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Drop Site Question

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#1 Tomc300


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Posted 22 May 2022 - 05:19 AM

How are drop sites configured? I have been killed by Light mechs before even reaching the battle in my last 5 games. In every game my Atlas, and maybe one or two others dropped at least 500m from the rest of the team. The last game on Grim Plexus I was still 400m from my team when a Locust killed me. Why does this keep happening? If I was in a faster mech it might not matter, but I don't even try to fight lights anymore, it's a waste of time.

#2 w0qj


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Posted 22 May 2022 - 06:59 AM

A warm welcome to MWO, and congrads becoming a regular member of this forum!

Atlas is my favorite mech; here are some tips:

1. Minimum 48kph (much prefer 51kph or above, to keep up with the rest of your group while you travel counter-clockwise in a NASCAR manner!)

2. Know your maps. Grim Plexus has many diagonal minor pathways letting you join the rest of your group without going in a "L" path, since Atlas is rather slow.

3. Stick with your Lance mates (the green icon mechs beside you at the start of the game).
In general, many lance mates know the "best" way to the center of the map while conserving your armor.

4. For Grim Plexus and generally any map, turn your Assault towards the main group, and immediately take diagonal shortcuts to join them asap.

5. From the moment of "Start", press "W" and do not let go of it until you reach the center of the map where most battles occur.
(Repeat: never stop or slow down, otherwise Light mechs might catch you like you've just described above).

6. Assaults should never get separated from the group, otherwise Light mechs pick off isolated Assault mechs one by one.

7. Practice with your Atlas walking backwards into a wall or corner, for easier defense against Light mechs (so they cannot shoot you in the back).

Good luck!

Edited by w0qj, 22 May 2022 - 08:05 AM.

#3 The Basilisk


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Posted 22 May 2022 - 01:16 PM

View PostTomc300, on 22 May 2022 - 05:19 AM, said:

How are drop sites configured? I have been killed by Light mechs before even reaching the battle in my last 5 games. In every game my Atlas, and maybe one or two others dropped at least 500m from the rest of the team. The last game on Grim Plexus I was still 400m from my team when a Locust killed me. Why does this keep happening? If I was in a faster mech it might not matter, but I don't even try to fight lights anymore, it's a waste of time.

Hi Tomc300,

yes lights are a god damn nuissance for assaults so here a few tips.
Alwasy have some armweapons configured in a separate fire circuit !!!
UNLOCK your arms (right shift in most cases).
Do not try to shoot the feet of a light ... you will miss his legs --->> aim for the hips, this way you will hit at least its torso if not its legs.
If you have a generaly shaky aim toggle down your mouse move rate in the settings and adjust from there.

Read W0qj post above.
Stay with the team and learn the maps.
You can always drop in test training mode to go for a walk.
Use the akademie to improve steering and aiming.
Use the onslought program to test and improve basic aiming and the gountlet to improve movement and aiming.

#4 TheCaptainJZ


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Posted 22 May 2022 - 01:23 PM

Unfortunately, it seems some light pilots are trying to farm you and it's working. The key to avoid this is mainly map knowledge, but spawns on some maps do need to be reevaluated for this kind of thing. Grim Plexus isn't a particularly small map, so you should have time to group with your teammates before the locusts can traverse the map.

#5 ScrapIron Prime


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Posted 22 May 2022 - 05:53 PM

Its also not a bad idea to having a faster mech that you can run as an alt. Anything that clears 60kph is unlikely to be left behind and chewed on. The slower you go, the more experience you need to avoid getting eaten.

#6 TheCaptainJZ


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Posted 23 May 2022 - 05:34 AM

In Polar Highlands, I took out a King Crab a few weeks ago doing something like this. It actually took a while to kill his legs but he had trouble aiming at me because of my size and the uneven ground (some rocks in the way). His teammates didn't even try to help him that I could see. He was perched back a few hundred meters, not terribly far away. My team helped with some long range fire as well but it felt so good to take him down. Usually I don't play lights and usually I get destroyed trying to pull off a stunt like that because there's always another enemy that is able to drop me fast.

#7 Tomc300


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Posted 23 May 2022 - 03:02 PM

I appreciate the advice, but my original question stands. Light mechs aren't the problem, my dropsites ARE. Example, in a skirmish on Polar Highlands, I dropped with 2 Fleas and a Piranha, all who promptly took off for the center of the map. AT DROPTIME, all the rest of the Team (ALL) were 700m away. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful in getting a screenshot.
THIS is the problem, I consistently drop 500-700m AWAY from the Team. WHY?? This is my question. WHY is the system sticking me so far away?

#8 w0qj


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Posted 24 May 2022 - 03:23 AM

Perhaps you might want to give your feedback on the General Discussion Forum.
MWO does eventually make adjustments, but the feedback/action pipeline is quite long!

Today's 24-May-2022 patch also did slight spawn point adjustments:
~Tourmaline Desert: Skirmish spawn point all together now, to match that of Conquest & Assault modes
~Caustic Valley: increased spawn cover for both sides

#9 Gunfighter1964


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Posted 24 May 2022 - 03:44 AM

View Postw0qj, on 24 May 2022 - 03:23 AM, said:

Perhaps you might want to give your feedback on the General Discussion Forum.
MWO does eventually make adjustments, but the feedback/action pipeline is quite long!

Today's 24-May-2022 patch also did slight spawn point adjustments:
~Tourmaline Desert: Skirmish spawn point all together now, to match that of Conquest & Assault modes
~Caustic Valley: increased spawn cover for both sides

This will help a lot. I also figured it may be lag. I can't figure if it is my connection or server lag. I talked to some of the players in my last match and they said they had dropped and started moving up map when my dropship came in and dropped me and 2 other players. all 3 of us had ping over 150. mine is usually around 90. I don't have the greatest internet I admit.

#10 Void Angel


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Posted 24 May 2022 - 06:41 AM

So your problem is, by the time you enter the map, rest of the team - including parts of your own lance - is already in motion, and far away? It may well be that you're not loading into the game on time - take note of your location on the map, and ask teammates something like "why am I so far away? Did the match already start for you guys?" Hitting F9 (I think) to bring up the game's FPS/ping meter should give you some information on that - if your frame rate or ping fluctuate a lot, that might be diagnostic for your issue.

If loading times are the issue (or if they aren't!) use MrVaad's Excellent Performance Tweaks to optimize your PC's performance and help it load the game faster. You might also try troubleshooting your internet: check on the security of any wifi, and check to see if any other PCs on your network may be taking up bandwidth that might cause your network to slow down (particularly if you are connecting via wifi.)

Edited by Void Angel, 24 May 2022 - 06:43 AM.

#11 w0qj


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Posted 24 May 2022 - 03:41 PM

A warm welcome to MWO, and for joining our MWO Forums! Posted Image

And do not feel bad about lag...
FYI, I regularly play with average "200" lag, and can get to T2 if I really try (aka stop leveling up unskilled mechs + playing only with my favorite mechs).

View PostGunfighter1964, on 24 May 2022 - 03:44 AM, said:

This will help a lot. I also figured it may be lag. I can't figure if it is my connection or server lag. I talked to some of the players in my last match and they said they had dropped and started moving up map when my dropship came in and dropped me and 2 other players. all 3 of us had ping over 150. mine is usually around 90. I don't have the greatest internet I admit.

Edited by w0qj, 24 May 2022 - 03:43 PM.

#12 TheCaptainJZ


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Posted 25 May 2022 - 10:21 AM

Drop zones do need reassessed by Francois and adjusted. There are many where the team is spread out.
It used to be the lances were formed by having them sorted by weight class but that was changed I think. If there is a group dropping, they should be in Alpha lance. Beyond that, I'm not sure the logic anymore.

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