1.housesteiner.com, no password.


Galtor, once a planet that flourished under the Star League and could produce enough food to feed hundreds of worlds, could no longer feed itself under the heavy-handed stewardship of the Draconis Combine. For over 200 years, the citizens of Galtor resisted their Combine overlords while begging the forces of the Federated Suns for help. In the 3020’s Galtor was one of the planets that traded hands during the countless border skirmishes between the Fed Suns and DCMS. It was not until scientists on New Avalon pegged the border planet of Galtor as being a likely location of an intact Star League base did the planet truly capture the First Princes attention. The possibility of an intact Star League base existing on the planet after centuries of occupation by the Draconis Combine was dismissed out of hand. However, Hanse Davion saw a golden opportunity to embarrass the Dragon by luring them into a trap with irresistible bait: an intact cache of Lostech. So it was that in 3025 that Davion had a fake Star League base built on the planet and leaked the rumor of an intact Star League base to Combine spies. As the AFFS readied their trap, an actual intact Star League base was discovered on the planet. Instead of luring the most prestigious units in the DCMS into a trap over a worthless prize, those same units were instead burning towards a cache of priceless Star League technology. It is only the intense rivalry of the two DCMS generals that gives the outnumbers AFFS units any kind of advantage.

Posted Image

This scenario will consist of five rounds and the teams will be fixed throughout the scenario. The two teams will be assuming the role of Mercenary units in the employment to the two Great Houses. The tech level will be restricted to tech level 1. No hero Mechs. The following Mechs are not available during this period: Wolfhound, Raven, and Cataphract. Additionally, due to high demand across the Inner Sphere, the Hunchback 4P and Grasshopper 5H and 5N will rarely be available. Finally, to try to replicate the attachments that MechWarriors had with their machines during this era, each player will carry over the Mechs used in the previous rounds. In each new round, both teams will be permitted to replace one Mech. Balance will be achieved by permitting the losing team to replace two Mechs.

The Campaign


Map: Canyon Network

Mode: Skirmish or Domination (DCMS choice)

Average Tonnage: 45 tons per player

As the DCMS forces lead by General Yoryoshi engaged the AFFS forces led by General Mandella, two mercenary units employed by both factions met north of the Wagnall Plain near the suspected Star League depot. Both forces are expected either take or retain control of the rough terrain that provides a barely navigable pass through the western mountains.

Objective: The DCMS team has been tasked with taking control of the pass and securing the western flank of the Star League depot while the AFFS team must keep control if possible and keep up the appearance of defending an important facility. Both sides must include a Jenner and a Centurion among their forces.


Map: Tourmaline

Mode: Conquest or Assault (AFFS choice)

Average Tonnage: 45 tons average plus 10 tons

The overall commander of the AFFS defenses on Galtor lies dead. He was last seen desperately holding off a battalion of Mechs from the cockpit of his Crusader to buy time for his shattered command to retreat. As the AFFS forces rally at the true location of the Star League base far to the south, the AFFS mercenary unit has been tasked with holding the Wuhan Pass to buy as much time for the Davion units to repair and rearm.

Objective: The AFFS unit must again fight to hold a pass through the western mountain ranges, this time to prevent a flood of DCMS units from destroying the retreating Federated Suns units. The total tonnage for this round is 10 tons more than total of round 1.


Map: Veridian Bog

Mode: Skirmish

Average Tonnage: 45 tons average plus 15 tons

While the bulk of the AFFS forces on planet rendezvous at the Star League depot, a small detachment of Davion units has been tasked with defending the planet’s capitol of New Derry. The AFFS unit defending the city barely rates as combat ready, and so mercenaries have been assigned to augment the outlying defenses and serve as a picket force. While the DCMS has assigned an overwhelming force to the assault, they have assigned the task of scouting out the marshy area surrounding the city to their own mercenaries.

Objective: The DCMS mercenary force must find and destroy the AFFS units that no doubt lie in wait in the swamps outside the city and open the way for their assault companies to push in. Both sides have an additional 5 tons over round 2 for this mission.


Map: River City

Time of Day: Dusk

Mode: Conquest or Domination (previously defeated team’s choice)

Average Tonnage: 45 tons average plus 35 tons

As the sun sets, the AFFS forces have continually given up ground within New Derry. Block by block, the DCMS force has advanced towards the city center. But even so, they have had to pay for each meter with far greater losses than they have inflicted on the small defending force. The Mercenary unit that had served as a scouting force outside the city, when faced with the advancing battalions of Kurita Mechs, had no place to go but to fall back into the city. The only place left for them to go is to attempt to escape to their dropships. However, the spaceport and surrounding area must first be secured long enough for the dropships to be able to safely launch.

Objective: The previously defeated team has their choice of game modes to take control of the spaceport. The DCMS must prevent the AFFS units from escaping and deny the Davion units on planet from receiving much needed reinforcements. Recognizing the importance of this battle, both Kurita and Davion employers have made an exceedingly rare Grasshopper available to their respective Mercenary commands. Both sides have an additional 20 tons available to them over round 3


Map: Crimson Strait

Mode: Previously defeated team’s choice

Average Tonnage: 45 tons plus 45 tons

As the attack on New Derry concluded, DCMS forces massed on the eastern side of the Wuhan Pass. Though AFFS had amassed a large force to defend the pass from the east, the DCMS managed to perform a daring, though costly drop in the field west of the pass and north of New Wuhan. The AFFS forces in the pass were effectively surrounded and trapped within the pass. The few Davion units stationed within the city attempted to contest the combat drop, but were outnumbered nearly 2-1. After taking heavy damage, the Suns units must withdraw and have chosen to abandon the city and meet up with the last remaining large concentration of AFFS units at the Star League facility. The AFFS mercenary unit has been assigned to a delaying action within the city to buy the Davion units time to retreat. Not willing to allow the Davion units to retreat in good order, the forces north of New Wuhan City have split into two. One half will work to crush the Federated Suns units still within the Wuhan Pass while the other pursues the escaping AFFS units. A small mercenary unit under the employment to the DCMS will clear the city of remaining defenders.

Objective: The previously defeated team will be able to choose the game mode for the final round.

Where to Join In

Matches will be organized on the House Steiner TS3 server. The address is ts1.housesteiner.com, no password. The start time will be at 9:30 pm EST, though we might have a couple of warm up matches while we wait for stragglers. No sign-ups required, all are welcome!


Q:Where can if find information on the different tech level loadouts?
A:Tips and information on the stock Mech matches can be found on the official forums here.

Q:Do I need to build the Mechs myself?
A:No, there's an option in the private lobby that temporarily resets your Mech back to the stock loadout. HOWEVER (!), you do need to have a valid build on your Mech. That means, it needs an engine, enough heatsinks, and at least one weapon. If your Mech has a red icon in the Mech Lab, it's missing something.

Q:Do I need to own the Mech to play with it in a stock match?
A:Yes. If you're missing Mechs for a tech level (see the forum link above), you can take a trial Mech and their champion build will be reset to the correct stock build.

Q:Are there any restricted Mechs?
A:Tech 1 Mechs will be allowed and no hero Mechs will be permitted. You can see a list of Tech 1 Mechs here: http://i.imgur.com/oYkbfos.gif

Q:Will this be streamed for me to watch?
A:You can watch it from my point of view here: https://www.twitch.tv/jfc_seth.

Edited by Seth, 07 February 2017 - 11:17 AM.

#2 Chound


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Posted 07 February 2017 - 05:09 PM

is the information on tech level 1 mechs listed elsewhere? I don't know what those green things are.also the font is too small I can't read the list

#3 Baphomech


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Posted 07 February 2017 - 05:21 PM

Is anyone planning to record this? I'll watch the hell out of the replays!

#4 WVAnonymous


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Posted 07 February 2017 - 05:38 PM

Still in the office, but I hope your campaign is a rousing success! It's a shame more people don't use MWO as a tool for "distributed tabletop" games.

#5 Seth


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Posted 07 February 2017 - 05:48 PM

View PostChound, on 07 February 2017 - 05:09 PM, said:

is the information on tech level 1 mechs listed elsewhere? I don't know what those green things are.also the font is too small I can't read the list

This is a list of the Tech 1 Mechs in the game:
Posted Image

View PostBaphomech, on 07 February 2017 - 05:21 PM, said:

Is anyone planning to record this? I'll watch the hell out of the replays!

I plan on streaming this on my Twitch channel (www.twitch.tv/jfc_seth), so you can watch it from my point of view in the replay video section.

View PostWVAnonymous, on 07 February 2017 - 05:38 PM, said:

Still in the office, but I hope your campaign is a rousing success! It's a shame more people don't use MWO as a tool for "distributed tabletop" games.

There's a few us out there, thanks though!

#6 BWS2K


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Posted 08 February 2017 - 10:50 AM

Looks like it'll be a lovely time! Sadly, I own no qualifying mechs, lol. Happy Gaming!

#7 Seth


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Posted 08 February 2017 - 01:43 PM

View PostBWS2K, on 08 February 2017 - 10:50 AM, said:

Looks like it'll be a lovely time! Sadly, I own no qualifying mechs, lol. Happy Gaming!

Several of the trial mechs are Tech 1 Mechs, so you can always use one of those. Those include the Griffin 1S, Spider 5K, Stalker 3F, and Zeus 6T. The Grasshopper is also Tech 1, but it's pretty OP in these situations and won't be used. If you picked up the NCIX Centurion over the Christmas break (I hope you did), that is also a Tech 1 Mech. Other than that, the tech 1 Mechs are quite cheap since they come with nothing fancy on them.

#8 BWS2K


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Posted 09 February 2017 - 08:54 AM

Thanks Seth - you're right, and I realized that after I posted. Thing is, I'm a Clanner and don't have the resources to make the Grid Iron or Centurion work, and the trial mechs... won't I just get laughed at? lol Anyway. I hope it went well!

#9 Seth


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Posted 09 February 2017 - 04:29 PM

Those Mechs are reverted to their stock loadout, so no, you wouldn't get laughed at. All efficiencies and quirks are turned off as well, so it doesn't matter if you have any of the basics done on them or not. I've bought an Enforcer 4R and never actually dropped it in a real game. And if you picked up that NCIX Centurion (I hope you did), then that's a pretty solid choice.

#10 Baphomech


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Posted 10 February 2017 - 09:20 AM

Finally watched the replay - great work, Seth! I really enjoyed watching these fights play out - the methodical approach that is needed is pretty cool. Heat management and accuracy are even more critcal, so it creates a lot of tension when every shot has to count. You cleaned house in that Grasshopper!

More of these lore-based stock campaigns would be awesome!

#11 Hoffenstein


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Posted 12 February 2017 - 11:50 PM

The next one of these is on Tuesday?

#12 Seth


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Posted 13 February 2017 - 10:22 AM

Yes. I had to move them to Tuesdays because of my night class on Wednesdays. So each campaign should be the first three Tuesdays of each month. I'll have the second scenario description up tonight as well has how prizes will be determined.

#13 Seth


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Posted 13 February 2017 - 11:29 PM

I mentioned in the Reddit post of this that I am planning on getting some prizes out to players in this campaign. Rather than rewarding the top team, I am planning on turning the lances into each team into rivals and rewarding the top lance in each team. Additionally, the top player on each team will get a prize as well. The scores for each player will basically be one part match score and two part Mech handicap. The Mech handicap is derived from Solahma's BattleStats spreadsheet. Look under the tab with quirks and efficiencies turned off to see the raw numbers. So far, the only rating I've changed is to place the CN9-A above the CN9-AH in rating. In each match, the ratings of each Mech is compared to the average rating of each Mech on their team and the pilot's Mech is divided into the average score to get score around 1. For a Mech who's BV (Battle Value) is below the average (worse than the average Mech), their BV bonus will be above 1. For those who's BV is above the average BV, their BV bonus will be below 1. Further, I amplified the difference from the norm by 25% to really reward those who take underwhelming Mechs vs those who take the closes to the Meta stock Mechs can offer.

To see the full spreadsheet and how each score was calculated, you can view this online Excel spreadsheet.

For the prizes, the top lances for scenario 1 will receive a Davion or Kurita Banner standing cockpit item as a token of appreciation from their First Lord or Coordinator, depending on the side they fought for. The top player on each team will receive a Davion or Kurita Stained Glass hanging cockpit item in recognition of their championing for their faction.

For the first scenario, the following have been recognized by their respective Houses:
  • Bravo Battalion, AFFS Mercenary unit

  • General Yorinaga's Lance, DCMS Mercenary unit

  • Davion Champion - Ultramek
  • Kurita Champion - BFHKitteh

#14 Seth


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Posted 14 February 2017 - 02:58 AM

This is the second scenario in the Galtor campaign. This scenario will take place on February 14th, at 930PM EST on the House Steiner server. Address is ts1.housesteiner.com, no password.


The Draconis Combine has landed on Galtor enforce, using the rumor of an intact cache of Star League technology as the impetus for the invasion. Truth in fact, the rumor of the Star League depot that had reached the Dragon’s ears was one planted by Hanse Davion, leader of the Federated Suns. Knowing that the Draconis Combine could never ignore such a valuable prize, he ordered his forces on planet to set a trap by building a fake Star League depot and surrounding it with minefields. The plan was to embarrass the DCMS by heavily damaging their best units in a pointless attack on a worthless prize. It was to the First Price’s surprise, then, when an actual intact Star League depot was found a few thousand kilometers south of the recently constructed fake depot. Instead of a worthless prize, the best the Draconis Combine had to offer was on the cusp of gaining control of a depot full of Star League technology that was defended by outnumbered Federated Suns forces and a mish-mash of mercenaries and Galtor militia forces. Only the intense rivalry of the two DCMS invasion leaders, Warlords Yorioshi and Samsonov, has prevented a total rout. It seems neither believed the rumors of the Star League depot presence on the planet in the first place and are more concerned about embarrassing each other than truly investigating the rumors. The Federated Suns must reinforce the units on Galtor before they collapse. To do so, they'll have to reconquer the nearby planet of Marduk first.

Posted Image

This scenario will consist of five rounds and the teams will be fixed throughout the scenario. The two teams will be assuming the role of Mercenary units in the employment to the two Great Houses. The tech level will be restricted to tech level 1. No hero Mechs. The following Mechs are not available during this period: Wolfhound, Raven, and Cataphract. Additionally, due to high demand across the Inner Sphere, the Hunchback 4P and Grasshopper 5H and 5N will not be available. Finally, to try to replicate the attachments that MechWarriors had with their machines during this era, each player will carry over the Mechs used in the previous rounds. In each new round, both teams will be permitted to replace 1/3 of their force after each scenario. Balance will be achieved by permitting the losing team to take an extra 5 tons per person.

The Campaign


Map: Mining Collective

Mode: Conquest

Average Tonnage: 30 tons per player

When the DCMS invaded Galtor, they also invaded the nearby planet of Marduk. As the closest planet in the Federated Suns to Galtor, the conquering of Marduk would cut-off the possibility of reinforcements being sent to Galtor. The AFFS must re-conquer the planet if they are to have any hope of relieving the besieged forces on Galtor and prevent the Star League technology there from falling into their greatest enemy’s hands. The lone moon of Marduk, Kafuffle, would need to be the first objective in the reconquering of the system. A base on the surface, used as a transit point for the shipping of Mechs and equipment on the planet is a priority for the understrength Davion invaders.

Objective: Both forces must fight for control of the shipping and storage facility on the surface of the moon. Additionally, both forces must include at least one Jenner and one Panther in their drop deck. If either side can win via the primary objective of holding the facility long enough for reinforcements to arrive (winning via the conquest objective), they will have a salvage bonus of five tons in the next round.


Map: Viridian Bog

Mode: Assault

Average Tonnage: 35 tons average per player

Norse BattleMech Works is a huge Mech factory built atop a rare ore deposit on the continent of Tiber. The factory, constructed in the Tillerbee jungles, is a key objective for the Davion forces in their need for ammunition and equipment to supply the re-taking of Marduk. Just outside of the perimeter of the facility, both Kurita and Davion forces have set up hasty field bases to coordinate the capture and control of the valuable facility.

Objective: The opposing forces must either take or retain control of this section of the jungle. It provides the easiest access to the repair facilities of the near-by Mech factory and neither side can afford for the other to have control of it. If either side can win by capturing the enemy’s mobile command center (win by capture), they will have a salvage bonus of five tons in the next round.


Map: River City

Mode: Skirmish

Time of Day: (Previously defeated team’s choice)

Average Tonnage: 45 tons per player

New Pontiac, the capital of Marduk, is also the nearest urban center to the Norse BattleMech Works factory. As such, it can easily serve as a staging ground for resupply for a future assault on the Mech Factory in the nearby jungle. Securing the capital means securing the factory. Both sides have managed to press into service one of the Griffins produced in the local factory.

Objective: Both forces must attempt to take control of the capital city. Both sides must also include a Griffin as one of their two Mech choices for this round. If necessary, a Trial Griffin 1S can be chosen. As there is no second objective in skirmish, there is no salvage bonus for the next round.


Map: Forest Colony

Time of Day: (Previously defeated team’s choice)

Mode: Skirmish or Domination (previously defeated team’s choice)

Average Tonnage: 55 tons per player

Marduk is not only known for producing Mechs and weapons, it is also known for the many agricultural exports it produces. An army needs to eat, and the Federated Suns force will need either eject the Kurita forces in the region or to at least salvage as much food stuffs as possible to supply the forces that will be used to relieve Galtor. Kuritan forces are in no hurry nor low on supplies. They may either destroy the Davion forces or simply raze the central food storage facility in the region.

Objective: The previously defeated team has their choice of game modes to take directly fight the enemy or to take control of the food storage facility. Taking control of the food storage facility (winning via domination) will deny the other team the initiative of choosing the location of the final battle for Marduk.


Map: HPG Manifold or Viridian Bog

Mode: Skirmish

Average Tonnage: 65 tons per player

While the Kuritan Mercenaries have fought well, the main Kuritan House unit on planet, Moroushi’s assault battalion, has been utterly routed by the 33rd Avalon Hussars who performed a hot assault drop right on top of the battalion. Though Moroushi’s battalion has lost its nerve, the mercenary unit assigned to support it has not. The force that was just victorious near the agricultural center on the continent of Latvia has their choice to strike at one of the remaining garrison forces stationed near a mineral extraction facility or to head to the orbiting Kafuffle in preparation for leaving the system assuming they captured the food storage facility.

Objective: If the victorious team from round 3 managed to secure the food storage facility in round three (win by domination), they may choose to either fight on Caustic Valley or on HPG Manifold. Otherwise, Caustic Valley will be chosen by default.

Where to Join In

Matches will be organized on the House Steiner TS3 server. The address is ts1.housesteiner.com, no password. The start time will be at 9:30 pm EST, though we might have a couple of warm up matches while we wait for stragglers. No sign-ups required, all are welcome!



Q:Where can if find information on the different tech level loadouts?
A:Tips and information on the stock Mech matches can be found on the official forums here.

Q:Do I need to build the Mechs myself?
A:No, there's an option in the private lobby that temporarily resets your Mech back to the stock loadout. HOWEVER (!), you do need to have a valid build on your Mech. That means, it needs an engine, enough heatsinks, and at least one weapon. If your Mech has a red icon in the Mech Lab, it's missing something.

Q:Do I need to own the Mech to play with it in a stock match?
A:Yes. If you're missing Mechs for a tech level, you can take a trial Mech and their champion build will be reset to the correct stock build.

Q:Are there any restricted Mechs?
A:Tech 1 Mechs will be allowed and no hero Mechs will be permitted. You can see a list of Tech 1 Mechs here: http://i.imgur.com/oYkbfos.gif

Q:Will this be streamed for me to watch?
A:You can watch it from my point of view here: https://www.twitch.tv/jfc_seth.

Edited by Seth, 14 February 2017 - 11:10 AM.

#15 Seth


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Posted 20 February 2017 - 10:20 PM

This scenario is the final one of the Galtor Campaign. This scenario will take place on February 21st, at 930PM EST on the House Steiner server. Address is ts1.housesteiner.com, no password.


While the troops of the AFFS bled their strength out across the surface of Galtor, the 33rd Avalon Hussars and their attendant mercenary forces liberated the planet of Marduk. The way forward to Galtor was now open again to the Federated Suns and reinforcements could begin to relieve the besieged forces on Galtor. However, it could take months before relief forces arrive. In the intervening time, the AFFS forces remaining on planet must hold out, and if possible, repulse the Kuritian invasion while defending the Star League Depot and its cache of priceless equipment.

Posted Image

This scenario will consist of five rounds and the teams will be fixed throughout the scenario. The two teams will be assuming the role of Mercenary units in the employment to the two Great Houses. The tech level will be restricted to tech level 1. No hero Mechs. The following Mechs are not available during this period: Wolfhound, Raven, and Cataphract. Additionally, due to high demand across the Inner Sphere, the Hunchback 4P and Grasshopper 5H and 5N will not be available. In each new round, both teams will be permitted to replace two Mechs. Balance will be achieved by permitting the losing team to take an extra 10 tons in the next round. If the losing team is unable to destroy 50% of the defender’s Mech forces, they will receive an extra 15 tons per person. There will not be a requirement that only a few members of each team remain in their same Mechs in multiple matches during this scenario.

The Campaign


Map: Forest Colony

Time of Day: Night

Mode: Conquest

Average Tonnage: 30 tons per player

Soon after the fall of New Wuhan City, the beleaguered defenders retreated south to attempt to regroup with the remaining Federated Suns command centered on the Star League Depot. The retreating Davion forces are not aware they are being stalked by a Draconis Combine mercenary force hoping to take advantage of their disorganization. The Draconis Combine mercenary command is not aware that they are, in turn, about to be intercepted by a Davion mercenary unit hoping to save the remnants of New Wuhan’s garrison. Both forces encounter each other south of New Wuhan City, and both forces must sweep the area of any enemy units.

Objective: Both forces are concerned with securing the rearward area of the defeated garrison unit, though for the separate reason of either attacking or defending the remnants of New Wuhan City’s defenders. If the victors manage to win via the objective win, thus clearing the area of all enemy elements, they will receive 5 tons in a salvage bonus for the next round.


Map: Tourmaline Desert

Mode: Assault

Average Tonnage: 45 tons average

A full regiment of Federated Suns troops have been trapped within the Middle Way Pass. The defending Davion unit is outnumbered 2-to-1 and their only hope of survival is to escape to the west towards the Star League Depot. A Davion mercenary force must clear the pass of enemies, and if possible, capture the Kuritan mercenary mobile HQ to discern as much as possible about the DCMS force disposition in the area. A mercenary unit employed by House Kurita has been ordered to hold the area and prevent and units from escaping the Middle Way Pass. They, likewise, would like to capture the mobile HQ of the opposing Davion mercenaries for much the same reason.
Objective: The opposing forces must either take or retain control of the west end of the Middle Way Pass. The outcome of the battle will determine the fate of the Raman DMM Regiment. If either side can win by capturing the enemy’s mobile command center (win by capture), they will have a salvage bonus of 5 tons per person in the next round.


Map: Canyon Network

Mode: Domination

Average Tonnage: 55 tons average

Despite the location of the Star League depot serving as the nominal command center of the remaining Federated Suns forces on Galtor, the actual number of defending units at the site was quite low due to the necessity of deploying a great deal of their available assets to holding of the DCMS elsewhere. The DCMS was able to effectively walk in and assume control of the area and the largely underground Star League Storehouse. The AFFS has assembled an ad hoc force of regular, militia, and mercenary units to retake the depot. The defending Kuritan forces have gone largely underground and are threatening to blow up the depot. The Davion forces must take control of the area so they can re-enter the depot and defuse the bombs.
Objective: Both forces must attempt to take control of the area. If either side destroys the other without losing more than a quarter of their own force, they will gain a salvage bonus of 5 tons per person in the next round.


Map: River City

Time of Day: Dawn

Mode: Skirmish

Average Tonnage: N/A

Though organized resistance in the capitol of New Derry ended months prior, a few stubborn resistance fighters made up of disparate mercenary and militia forces still resist the meager Kuritan force left behind to mop up and secure the city. Both sides know the DCMS has grown tired of the endless guerilla raids and sabotage conducted against it and is organizing two full battalions of front line troops to re-enter the city and put down all resistance. The resistance knows they cannot hope to last long against fresh troops and must make their way to the spaceport and the hidden dropship there. Opposing them, the Kuritan garrison is hardly in better fighting condition than the resistance, but they need only to buy enough time for the fresh reinforcements to enter the city and crush the resistance.
Objective: Both forces are near exhaustion and have been destroying and salvaging the same dwindling supply of Mechs in the city for months. As a result, both sides will be restricted to taking only Tech 1 Trial Mechs. The previous victor will choose two assaults, one medium, and the rest light Mechs. The previously defeated team will choose two assaults and balance the tonnage between light and medium Mechs to match the tonnage advantage they should have. Both sides will designate of their assaults as being their commander. If the side that is defeated manages to kill the victor’s commander, the victorious side will suffer 5 tons per person penalty in the final round.


Map: Viridian Bog

Mode: Skirmish

Average Tonnage: 65 tons average, no tonnage bonus other than the condition at the end of round 4 applies to the final round.

AFFS reinforcements have finally began to land on Galtor after arriving from Marduk. Warlord Yorioshi, having taken an assessment of his position, has abandoned the campaign and left Warlord Samsonov to his fate. In the swamps northwest of New Derry, Warlord Samsonov is preparing a fighting retreat. The newly arrived reinforcements are not in place yet to stop Samsonov and the task of preventing his escape falls to the remaining Davion forces still in fighting condition. The Kuritan defenders must slow down the Davion attackers long enough for their Warlord to board a dropship and escape to Kuritan space.

Objective: Both forces are keen on the fate of Warlord Samsonov. The side able to take control of the area will be able to determine what that outcome will be. Both sides must include an Atlas and an Awesome in their force deck.

Where to Join In

Matches will be organized on the House Steiner TS3 server. The address is ts1.housesteiner.com, no password. The start time will be at 9:30 pm EST, though we might have a couple of warm up matches while we wait for stragglers. No sign-ups required, all are welcome!


Q:Where can if find information on the different tech level loadouts?
A:Tips and information on the stock Mech matches can be found on the official forums here.

Q:Do I need to build the Mechs myself?
A:No, there's an option in the private lobby that temporarily resets your Mech back to the stock loadout. HOWEVER (!), you do need to have a valid build on your Mech. That means, it needs an engine, enough heatsinks, and at least one weapon. If your Mech has a red icon in the Mech Lab, it's missing something.

Q:Do I need to own the Mech to play with it in a stock match?
A:Yes. If you're missing Mechs for a tech level (see the forum link above), you can take a trial Mech and their champion build will be reset to the correct stock build.

Q:Are there any restricted Mechs?
A:Tech 1 Mechs will be allowed and no hero Mechs will be permitted. You can see a list of Tech 1 Mechs here: http://i.imgur.com/oYkbfos.gif

Q:Will this be streamed for me to watch?
A:You can watch it from my point of view here: https://www.twitch.tv/jfc_seth.

#16 Peiper


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Posted 21 February 2017 - 01:04 AM

Wish I could be there! Always a good time!

#17 Seth


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Posted 21 February 2017 - 06:42 PM

This final scenario is rescheduled for next Tuesday due to the time conflicting with the patch. Next month's campaign will be scheduled on Thursday nights to avoid this in the future.

Edited by Seth, 21 February 2017 - 06:44 PM.

#18 Seth


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Posted 28 February 2017 - 11:56 AM

Just a reminder that the final scenario will be played out tonight after being rescheduled from last week.

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