Also: HSL Quirk List: including BL (Binary Laser Canon, aka Blazer)
Running Patch Log List since April 2021 (aka Cauldron Changes):
18-Mar-2025 Mech Quirk, & Weapon Adjustments (New!)
~Warhorns from Legendary/Booster Mech Packs eventually available for MC! (I want that Enhanced Imaging warhorn!)
Mech quirk adjustments:
Mad Dog, Arctic Cheetah, Incubus, Jenner IIC, Vapor Eagle, Grand Summoner, Summoner, Night Gyr, Warhammer IIC, Clan Annihilator, Stone Rhino ' Commando, Osiris, Vulcan, Quickdraw, Rifleman, Roughneck, Thunderbolt, Grasshopper, Marauder, Cyclops, Mauler, Nightstar
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Clan Bullshark ' Catapult, Zeus, Bullshark
18-Feb-2025 Mech Quirk, & Weapon Adjustments
Map Adjustments: added QP Grand Conquest (2000+ ticket) spawn/capture locations for: Alpine Peaks, Free Worlds Colosseum, Bearclaw II, Test Map 4x4, HPG Manifold, Steiner Colosseum, Rubellite Oasis, Hibernal Rift
New mech chassis:
Fire Moth(!) ' '
Mech quirk adjustments:
Clan Flea, Kit Fox, Supernova, Clan Bullshark, Executioner, Stone Rhino ' Commando, Blackjack, Trebuchet, Stalker, Bullshark
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Commando IIC, Adder, Arctic Wolf ' Osiris, Roughneck
21-Jan-2025 Mech Quirk, & Weapon Adjustments
Minor Map Adjustments: Luthien, Alpine Peaks, Grim Plexus, HPG Manifold
New mech chassis:
Clan Flea Whitehead(!), Clan Archer Jaime(!), Clan Stalker Jamison(!), Clan Nightstar Brubaker(!) ' '
Mech quirk adjustments:
Madcat MK II, Executioner, Bane ' Trebuchet, Vindicator, Hunchback, Enforcer, Champion, Corsair
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
' Jenner
10-Dec-2024 Mech Quirk, & Weapon Adjustments
New Map: Luthien
Mech quirk adjustments:
Stormcrow, Summoner, Clan Bullshark, Bane, Stone Rhino ' Cataphract, Wolverine, Flea, UrbanMech, Jenner, Cicada, Centurion, Griffin, Shadow Hawk, Charger, Bullshark
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Madcat MK II, Viper, Gargoyle ' Locust
19-Nov-2024 Mech Quirk Adjustments
New mech chassis:
Bane(!) ' '
Mech quirk adjustments:
Mad Dog, Nova Cat, Summoner ' Urbanmech, Trebuchet, Wolverine, Thunderbolt, Zeus, Banshee
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Arctic Cheetah ' Stalker '
22-Oct-2024 Mech Quirk, Weapon, & Equipment Adjustments
QP Group Tonnage adjustment
Skill Tree: Magazine Capacity Skill Node bonuses adjusted
Mech Omnimech Change: Grand Summoner: unique set of SMN-II-E LT/RT with 4xJJ in each
New mech chassis:
Grand Summoner(!) ' '
Mech quirk adjustments:
Kodiak, Huntsman, Black Lanner, Stormcrow, Linebacker (S08 Pass), Gargoyle, Marauder IIC ' Raven, Phoenix Hawk, Assassin, Cicada, Hunchback, Cataphract, Banshee
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
' King Crab '
20-Aug-2024 Mech Quirk Adjustments
Mech quirk adjustments:
Adder ' Champion, Phoenix Hawk, Commando, Raven
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Stone Rhino ' '
23-July-2024 Mech Quirk Adjustments
Mech quirk adjustments:
Piranha ' King Crab, Behemoth (IS Stone Rhino)
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Linebacker ' Commando, Catapult, Marauder, Longbow
18-June-2024 Mech Quirk, & 'Jihad?' Era Weapon Adjustments
Mech quirk adjustments:
' Behemoth (IS Stone Rhino), Catapult, Raven, Cyclops
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Viper, Shadow Cat ' Locust, Cicada, Hatchetman, Phoenix Hawk
21-May-2024 Mech Quirk, & 'Jihad?' Era [u]Weapon Adjustment[/u][u]s[/u]
New mech chassis & warhorn:
' Bullshark (!)
Mech quirk adjustments:
Nova, Linebacker ' Bullshark, Blackhawk KU
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Cougar, Jenner IIC, Warhammer IIC, Highlander IIC ' Victor
[u]23-Apr-2024 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, [/u][u]'Jihad?' Era [/u][u]Weapon, & Equipment Adjustment[/u][u]s[/u]
Major Weapon Adjustments: 'Jihad?' Era & Civil War Era weapons
Major Weapon Adjustments: 'Jihad?' Era weapon ammo quirks for selected mechs & omnipods
Equipment Changes: IS/Clan ECM. ECM missile lock time decreased to only 2x times longer (down from 4x longer)
Map Adjustments: River City (Domination circle now 600m, up from previous 400m; only for this map)
New mech chassis:
' Black Hawk-KU (!)
Mech quirk adjustments:
Arctic Cheetah, Urbanmech IIC, Jenner IIC, Ice Ferret, Orion IIC ' Longbow
[u]19-Mar-2024 [/u][u]'Jihad?' Era Weapons (Part 2), Weapon, Equipment, & Mech Quirk [/u][u]Adjustments[/u]
New Weapon: IS: TBM5/TBM10/TBM15/TBM20 (Thunderbolt Missile)
New Weapon: IS: LAC2/LAC5 (Light Autocanon)
New Weapon: IS: SB Gauss (Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle)
New Weapon: IS: Magshot (Magshot Gauss Rifle)
New Equipment: IS: Light TAG (Light TAG)
New Weapon: Clan: PAC2/PAC4/PAC8 (Protomech Autocanon)
New Weapon: Clan: AP Gauss (AP Gauss Rifle)
New Weapon: Clan: Beam Laser (Beam Laser)
New Weapon: Clan: Plasma PPC (Plasma Canon)
New Equipment: Clan: ASP: Clan 'Mechs can now equip the same ASP (Advanced Sensor Package) as IS 'Mechs
Minor QP Map Adjustments: Solaris City, Bearclaw II, Mining Collective
Minor FP Map Adjustments: Emerald Taiga
Mech quirk adjustments:
Mist Lynx, Arctic Cheetah, Nova ' Flea, Cicada, Vindicator, Kintaro, Dragon, Jagermech, Marauder, Thanatos, Battlemaster, Highlander
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Vapor Eagle ' Banshee, Wolfhound, Longbow, Black Knight
[u]20-Feb-2024 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapon, & Equipment Adjustment[/u][u]s[/u]
Weapon Changes: LRM: firing arc reinstated back to its original 2023 value (now 150m, up from 100m)
Weapon Tweaks: Toned down RAC2/RAC5 muzzle flash effects. [Editor's note: AC2/LAC2 also better!]
Map Adjustments: Tourmaline Desert (Domination circle now 600m, up from previous 400m; only for this map)
Minor Map Adjustments: Hibernal Rift, Polar Highlands (spawn point changes for both maps)
Mech Omnimech Change: Executioner EXE-B-C(LGD): unique set of 2x ballistic hardpoint arms; 1xJJ in each leg
Mech quirk adjustments:
Warhawk, Executioner ' Black Knight, Hellspawn, Crusader, Jagermech, Victor, Mauler, King Crab
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
' Jenner, Longbow
[u]23-Jan-2024 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapon, & Equipment Adjustment[/u][u]s[/u]
Weapon Changes: LRM velocity /
Major Equipment Change: IS: ASP (Advanced Sensor Package--replaces the Command Console): gives TAG +20% range
Minor Mech variant hitbox adjustments: PIR-A, WHM-4L
Mech quirk adjustments:
Executioner, Stone Rhino, Adder, Viper, Black Lanner ' Victor, Osiris##
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Vapor Eagle ' '
[u]12-Dec-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapon, & Equipment Adjustment[/u][u]s[/u] (New!)
Equipment Changes: IS/Clan ECM range decreased to 90m (down from 120m). ie: -55% protection bubble area!
Major Equipment Change: IS: ASP (Advanced Sensor Package): can now be equipped by all Inner Sphere mechs
Equipment Changes: IS/Clan SHS; Clan DHS
Minor Map Adjustments: Steiner Colosseum, Bearclaw II
Mech chassis hitbox adjustment: Atlas, Cicada,
Mech quirk adjustments:
Stone Rhino, Urbanmech IIC ' Longbow, Warhammer, Commando, Vindicator, Thunderbolt, Annihilator
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
' Centurion, Marauder
[u]6-Dec-2023 [/u][u]Game/Server Stability Patch[/u]
~Fixed Centurion induced client program crashes
~Bolt-On database consolidated
~May need to unequip Bolt-On from the mechs that is currently equipped on to move them to other mechs
[u]21-Nov-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapon, & Equipment Adjustment[/u][u]s[/u]
New Map: Bearclaw II
New Equipment: IS: ASP (Advanced Sensor Package--replaces the Command Console)
Minor Mech chassis hitbox adjustment: Wolfhound (Right Arm hitbox tweak)
New mech chassis:
Clan Wolfhound (!) ' Longbow
New mech variants: Legendary + Loyalty + Platinum mechs!
Ice Ferret, Stone Rhino, Piranha, Adder ' Centurion, UrbanMech, Jenner, Jagermech
Mech quirk adjustments:
Viper, Clan Annihilator ' Centurion, Thunderbolt, Orion, Marauder II
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Arctic Wolf ' Wolfhound
[u]24-Oct-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapon Adjustment[/u]
Minor Map Adjustments: Viridian Bog, Test Map A
Mech quirk adjustments:
Vapor Eagle, Marauder IIC ' Marauder, Locust##, Commando, Blackjack##, Trebuchet##, Thunderbolt##, Awesome, Charger##, Banshee
[u]19-Sept-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapons Adjustment[/u]
FP Map Adjustments: Emerald Taiga
QP Map Rotation Weighting Adjustments. Incursion Mode removed.
New: Small cockpit in Atlas AS7-W(LGD) = 2x critical slots in the head
Quirk Adjustments: VPR-SCS(LGD) with SO6/SO8 Bonus only (Experimental: only for this specific mech variant!)
Champion Mechs: now with +15% CBills, and +15% XP bonuses. (Stacks with +CBills & +XP bonus cockpit items also!)
New mech chassis:
UrbanMech IIC (!) ' '
Mech quirk adjustments:
Viper, Executioner (SO8 Pass), Dire Wolf, Kodiak, Stone Rhino ' Atlas, UrbanMech, Bushwacker, Dragon, Catapult, Grasshopper, Orion
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Ice Ferret, Clan Annihilator ' Black Knight
[u]22-Aug-2023 [/u][u]'Jihad?' Era[/u][u] Weapons (Part 1), Mech Quirk, Skill Tree, & [/u][u]Agility/Mobility[/u][u] Adjustments[/u]
New Weapon: IS: BL (Binary Laser Canon, aka Blazer)
New Weapon: IS: SXPL / MXPL / LXPL (X-Pulse Laser)
New Weapon: Clan: HAG20 / HAG30 / HAG40 (Hyper Assault Gauss Rifle)
New Quirk: VPR-SCS(LGD) with
Mech quirk adjustments:
Viper, Executioner, Piranha, Adder (SO8 Pass), Nova (SO8 Pass), Gargoyle (SO8 Pass) ' Stalker, Phoenix Hawk
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Almost, All, Clan, Omnimechs, And, Battlemechs, With, Ammo, Bonuses ' Banshee, Rifleman, Raven, Firestarter, Blackjack, Hatchetman, Hunchback, Thunderbolt, Grasshopper, Black Knight, Battlemaster, Annihilator
[u]25-July-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapon, Skill Tree, & [/u][u]Agility/Mobility[/u][u] Adjustments[/u]
New Map: Ceres Metal Scrapyard
Mech chassis hitbox adjustment: Nightstar (Credits: Clan BRxV; separate review here)
New mech chassis:
Stone Rhino, Clan Annihilator (!) ' '
Mech quirk adjustments:
Marauder IIC, Executioner, Kodiak ' Annihilator, Nightstar, UrbanMech, Raven, Cicada, Hatchetman, Uziel, Wolverine, Dragon, Rifleman, Victor, Battlemaster, Fafnir, King Crab
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Mad Cat MK II, Blood Asp ' Catapult '
[u]20-June-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk Adjustments[/u]
Mech quirk adjustments:
Timber Wolf, Supernova ' Quickdraw, Cicada, Cyclops
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Black Lanner, Summoner ' Fafnir, Marauder II '
[u]23-May-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapon, Skill Tree, & [/u][u]Agility/Mobility[/u][u] Adjustments[/u]
FP Map Adjustments: Vitric Forge, Hellebore Springs, Sulfurous Rift, Emerald Taiga, Grim Portico, Boreal Vault
QP Map Adjustments: Canyon Network, Hellebore Outpost
QP Minor Map Adjustments: Grim Plexus, Frozen City Night, Viridian Bog, Vitric Station, Mining Collective,
Free Worlds Collosseum, Emerald Vale
Mech quirk adjustments:
Supernova, Arctic Cheetah, Hunchback IIC, Ebon Jaguar, Nova Cat (SO8 Pass), Summoner, Dire Wolf ' Cyclops, Shadow Hawk, Locust, Commando, UrbanMech, Raven, Wolfhound, Griffin, Archer, Cataphract, Corsair, Atlas
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Mad Cat MK II ' '
[u]18-Apr-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk Adjustments & Equipment Adjustments[/u]
Map Adjustments: Terra Therma Crucible, Free Worlds Colosseum
Mech quirk adjustments:
Marauder IIC, Mad Cat MK II, Ice Ferret, Stormcrow (SO8 Pass), Summoner (SO8 Pass), Timber Wolf ' Shadow Hawk, Fafnir, Osiris, Firestarter, Wolfhound, Vulcan, Phoenix Hawk, Hatchetman, Champion, Grasshopper, Black Knight, Annihilator
[u]21-Mar-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk Adjustments[/u]
New Map: Free Worlds Coliseum
Major Map Fix: Terra Therma Crucible
Mech chassis hitbox adjustment: Fafnir
Mech quirk adjustments:
Mad Cat MK II, Linebacker, Dire Wolf ' Fafnir, Jenner, Kintario, Dervish, Champion, Awesome, Hatamo-Chi
[u]21-Feb-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk Adjustments & Weapon Adjustment[/u]
Major Weapon adjustment: introducing the incoming damage reduction to torso shoulder(s) with large missile housing boxes (must have unused corresponding missile ammo left on mech to enjoy this damage reduction).
Mech quirk adjustments:
Hellbringer, Timber Wolf, Mad Cat MK II, Jenner IIC, Kodiak ' Battlemaster, Banshee, UrbanMech, Cicada, Vulcan, Hatchetman, Vindicator, Dragon, Victor
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Viper (SO8 Pass), Nova (SO8 Pass) ' '
[u]24-Jan-2023 Weapon Adjustments & Mech Quirk Adjustments[/u]
Map Adjustments: Canyon Network, Caustic Valley, Crimson Strait, Emerald Vale, Forest Colony,
Frozen City Classic Night/Snowstorm, Grim Plexus, Hibernal Rift, HPG Manifold, Polar Highlands,
Rubellite Oasis, Viridian Bog, Vitric Station
Mech quirk adjustments:
Incubus, Hellfire, Rifleman IIC, Orion IIC, Warhammer IIC, Marauder IIC, Warhawk ' Raven, Panther, Crab
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Mist Lynx (SO8 Pass), Viper (SO8 Pass), Arctic Wolf, Hunchback IIC, Hellbringer, Sun Spider, Timber Wolf (SO8 Pass) ' Vindicator, Crusader
[u]13-Dec-2022 Weapon Adjustments & Skill Tree Adjustment[/u]
New mech chassis quirks:
' Hatchetman
Mech quirk adjustments:
Viper (SO8 Pass) ' Crusader, Zeus, Cyclops
[u]22-Nov-2022 Map Fixes & Adjustments[/u]
Major Map Fix: Terra Therma
Map Adjustments: Emerald Vale, Grim Plexus, Hibernal Rift, HPG Manifold, Polar Highlands, Rubellite Oasis,
Vitric Station, Hellebore Outpost
Mech quirk adjustments:
Shadow Cat (SO8 Pass), Stormcrow (SO8 Pass), Ice Ferret (SO8 Pass) ' '
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
' Marauder
[u]18-Oct-2022 Quirk Pass #15[/u]
Mech quirk adjustments:
Mad Dog ' Osiris, Hunchback
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Incubus ' '
[u]20-Sept-2022 Quirk Pass #14[/u]
New Map: Terra Therma Classic (2022)
Map Adjustments: Vitric Station (aka the infamous 'Vitric Station Pink Bug')
Mech quirk adjustments:
Sunspider ' UrbanMech, Wolfhound, Assassin, Vulcan, Hellspawn, Blackjack, Hatamoto-Chi
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
' Hunchback
[u]23-Aug-2022 Quirk Pass #13, Weapon Adjustments[/u]
Mech quirk adjustments:
Cougar (SO8 Pass), Nova Cat, Warhammer IIC, Dire Wolf ' Commando, Hunchback, Dervish, Champion, Archer, Nightstar, Marauder II
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
' Phoenix Hawk
[u]19-July-2022 Quirk Pass #12, Weapon Adjustments, & Skill Tree Adjustments[/u]
Mech quirk adjustments:
Jenner IIC, Vapor Eagle, Mad Dog, Sun Spider, Dire Wolf ' Javelin, Firestarter, Wolfhound, Hunchback, Trebuchet, Banshee, King Crab
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
' Jenner, Phoenix Hawk
[u]21-June-2022 Quirk Pass #11, & Weapon Adjustments[/u]
New Map: Vitric Station
New mech chassis quirks:
' Crusader
Mech quirk adjustments:
' UrbanMech, Panther, Jenner, Phoenix Hawk, Awesome, Annihilator
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Piranha, Mist Lynx, Viper ' Highlander
[u]24-May-2022 Quirk Pass #10, Weapon/Equipment Adjustments, & New Skill Tree[/u]
New: Event game mode
New: Skill Tree (2022)
New mech chassis quirks:
' Roughneck
Mech quirk adjustments:
Mist Lynx, Arctic Wolf, Hellbringer, Sunspider, Night Gyr, Orion IIC, Timber Wolf (SO8 Pass), Warhammer IIC, Warhawk, Highlander IIC, Supernova ' Flea, Spider, Dervish, Rifleman, Catapult, Zeus, Highlander, Hatamoto-Chi
[u]19-Apr-2022 Quirk Pass #9, & Weapon/Equipment Adjustments[/u]
New mech chassis quirks:
Huntsman, Black Lanner, Rifleman IIC ' Wolverine, Archer
Major mech quirk adjustments:
Mist Lynx, Hunchback IIC, Ebon Jaguar, Hellbringer, Dire Wolf ' Spider, Dervish, Rifleman, Stalker
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Summoner, Arctic Wolf ' '
[u]22-Mar-2022 Quirk Pass #8[/u]
New Map: Emerald Vale
New mech chassis quirks:
Night Gyr, Warhammer IIC ' Bushwacker, Catapult, Charger
Major mech quirk adjustments:
Jenner IIC ' Jenner
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Kit Fox, Summoner, Cougar, Nova ' Uziel, Black Knight, Victor, Nightstar, Marauder II
[u]22-Feb-2022 Quirk Pass #7, & Weapon Adjustments[/u]
New mech chassis quirks:
Vapor Eagle, Orion IIC, Warhawk, Mad Cat MK II ' Assassin, Crab, Kintaro, Dervish, Grasshopper, Orion
Major mech quirk adjustments:
Kit Fox, Arctic Cheetah, Cougar, Shadow Cat ' Marauder II
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Mist Lynx, Adder, Ice Ferret, Summoner, Marauder IIC, Blood Asp, Highlander IIC ' Locust, Javelin, Raven, Cicada, Blackjack, Jaermech, Marauder, Thanatos, Awesome, Annihilator
[u]18-Jan-2022 Quirk Pass #6[/u]
New mech chassis quirks:
Nova, Linebacker, Blood Asp ' Black Knight, Battlemaster
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Mist Lynx, Arctic Cheetah, Shadow Cat, Ice Ferret, Summoner, Timber Wolf ' Vulcan, Dragon, Quickdraw, Jagermech, Marauder, Mauler
[u]14-Dec-2021 Quirk Pass #5[/u]
New Map: Hellebore Outpost
New mech chassis quirks:
Summoner ' Firestarter, Quickdraw, Jagermech, Annihilator
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Mist Lynx, Adder, Hellbringer, Marauder IIC, Supernova, Dire Wolf, Sunspider ' Javelin, Spider, Jenner, Raven, Cicada, Marauder II, Atlas, Roughneck
[u]23-Nov-2021 Quirk Pass #4[/u]
New Mech variants: Loyalty mechs
Viper ' Atlas, UrbanMech
New mech chassis quirks:
Hellbringer, Executioner ' Vulcan, Dragon, Cataphract
Major mech quirk adjustments:
' Locust, Mauler
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Cougar, Gargoyle, Dire Wolf, Marauder IIC ' Raven, UrbanMech, Blackjack, Nightstar, Atlas, Phoenix Hawk
[u]19-Oct-2021 Quirk Pass #3[/u]
Map Adjustments: Viridian Bog
New mech chassis quirks:
Jenner IIC, Viper, Marauder IIC ' Commando, Jenner, Phoenix Hawk, Warhammer, Marauder, Stalker, Corsair, Fafnir
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Stormcrow, Supernova ' Griffin, Thunderbolt, Raven, Awesome, Victor, Mauler, Nightstar, King Crab, Marauder II
[u]21-Sept-2021 Quirk Pass #2[/u]
Major Map Fix: Caustic Valley
New mech chassis quirks:
Mist Lynx, Arctic Cheetah, Incubus, Cougar, Adder, Arctic Wolf, Hellfire, Timber Wolf, Highlander IIC, Supernova, Piranha, Kit Fox, Hunchback IIC, Shadow Cat, Stormcrow, Mad Dog, Ebon Jaguar, Sunspider, Gargoyle ' Locust, Spider, Hellspawn, Thunderbolt, Awesome, Victor, Highlander, Atlas, Flea, Osiris, UrbanMech, Panther, Raven, Wolfhound, Blackjack, Enforcer, Griffin, Hunchback, Vindicator, Trebuchet, Uziel, Champion, Rifleman, Thanatos, Hatamoto-Chi, Zeus, Cyclops, Banshee, Nightstar, King Crab
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Dire Wolf ' Flea, Vindicator
[u]25-Aug-2021 Quirk Pass #1[/u] (Mostly defensive quirks)
Major Map Fix: HPG Manifold
New mech chassis quirks:
Mist Lynx, Arctic Cheetah, Incubus, Cougar, Adder, Arctic Wolf, Ice Ferret, Hellfire, Nova Cat, Timber Wolf, Highlander IIC, Supernova, Kodiak, Dire Wolf ' Locust, Javelin, Spider, Hellspawn, Cicada, Centurion, Shadow Hawk, Thunderbolt, Awesome, Victor, Highlander, Mauler, Atlas, Marauder II
[u]20-July-2021 [u]Weapons Pass #3, & [/u]JumpJet Pass[/u]
Major Map Fix: Polar Highlands
Map Adjustments: Canyon Network
[u]22-June-2021 Agility/Mobility Pass #2[/u]
18-May-2021 Weapons Pass #2, & Agility/Mobility Pass #1
Major Map Fix: Canyon Network
20-April-2021 Weapons Pass #1, & Equipment Pass
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
' Awesome, Blackjack, Quickdraw
16-March-2021 Pre-March-2021 Patch (Not part of Cauldron's work)
Weapon Adjustment: AMS damage no longer count towards match score
Map Lighting Adjustments: Caustic Valley, Hibernal Rift
Note: Time of day Speed Set to 0 for above Maps, & new default times selected
17-Feb-2021 Pre-February-2021 Patch (Not part of Cauldron's work)
Map Lighting Adjustments: Forest Colony, Frozen City, River City, Polar Highlands, Viridian Bog, Crimson Strait
Note: Time of day Speed Set to 0 for above 6x Maps, & new default times selected
Also: Previous Road Maps:
Old Roadmaps:
[u]MWO 2024 Q2 Update[/u]
IS Omnimechs !!

[u]MWO 2024 Q1 Update[/u]
[u]MWO 2023/2024 'Jihad?' Era Weapons[/u]
[u]25-Feb-2022: MWO 2022 Roadmap[/u]
30-Jan-2021 MWO 2021 Roadmap
2023/2024 New Weapon behavior changes: ('Jihad?' era new weapons, Part 1, Part 2):
IS: BL (Binary Laser Canon): decreased to firing 2x weapons at once without ghost heat penalty
IS: SXPL / MXPL / LXPL (X-Pulse Laser)
IS & Clan: ASP (Advanced Sensor Package--replaces the Command Console). Also gives TAG +20% range
Clan: HAG20 / HAG30 / HAG40 (Hyper Assault Gauss Rifle)
~~HAG20: 4x projectile shells per burst (Total damage+splash profile: 2 / 16 / 2. Individual projectile shell damage+splash profile: 0.5 / 4 / 0.5)
~~HAG30: 6x projectile shells per burst (Total damage+splash profile: 3 / 24 / 3. Individual projectile shell damage+splash profile: 0.5 / 4 / 0.5)
~~HAG40: 8x projectile shells per burst (Total damage+splash profile: 4 / 32 / 4. Individual projectile shell damage+splash profile: 0.5 / 4 / 0.5)
New Weapon: IS: LAC2/LAC5 (Light Autocanon)
New Weapon: IS: TBM5/TBM10/TBM15/TBM20 (Thunderbolt Missile), minimum range 150m. (Half damage below minimum.)
New Weapon: IS: SB Gauss (Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle): 3x projectile shells per shot
New Weapon: IS: Magshot (Magshot Gauss Rifle): No critical hit chance bonus over base values.
New Equipment: IS: Light TAG (Light TAG)
New Weapon: Clan: PAC2/PAC4/PAC8 (Protomech Autocanon)
New Weapon: Clan: AP Gauss (AP Gauss Rifle). No critical hit chance bonus over base values.
New Weapon: Clan: Beam Laser (Beam Laser)
New Weapon: Clan: Plasma PPC (Plasma Canon), damage+splash profile 1 / 5 / 1, plus minor heat damage 0.5
~~>New Fixed Equipment: IS & Clan: Supercharger: Catapult Ferroblast, Warhawk Kasai hero mechs
~~>New Fixed Equipment: Clan: Modified Ballistic Loader: BANE-L hero mech (turns HAG40 into Silver Bullet)
~~>Number of projectile shells per shot (ie: per trigger pull): another possible source here.
Major weapon behavior changes: (Civil War era weapons):
IS: STD Large Lasers: increased to firing 4x weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
IS: STD PPC: increased to firing 3x weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
IS: STD PPC: minimum of 5.5 damage at zero meter range. Does exponential decay damage below minimum range (somewhat similar to Clan LRM).
IS: Heavy PPC: minimum of 5.5 damage at zero meter range. Does exponential decay damage below minimum range (somewhat similar to Clan LRM).
IS: Light-PPC: no minimum range anymore.
IS: Snub-Nose-PPC: decreased back down to firing 2x at once without ghost heat penalty (June-2022 patch)
IS: Snub-Nose-PPC: does splash damage (similar to Clan ER-PPC), damage+splash profile 2.5 / 10 / 2.5
IS: Light-Gauss: [Maintenance_HSL]: changed to "no" ghost heat penalty (can only charge/fire 2x at once though).
IS: Light-Gauss: no longer part of ghost heat linked penalty group of IS Gauss Family & IS PPC Family.
IS: LRM5: increased to firing 6x LRM5 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
IS: LRM5: Now in its own separate ghost heat linked penalty group.
IS: 2xLRM20 + 6xLRM5 with no Ghost Heat ! 2xLRM15 + 6xLRM5 with no Ghost Heat !
IS: STD SRM4: increased to firing 5x STD SRM4 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
IS: Rocket Launcher: does slight (exponential decay) damage below minimum range (similar to Clan LRM). 'Zero' damage at zero meter range.
IS: CASE: now 0 tons, still consume 1x critical slot. Equippable in Arm, Leg, Left/Right Torso.
IS: BAP: now 1 ton, and consume 1x critical slot.
IS & Clan: LRM: firing arc reinstated back to its original 2023 value (now 150m, up from 100m).
IS & Clan: LRM velocity reduced on patch dates: Jan-2024 <-- Aug-2023 <-- Summer-2023.
IS & Clan: LRM (indirect) velocity: 160 m/s (down from 160 m/s <-- 190 m/s <-- 210 m/s).
IS & Clan: LRM (direct) velocity: 224 m/s (down from 224 m/s <-- 266? m/s <-- 294? m/s).
IS & Clan: artemis-LRM (indirect) velocity: 190 m/s (down from 190 m/s <-- 226? m/s <-- 250? m/s).
IS & Clan: artemis-LRM (direct) velocity: 266 m/s (down from 266 m/s <-- 316? m/s <-- 350? m/s).
IS & Clan: Streak SRM2: increased to firing 6x Streak SRM2 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
IS & Clan: Streak SRM4: increased to firing 4x Streak SRM4 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
IS & Clan: ECM range decreased to 90m (down from 120m). ie: -55% protection surface area!
IS & Clan: ECM missile lock time decreased to only 2x times longer (down from 4x longer). ie: shorter lock times
IS & Clan: Radar Depriviation decreased to 80% max (ie: 80% = 16% x 5 skill nodes).
IS & Clan: AMS ammo does not explode upon crit.
IS & Clan: MASC lasts longer (fill rate decreased). MASC redline threshold increased to 85% (up from 75%).
Clan: ER-Micro-Laser: changed to "no" ghost heat penalty (fire as many as you want at once!).
Clan: Micro-Pulse-Laser: changed to "no" ghost heat penalty (fire as many as you want at once!).
Clan: AC5: increased to firing 4x AC5 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
Clan: AC5: decreased to 1x projectile shell per shot (down from 2x).
Clan: AC10: increased to firing 4x AC10 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
Clan: AC10: decreased to 2x projectile shells per shot (down from 3x).
Clan: AC20: increased to firing 2x AC20 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
Clan: AC20: decreased to 3x projectile shells per shot (down from 4x).
Clan: UAC5: increased to firing 4x UAC5 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
~~>Number of projectile shells per shot (ie: per trigger pull): another source here.
Clan: LRM5: increased to firing 6x LRM5 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
Clan: ATM3: increased to firing 6x ATM3 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
Clan: LRM5 & ATM3: Both are now in its own separate ghost heat linked penalty group together.
Clan: 2xLRM20 + 6xLRM5 with no Ghost Heat ! 2xLRM20 + 6xATM3 with no Ghost Heat !
Clan: 2xATM12 + 6xATM3 with no Ghost Heat ! 2xATM12 + 6xLRM5 with no Ghost Heat !
Clan: ATM Family: new minimum range of 60m (down from 120m). 'Zero' damage below minimum range.
Clan: SRM4: increased to firing 5x SRM4 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
Clan: 2x ECM Skill Nodes max out at 33% ECM Target Range Reduction (ie: 16.5% per ECM Skill Node)
Note: IS only: max 100% ECM jamming (ie: max 100% = 20% skill node + 20% skill node + 60% base value)
Note: IS only: 2x ECM Skill Nodes max out at 40% ECM Target Range Reduction (ie: 20% per ECM Skill Node), on top of base value of IS base 60% ECM.
Note: Clan only: max 93% ECM jamming (ie: max 93% = 16.5% skill node + 16.5% skill node + 60% base value)
Note: Clan only: 2x ECM Skill Nodes max out at 33% ECM Target Range Reduction (ie: 16.5% per ECM Skill Node), on top of base value of Clan base 60% ECM.
Note: ## = Major mech chassis quirk adjustment
Note: [Maintenance_HSL] = Strictly to overcome the PPC/Gauss linked Ghost Heat penalty group; there are no additional weapon hardpoints to accommodate additional ERPPC weapons. eg: KGC-001, MAD-4L
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Additional Resources:
https://mwomercs.com/roadmap (Outdated)
Cauldron List of Patch-Notes:
LRM weapon changes since 2024: (Summary: LRM velocity slower, but its 150m firing arc has been restored same as its 2023 value!)
Missile Velocity Quirk List
Edited by w0qj, 17 March 2025 - 03:53 PM.