Dee Eight, on 14 February 2017 - 10:40 PM, said:
Except...the black knights are already generically energy quirked, with only two having any particular energy class specific quirking (for ER PPC on one, and any PPC on another). The Orions all have generic weapon quirks that match their hardpoints and three of them have weapon specific quirks also. There's no REASON other than your own ones that you have to shovel nodes into all the hardpoint types your mech has. A lot of players exhibit an insane need to fill every hardpoint with a weapon, and this is apparently carrying over to the skill tree in a need to node out every weapon type. There are plenty more players though who don't see secondary and tertiary weapons as anything BUT that. Thus there is no need to go overboard with modules/skill nodes for them. Just because the skill tree lets you equip more nodes than we could before with weapon modules slots...doesn't mean you absolutely have to do so.
I was using the Black Knight as an example. I could have just as easily used the Lolcust-1E, or Archer-5W. The point is about node-efficiency. A mech with homogenous weapon hardpoints offers the
potential for one set of nodes to influence
all weapons. This is the core of that complaint.
Dee Eight, on 14 February 2017 - 10:40 PM, said:
Fair enough, but how many players have actually just bought ONE omni core chassis and continuously swaps pods/weapons on them ? I don't think the existing mech owner player base is worried to the extent a vocal minority seems to want to complain about it. I own a LOT of mechs, including a lot of omni's, and once I've settled on a build...i don't have a habit of changing it. Sticking to the Orions discussion, I own four of the five variants. The ON1-VA is the only one really suited to being an LRM centric as you put it, and if I wanted to do so with mine (its built with SRMs) I'd just buy another one and outfit it that way and then spend the time playing it to skill it up under the new tree system. But a game where other than speeding up match finding, there's actually no incentives to (other than for the minority fringe which still bother with FW) pick one mech tonnage over another. There are better LRM-centric IS mechs available than Orions. The Awesome 8R for example, especially if you're packing LRM15s.
[I need to turn sarcasm on for a moment to address this appropriately] Since there is that pesky Rule of 3 I rather doubt that anyone seriously intending to use
any mech bought only one variant.[/sarcasm]
Some people don't ever change their loadouts and that's fine. Others, well, maybe one day I want to run a painbow and the next a splatcat. I suppose I could have gone and bought another CPLT-A1, or I could pull off the LRMs and stick on SRMs. I went with the cheaper options. Sry.
And yes, I've made significant changes to my Omnis over time. Why? I didn't see a need to buy a TBR-A when all I wanted was the left torso. And those additional energy hardpoints resulted in a radically changed weapon load for one timberwolf. Likewise swapping an -S sidetorso for a -D (same weapons, but freed up tonnage by removing the jump jets that I then used to, well, you get the idea).
Dee Eight, on 14 February 2017 - 10:40 PM, said:
And how much XP do you have built up already on clan mechs you play a lot and change the builds on so frequently that this new tree will apparently be a problem for you ?
I'm not sure where your interest in my Clan mechs comes from. At this point I've mastered far more IS mechs than I have Clan mechs. I'd be very surprised if I didn't have many times the extra XP sitting on IS mechs than I do Clan mechs. And to be fair there are some chassis where the PTS1 XP/c-bill pricing won't be a problem...for me.
But don't I, as someone interested in the well-being of the game, have a vested interest in making sure that
all players are able to equally enjoy themselves? It is not the player with millions of XP squirreled away in a single variant, or billions of c-bills they haven't spent that will be most adversely affected by the current pricing schema. It will be the newer players coming into the game.
Dee Eight, on 14 February 2017 - 10:40 PM, said:
Instead of just declaring it bad/evil/whatever...why not actually nicely suggest corrections to PGI ?
I haven't declared the skill trees are bad or evil. Heck, I'll even quote my response to your request for an explanation.
Kael Posavatz, on 14 February 2017 - 08:12 PM, said:
I don't hate it, but I can try to explain the reasoning.
What I have done is point out what I see as issues. Some are self-explanatory (such as the absurdity of increased yaw on an urbanmech) that I see no reason
not to leave it at that. Others, such my issue with the implementation of skill-nodes for consumables, are a bit more involved and so require some explanation.
The point of critical feedback is not to fix another's problems (which isn't to say that alternatives cannot be proposed where and when it is appropriate). It is to identify and draw attention to
possible problems. The originator of the work is free to consider or ignore those criticisms as they see fit.
But, hey, I suppose I got what I deserved for replying to a post that specifically requested a reply from:
Dee Eight, on 14 February 2017 - 07:18 PM, said:
...someone who HATES the new tree that keeps crying about how folks can really only optimize their weapons to ONE type...
Because as I said, I don't hate the new tree, and I'm not crying about it. I just see some issues that I think need to be addressed.
Edited by Kael Posavatz, 15 February 2017 - 12:46 PM.