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New Skill Tree Encourages Boating And Reduces Experimentation?

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#1 Bullseye Bob


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Posted 08 February 2017 - 04:59 PM

There are many positive aspects of the new system, BUT:

1. Doesn't the new system highly encourage boating? I thought the new system was supposed to encourage build variation? If I equip various weapons and equipment, then my skill points will be spread out. If I only equip one type of weapon, then I can put all my skill points into that branch and give those weapons a much higher bonus.


2. One of the most fun aspects of Mechwarrior/Battletech is the ability to re-build and experiment with my mechs by changing equipment. I frequently change weapons and engines just for the fun of it, but now I need to focus on a single role for one variant and lock it in if I want to take advantage of the skill point system. If I have a favorite mech, do I now need three or four duplicates in order to experiment with different builds (and the corresponding multiples of c-bills and xp)? And no, I don't want to re-spec my mech every time I switch weapon types. And what about omnimechs? Hard to justify changing omnipods when each variant is locked into a certain role or weapon cless. And what about Hero's? Do I need multiple Gray Death's to run different load-outs efficiently? Or do I need to choose one load-out per Hero and never change?

Am I missing something?

#2 Weepy Wanebow


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Posted 08 February 2017 - 05:04 PM

hard points encourage boating. something with all energy hard points is going to boat energy weapons....under the current quirk system, most quarks only address one type of energy weapon anyways. This really isn't that different except that they should also include a tree for "energy weapons" "ballistic weapons" and "missile weapons" for a little bit more universal spread on bonuses. It could even work to were say you select "+?% cooldown on ballistics", then a "+same amount% cooldown to autocannons" node is blacked out and can't be selected.

#3 Christopher Hamilton


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Posted 08 February 2017 - 05:10 PM

given those prices people who e.g. own 4 nova prime or 3 centurion CN9-AH for different loadouts are very f**ked.
this thing will do exactly one thing: enforce meta built from concrete and huge amount of QQ/RQ the moment only one of those important nodes gets a change.

this is a combat game. not a MMO. there should be zero skill trees. all the skill should be in front of the screen, hammering the keyboard. mechs are FPS, not a ******* RPG.

#4 East Indy


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Posted 08 February 2017 - 05:23 PM

Yes, the gunbag issue. PGI needs to address it or this will go sideways fast.

Should be easily solved by giving 'Mechs strong first-tier quirks but sharply diminishing returns directly proportional to the variety of weapon systems available. Thus, mixed-loadout 'Mechs are best as jacks-of-all-trades while natural boats (Black Knight, Warhawk Prime) remain viable.

#5 Weepy Wanebow


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Posted 08 February 2017 - 05:26 PM

Honestly, I think the ability to unlock the any given skill tree should be based on 2 factors, number of similar hard points and weight class of mech. Assaults should only be able to unlock 50% of the structure and armor tree and anything with over 50% of its hard points being of one type should only be able to unlock 50% of any weapons tree with in that category.....this new system really hurts mechs that have an even spread of all three types of weapons

Edited by Smell Da Glove, 08 February 2017 - 05:31 PM.

#6 Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood


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Posted 08 February 2017 - 05:34 PM

I do plan on boating, but now I plan on having more diverse amounts of boats.

For example, instead of 6 ERML on all my Hellbringers because it works great, I could have a 6ERML Hellbringer, a 6MPL Hellbringer, a 4 ERLL Hellbringer, then something for my fourth one. The ability to actually quirk the thing now makes stuff like extra range on the MPL build, lower duration on the ERLL build, extra tanking, and various other things possible that previously weren't.

This said, I'm not one who often changes his builds drastically. Usually I'll pick one thing and refine it for each mech variant I have and will have a variant for different things. I'll be experiencing a boost in diversity while someone who regularly changes their builds are going to face even more costs than they do now.

In general changing builds and buying full weapon sets and new engines all the time is going to be bad for your income in general.

#7 Prof RJ Gumby


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Posted 08 February 2017 - 06:02 PM

Totally not thought out that division into 100 different weapon types with separate skills. We'll have even more boating than before. And don't get me started on lore/lorelike loadouts, these will go from tier underdog to tier target practice.

There should be 1 (say: ONE) universal cooldown skill, increasing cooldown on all weapons (and ROF on MGs). There should be 1 (ONE) universal range skill, one universal heat generation skill etc. Any other solution - boating gets another bonus it doesn't need at all.

Of course, it could be tweaked to fit certain mechs, so you would get i.e. on one mech 1 node could give 2% cooldown for ballistics and 1% on the rest, while on other mech it could be 2% for missles, 2% for energy, 1% for ballistics.

#8 Carl Vickers


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Posted 08 February 2017 - 06:16 PM

View PostDakota1000, on 08 February 2017 - 05:34 PM, said:

I do plan on boating, but now I plan on having more diverse amounts of boats.

For example, instead of 6 ERML on all my Hellbringers because it works great, I could have a 6ERML Hellbringer, a 6MPL Hellbringer, a 4 ERLL Hellbringer, then something for my fourth one. The ability to actually quirk the thing now makes stuff like extra range on the MPL build, lower duration on the ERLL build, extra tanking, and various other things possible that previously weren't.

This said, I'm not one who often changes his builds drastically. Usually I'll pick one thing and refine it for each mech variant I have and will have a variant for different things. I'll be experiencing a boost in diversity while someone who regularly changes their builds are going to face even more costs than they do now.

In general changing builds and buying full weapon sets and new engines all the time is going to be bad for your income in general.

I have 6 hellbringers just for this reason, 2 prime variants, 1 is a gauss bringer and the second is twin uac5 bringer. 2 A variants, one 6 mpl and the other 6 ermids, 1 B variant which is 4 erlarge and the loyalty variant which is 2 lpl and 3 ermids. All moduled and ready to go for FP. I know someone who has 7 timbers for the same reason.

#9 Amsro


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Posted 08 February 2017 - 06:47 PM

So far there is too much going on in this mech skill tree thing, going to take AGES for me to respec all my mechs.

Better not make a mistake, gonna cost you. Tried one setup, went back to try something else see how the changes effect the mech and got discouraged.

Need to be able to go to testing ground directly from the mechlab to test your build before paying.

#10 benben10


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Posted 08 February 2017 - 08:00 PM

View PostEast Indy, on 08 February 2017 - 05:23 PM, said:

Yes, the gunbag issue. PGI needs to address it or this will go sideways fast.

Should be easily solved by giving 'Mechs strong first-tier quirks but sharply diminishing returns directly proportional to the variety of weapon systems available. Thus, mixed-loadout 'Mechs are best as jacks-of-all-trades while natural boats (Black Knight, Warhawk Prime) remain viable.

^^^^^THIS was the first thought I had as well.

I cant think of any reason why not to do this other than people who want to boat.

#11 Admiral Brad


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Posted 08 February 2017 - 08:57 PM

I personally think that switching the first two levels of each tree to a more powerful general node would strongly benefit all the trees (not just weapons) and would help the Atlas-type with it's all weapon type configuration. To account for the benefits, the two starter nodes might cost double and the node allowance would need adjusting. After that the node tree can begin with the #3 nodes and any of the weapon specific nodes like UAC Jam and SRM spread.
For example:
The Laser Tree would have:
Basic (Includes Cooldown 1, Range 1 & Duration 1)
Expert (Includes Cooldown 2, Range 2 & Duration 2)
Specialist Nodes Tree (everything else)

The other option would be a generalist weapon tree that is exclusive (locks out) the specialist trees.

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