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Running Patch Log List Since April 2021 (Aka Cauldron Changes)

PatchHistory MechQuirk WeaponsPass

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Posted 22 September 2021 - 09:02 AM

<< Updated to 18-Feb-2025 Patch! >>

Also: HSL Quirk List: including BL (Binary Laser Canon, aka Blazer)

Running Patch Log List since April 2021 (aka Cauldron Changes):
18-Feb-2025 Mech Quirk, & Weapon Adjustments (New!)
Map Adjustments: added QP Grand Conquest (2000+ ticket) spawn/capture locations for: Alpine Peaks, Free Worlds Colosseum, Bearclaw II, Test Map 4x4, HPG Manifold, Steiner Colosseum, Rubellite Oasis, Hibernal Rift

New mech chassis:
Fire Moth(!)							'

Mech quirk adjustments:
Clan Flea, Kit Fox, Supernova, Clan Bullshark, Executioner, Stone Rhino 		 '
Commando, Blackjack, Trebuchet, Stalker, Bullshark

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Commando IIC, Adder, Arctic Wolf								'
Osiris, Roughneck

21-Jan-2025 Mech Quirk, & Weapon Adjustments
Minor Map Adjustments: Luthien, Alpine Peaks, Grim Plexus, HPG Manifold

New mech chassis:
Clan Flea Whitehead(!), Clan Archer Jaime(!), Clan Stalker Jamison(!), Clan Nightstar Brubaker(!)	'

Mech quirk adjustments:
Madcat MK II, Executioner, Bane 		 '
Trebuchet, Vindicator, Hunchback, Enforcer, Champion, Corsair

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:

10-Dec-2024 Mech Quirk, & Weapon Adjustments
New Map: Luthien

Mech quirk adjustments:
Stormcrow, Summoner, Clan Bullshark, Bane, Stone Rhino								'
Cataphract, Wolverine, Flea, UrbanMech, Jenner, Cicada, Centurion, Griffin, Shadow Hawk, Charger, Bullshark

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Madcat MK II, Viper, Gargoyle 						 '

19-Nov-2024 Mech Quirk Adjustments
New mech chassis:
Bane(!)							'

Mech quirk adjustments:
Mad Dog, Nova Cat, Summoner						 '
Urbanmech, Trebuchet, Wolverine, Thunderbolt, Zeus, Banshee

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Arctic Cheetah 								   '
Stalker 							  '

22-Oct-2024 Mech Quirk, Weapon, & Equipment Adjustments
QP Group Tonnage adjustment
Skill Tree: Magazine Capacity Skill Node bonuses adjusted
Mech Omnimech Change: Grand Summoner: unique set of SMN-II-E LT/RT with 4xJJ in each

New mech chassis:
Grand Summoner(!)							'

Mech quirk adjustments:
Kodiak, Huntsman, Black Lanner, Stormcrow, Linebacker (S08 Pass), Gargoyle, Marauder IIC	'
Raven, Phoenix Hawk, Assassin, Cicada, Hunchback, Cataphract, Banshee

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
King Crab 							  '

20-Aug-2024 Mech Quirk Adjustments
Mech quirk adjustments:
Adder 						 '
Champion, Phoenix Hawk, Commando, Raven

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Stone Rhino 						 '

23-July-2024 Mech Quirk Adjustments
Mech quirk adjustments:
Piranha 						 '
King Crab, Behemoth (IS Stone Rhino)

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Linebacker 						 '
Commando, Catapult, Marauder, Longbow

18-June-2024 Mech Quirk, & 'Jihad?' Era Weapon Adjustments
Mech quirk adjustments:
Behemoth (IS Stone Rhino), Catapult, Raven, Cyclops

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Viper, Shadow Cat			 			 '
Locust, Cicada, Hatchetman, Phoenix Hawk

21-May-2024 Mech Quirk, & 'Jihad?' Era Weapon Adjustments
New mech chassis & warhorn:
Bullshark (!)

Mech quirk adjustments:
Nova, Linebacker				   '
Bullshark, Blackhawk KU

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Cougar, Jenner IIC, Warhammer IIC, Highlander IIC 			 '

23-Apr-2024 [u]Mech Quirk, [/u][u]'Jihad?' Era [/u][u]Weapon, & Equipment Adjustment[/u][u]s[/u]
Major Weapon Adjustments: 'Jihad?' Era & Civil War Era weapons
Major Weapon Adjustments: 'Jihad?' Era weapon ammo quirks for selected mechs & omnipods
Equipment Changes: IS/Clan ECM. ECM missile lock time decreased to only 2x times longer (down from 4x longer)
Map Adjustments: River City (Domination circle now 600m, up from previous 400m; only for this map)

New mech chassis:
Black Hawk-KU (!)

Mech quirk adjustments:
Arctic Cheetah, Urbanmech IIC, Jenner IIC, Ice Ferret, Orion IIC			  '

[u]19-Mar-2024 [/u][u]'Jihad?' Era Weapons (Part 2), Weapon, Equipment, & Mech Quirk [/u][u]Adjustments[/u]
New Weapon: IS: TBM5/TBM10/TBM15/TBM20 (Thunderbolt Missile)
New Weapon: IS: LAC2/LAC5 (Light Autocanon)
New Weapon: IS: SB Gauss (Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle)
New Weapon: IS: Magshot (Magshot Gauss Rifle)
New Equipment: IS: Light TAG (Light TAG)
New Weapon: Clan: PAC2/PAC4/PAC8 (Protomech Autocanon)
New Weapon: Clan: AP Gauss (AP Gauss Rifle)
New Weapon: Clan: Beam Laser (Beam Laser)
New Weapon: Clan: Plasma PPC (Plasma Canon)
New Equipment: Clan: ASP: Clan 'Mechs can now equip the same ASP (Advanced Sensor Package) as IS 'Mechs
Minor QP Map Adjustments: Solaris City, Bearclaw II, Mining Collective
Minor FP Map Adjustments: Emerald Taiga

Mech quirk adjustments:
Mist Lynx, Arctic Cheetah, Nova 		 '
Flea, Cicada, Vindicator, Kintaro, Dragon, Jagermech, Marauder, Thanatos, Battlemaster, Highlander

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Vapor Eagle									  '
Banshee, Wolfhound, Longbow, Black Knight

[u]20-Feb-2024 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapon, & Equipment Adjustment[/u][u]s[/u]
Weapon Changes: LRM: firing arc reinstated back to its original 2023 value (now 150m, up from 100m)
Weapon Tweaks: Toned down RAC2/RAC5 muzzle flash effects. [Editor's note: AC2/LAC2 also better!]
Map Adjustments: Tourmaline Desert (Domination circle now 600m, up from previous 400m; only for this map)
Minor Map Adjustments: Hibernal Rift, Polar Highlands (spawn point changes for both maps)
Mech Omnimech Change: Executioner EXE-B-C(LGD): unique set of 2x ballistic hardpoint arms; 1xJJ in each leg

Mech quirk adjustments:
Warhawk, Executioner 											  '
Black Knight, Hellspawn, Crusader, Jagermech, Victor, Mauler, King Crab

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Jenner, Longbow

[u]23-Jan-2024 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapon, & Equipment Adjustment[/u][u]s[/u]
Weapon Changes: LRM velocity / firing_arc
Major Equipment Change: IS: ASP (Advanced Sensor Package--replaces the Command Console): gives TAG +20% range
Minor Mech variant hitbox adjustments: PIR-A, WHM-4L

Mech quirk adjustments:
Executioner, Stone Rhino, Adder, Viper, Black Lanner 						'
Victor, Osiris##

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Vapor Eagle 						   '

[u]12-Dec-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapon, & Equipment Adjustment[/u][u]s[/u] (New!)
Equipment Changes: IS/Clan ECM range decreased to 90m (down from 120m). ie: -55% protection bubble area!
Major Equipment Change: IS: ASP (Advanced Sensor Package): can now be equipped by all Inner Sphere mechs
Equipment Changes: IS/Clan SHS; Clan DHS
Minor Map Adjustments: Steiner Colosseum, Bearclaw II
Mech chassis hitbox adjustment: Atlas, Cicada, Jenner, Jenner IIC

Mech quirk adjustments:
Stone Rhino, Urbanmech IIC						 '
Longbow, Warhammer, Commando, Vindicator, Thunderbolt, Annihilator

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Centurion, Marauder

[u]6-Dec-2023 [/u][u]Game/Server Stability Patch[/u]
~Fixed Centurion induced client program crashes
~Bolt-On database consolidated
~May need to unequip Bolt-On from the mechs that is currently equipped on to move them to other mechs

[u]21-Nov-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapon, & Equipment Adjustment[/u][u]s[/u]
New Map: Bearclaw II
New Equipment: IS: ASP (Advanced Sensor Package--replaces the Command Console)
Minor Mech chassis hitbox adjustment: Wolfhound (Right Arm hitbox tweak)

New mech chassis:
Clan Wolfhound (!)	 											   '

New mech variants: Legendary + Loyalty + Platinum mechs!
Ice Ferret, Stone Rhino, Piranha, Adder				   '
Centurion, UrbanMech, Jenner, Jagermech

Mech quirk adjustments:
Viper, Clan Annihilator	 						   '
Centurion, Thunderbolt, Orion, Marauder II

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Arctic Wolf		 						   '

[u]24-Oct-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapon Adjustment[/u]
Minor Map Adjustments: Viridian Bog, Test Map A

Mech quirk adjustments:
Vapor Eagle, Marauder IIC										 '
Marauder, Locust##, Commando, Blackjack##, Trebuchet##, Thunderbolt##, Awesome, Charger##, Banshee

[u]19-Sept-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapons Adjustment[/u]
FP Map Adjustments: Emerald Taiga
QP Map Rotation Weighting Adjustments. Incursion Mode removed.
New: Small cockpit in Atlas AS7-W(LGD) = 2x critical slots in the head
Quirk Adjustments: VPR-SCS(LGD) with SO6/SO8 Bonus only (Experimental: only for this specific mech variant!)
Champion Mechs: now with +15% CBills, and +15% XP bonuses. (Stacks with +CBills & +XP bonus cockpit items also!)

New mech chassis:
UrbanMech IIC (!)							'

Mech quirk adjustments:
Viper, Executioner (SO8 Pass), Dire Wolf, Kodiak, Stone Rhino			 	  '
Atlas, UrbanMech, Bushwacker, Dragon, Catapult, Grasshopper, Orion

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Ice Ferret, Clan Annihilator 										'
Black Knight

[u]22-Aug-2023 [/u][u]'Jihad?' Era[/u][u] Weapons (Part 1), Mech Quirk, Skill Tree, & [/u][u]Agility/Mobility[/u][u] Adjustments[/u]
New Weapon: IS: BL (Binary Laser Canon, aka Blazer)
New Weapon: IS: SXPL / MXPL / LXPL (X-Pulse Laser)
New Weapon: Clan: HAG20 / HAG30 / HAG40 (Hyper Assault Gauss Rifle)
New Quirk: VPR-SCS(LGD) with SO4/SO6/SO8 Bonus (Experimental: only for this specific mech variant!)

Mech quirk adjustments:
Viper, Executioner, Piranha, Adder (SO8 Pass), Nova (SO8 Pass), Gargoyle (SO8 Pass)		  '
Stalker, Phoenix Hawk

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Almost, All, Clan, Omnimechs, And, Battlemechs, With, Ammo, Bonuses		  '
Banshee, Rifleman, Raven, Firestarter, Blackjack, Hatchetman, Hunchback, Thunderbolt, Grasshopper, Black Knight,
Battlemaster, Annihilator

[u]25-July-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapon, Skill Tree, & [/u][u]Agility/Mobility[/u][u] Adjustments[/u]
New Map: Ceres Metal Scrapyard
Mech chassis hitbox adjustment: Nightstar (Credits: Clan BRxV; separate review here)

New mech chassis:
Stone Rhino, Clan Annihilator (!)							'

Mech quirk adjustments:
Marauder IIC, Executioner, Kodiak						'
Annihilator, Nightstar, UrbanMech, Raven, Cicada, Hatchetman, Uziel, Wolverine, Dragon, Rifleman, Victor,
Battlemaster, Fafnir, King Crab

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Mad Cat MK II, Blood Asp 											   '
Catapult 											  '

[u]20-June-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk Adjustments[/u]
Mech quirk adjustments:
Timber Wolf, Supernova 					 '
Quickdraw, Cicada, Cyclops

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Black Lanner, Summoner 									  '
Fafnir, Marauder II 										  '

[u]23-May-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk, Weapon, Skill Tree, & [/u][u]Agility/Mobility[/u][u] Adjustments[/u]
FP Map Adjustments: Vitric Forge, Hellebore Springs, Sulfurous Rift, Emerald Taiga, Grim Portico, Boreal Vault
QP Map Adjustments: Canyon Network, Hellebore Outpost
QP Minor Map Adjustments: Grim Plexus, Frozen City Night, Viridian Bog, Vitric Station, Mining Collective,
Free Worlds Collosseum, Emerald Vale

Mech quirk adjustments:
Supernova, Arctic Cheetah, Hunchback IIC, Ebon Jaguar, Nova Cat (SO8 Pass), Summoner, Dire Wolf   '
Cyclops, Shadow Hawk, Locust, Commando, UrbanMech, Raven, Wolfhound, Griffin, Archer, Cataphract, Corsair, Atlas

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Mad Cat MK II												'

[u]18-Apr-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk Adjustments & Equipment Adjustments[/u]
Map Adjustments: Terra Therma Crucible, Free Worlds Colosseum

Mech quirk adjustments:
Marauder IIC, Mad Cat MK II, Ice Ferret, Stormcrow (SO8 Pass), Summoner (SO8 Pass), Timber Wolf			   '
Shadow Hawk, Fafnir, Osiris, Firestarter, Wolfhound, Vulcan, Phoenix Hawk, Hatchetman, Champion, Grasshopper,
Black Knight, Annihilator

[u]21-Mar-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk Adjustments[/u]
New Map: Free Worlds Coliseum
Major Map Fix: Terra Therma Crucible
Mech chassis hitbox adjustment: Fafnir

Mech quirk adjustments:
Mad Cat MK II, Linebacker, Dire Wolf 					 '
Fafnir, Jenner, Kintario, Dervish, Champion, Awesome, Hatamo-Chi

[u]21-Feb-2023 [/u][u]Mech Quirk Adjustments & Weapon Adjustment[/u]
Major Weapon adjustment: introducing the incoming damage reduction to torso shoulder(s) with large missile housing boxes (must have unused corresponding missile ammo left on mech to enjoy this damage reduction).

Mech quirk adjustments:
Hellbringer, Timber Wolf, Mad Cat MK II, Jenner IIC, Kodiak					  '
Battlemaster, Banshee, UrbanMech, Cicada, Vulcan, Hatchetman, Vindicator, Dragon, Victor

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Viper (SO8 Pass), Nova (SO8 Pass) 									  '

[u]24-Jan-2023 Weapon Adjustments & Mech Quirk Adjustments[/u]
Map Adjustments: Canyon Network, Caustic Valley, Crimson Strait, Emerald Vale, Forest Colony,
Frozen City Classic Night/Snowstorm, Grim Plexus, Hibernal Rift, HPG Manifold, Polar Highlands,
Rubellite Oasis, Viridian Bog, Vitric Station

Mech quirk adjustments:
Incubus, Hellfire, Rifleman IIC, Orion IIC, Warhammer IIC, Marauder IIC, Warhawk   		 '
Raven, Panther, Crab

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Mist Lynx (SO8 Pass), Viper (SO8 Pass), Arctic Wolf, Hunchback IIC, Hellbringer, Sun Spider,
Timber Wolf (SO8 Pass)							 		  '
Vindicator, Crusader

[u]13-Dec-2022 Weapon Adjustments & Skill Tree Adjustment[/u]
New mech chassis quirks:

Mech quirk adjustments:
Viper (SO8 Pass)							 		  '
Crusader, Zeus, Cyclops

[u]22-Nov-2022 Map Fixes & Adjustments[/u]
Major Map Fix: Terra Therma Classic Crucible
Map Adjustments: Emerald Vale, Grim Plexus, Hibernal Rift, HPG Manifold, Polar Highlands, Rubellite Oasis,
Vitric Station, Hellebore Outpost

Mech quirk adjustments:
Shadow Cat (SO8 Pass), Stormcrow (SO8 Pass), Ice Ferret (SO8 Pass)   						 '

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:

[u]18-Oct-2022 Quirk Pass #15[/u]
Mech quirk adjustments:
Mad Dog 										  '
Osiris, Hunchback

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Incubus 										  '

[u]20-Sept-2022 Quirk Pass #14[/u]
New Map: Terra Therma Classic (2022)
Map Adjustments: Vitric Station (aka the infamous 'Vitric Station Pink Bug')

Mech quirk adjustments:
Sunspider 							'
UrbanMech, Wolfhound, Assassin, Vulcan, Hellspawn, Blackjack, Hatamoto-Chi

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:

[u]23-Aug-2022 Quirk Pass #13, Weapon Adjustments[/u]
Mech quirk adjustments:
Cougar (SO8 Pass), Nova Cat, Warhammer IIC, Dire Wolf 							'
Commando, Hunchback, Dervish, Champion, Archer, Nightstar, Marauder II

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Phoenix Hawk

[u]19-July-2022 Quirk Pass #12, Weapon Adjustments, & Skill Tree Adjustments[/u]
Mech quirk adjustments:
Jenner IIC, Vapor Eagle, Mad Dog, Sun Spider, Dire Wolf 							'
Javelin, Firestarter, Wolfhound, Hunchback, Trebuchet, Banshee, King Crab

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Jenner, Phoenix Hawk

[u]21-June-2022 Quirk Pass #11, & Weapon Adjustments[/u]
New Map: Vitric Station

New mech chassis quirks:

Mech quirk adjustments:
UrbanMech, Panther, Jenner, Phoenix Hawk, Awesome, Annihilator

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Piranha, Mist Lynx, Viper					 '

[u]24-May-2022 Quirk Pass #10, Weapon/Equipment Adjustments, & New Skill Tree[/u]
New: Event game mode
New: Skill Tree (2022)

New mech chassis quirks:

Mech quirk adjustments:
Mist Lynx, Arctic Wolf, Hellbringer, Sunspider, Night Gyr, Orion IIC, Timber Wolf (SO8 Pass), Warhammer IIC,
Warhawk, Highlander IIC, Supernova					 '
Flea, Spider, Dervish, Rifleman, Catapult, Zeus, Highlander, Hatamoto-Chi

[u]19-Apr-2022 Quirk Pass #9, & Weapon/Equipment Adjustments[/u]
New mech chassis quirks:
Huntsman, Black Lanner, Rifleman IIC 								 		  '
Wolverine, Archer

Major mech quirk adjustments:
Mist Lynx, Hunchback IIC, Ebon Jaguar, Hellbringer, Dire Wolf 							'
Spider, Dervish, Rifleman, Stalker

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Summoner, Arctic Wolf 												'

[u]22-Mar-2022 Quirk Pass #8[/u]
New Map: Emerald Vale

New mech chassis quirks:
Night Gyr, Warhammer IIC 										   '
Bushwacker, Catapult, Charger

Major mech quirk adjustments:
Jenner IIC 												   '

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Kit Fox, Summoner, Cougar, Nova 									   '
Uziel, Black Knight, Victor, Nightstar, Marauder II

[u]22-Feb-2022 Quirk Pass #7, & Weapon Adjustments[/u]
New mech chassis quirks:
Vapor Eagle, Orion IIC, Warhawk, Mad Cat MK II 								  '
Assassin, Crab, Kintaro, Dervish, Grasshopper, Orion

Major mech quirk adjustments:
Kit Fox, Arctic Cheetah, Cougar, Shadow Cat								   '
Marauder II

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Mist Lynx, Adder, Ice Ferret, Summoner, Marauder IIC, Blood Asp, Highlander IIC				   '
Locust, Javelin, Raven, Cicada, Blackjack, Jaermech, Marauder, Thanatos, Awesome, Annihilator

[u]18-Jan-2022 Quirk Pass #6[/u]
New mech chassis quirks:
Nova, Linebacker, Blood Asp 										  '
Black Knight, Battlemaster

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Mist Lynx, Arctic Cheetah, Shadow Cat, Ice Ferret, Summoner, Timber Wolf 				 '
Vulcan, Dragon, Quickdraw, Jagermech, Marauder, Mauler

[u]14-Dec-2021 Quirk Pass #5[/u]
New Map: Hellebore Outpost

New mech chassis quirks:
Summoner												   '
Firestarter, Quickdraw, Jagermech, Annihilator

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Mist Lynx, Adder, Hellbringer, Marauder IIC, Supernova, Dire Wolf, Sunspider				  '
Javelin, Spider, Jenner, Raven, Cicada, Marauder II, Atlas, Roughneck

[u]23-Nov-2021 Quirk Pass #4[/u]
New Mech variants: Loyalty mechs
Viper													 '
Atlas, UrbanMech

New mech chassis quirks:
Hellbringer, Executioner										  '
Vulcan, Dragon, Cataphract

Major mech quirk adjustments:
Locust, Mauler

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Cougar, Gargoyle, Dire Wolf, Marauder IIC 							  '
Raven, UrbanMech, Blackjack, Nightstar, Atlas, Phoenix Hawk

[u]19-Oct-2021 Quirk Pass #3[/u]
Map Adjustments: Viridian Bog

New mech chassis quirks:
Jenner IIC, Viper, Marauder IIC										   '
Commando, Jenner, Phoenix Hawk, Warhammer, Marauder, Stalker, Corsair, Fafnir

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Stormcrow, Supernova											   '
Griffin, Thunderbolt, Raven, Awesome, Victor, Mauler, Nightstar, King Crab, Marauder II

[u]21-Sept-2021 Quirk Pass #2[/u]
Major Map Fix: Caustic Valley

New mech chassis quirks:
Mist Lynx, Arctic Cheetah, Incubus, Cougar, Adder, Arctic Wolf, Hellfire, Timber Wolf, Highlander IIC,
Supernova, Piranha, Kit Fox, Hunchback IIC, Shadow Cat, Stormcrow, Mad Dog, Ebon Jaguar, Sunspider,
Gargoyle 												   '
Locust, Spider, Hellspawn, Thunderbolt, Awesome, Victor, Highlander, Atlas, Flea, Osiris, UrbanMech,
Panther, Raven, Wolfhound, Blackjack, Enforcer, Griffin, Hunchback, Vindicator, Trebuchet, Uziel, Champion,
Rifleman, Thanatos, Hatamoto-Chi, Zeus, Cyclops, Banshee, Nightstar, King Crab

Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Dire Wolf 												   '
Flea, Vindicator

[u]25-Aug-2021 Quirk Pass #1[/u] (Mostly defensive quirks)
Major Map Fix: HPG Manifold

New mech chassis quirks:
Mist Lynx, Arctic Cheetah, Incubus, Cougar, Adder, Arctic Wolf, Ice Ferret, Hellfire, Nova Cat,
Timber Wolf, Highlander IIC, Supernova, Kodiak, Dire Wolf						   '
Locust, Javelin, Spider, Hellspawn, Cicada, Centurion, Shadow Hawk, Thunderbolt, Awesome, Victor,
Highlander, Mauler, Atlas, Marauder II

[u]20-July-2021 [u]Weapons Pass #3, & [/u]JumpJet Pass[/u]
Major Map Fix: Polar Highlands
Map Adjustments: Canyon Network

[u]22-June-2021 Agility/Mobility Pass #2[/u]

18-May-2021 Weapons Pass #2, & Agility/Mobility Pass #1
Major Map Fix: Canyon Network

20-April-2021 Weapons Pass #1, & Equipment Pass
Minor mech quirk adjustments & other changes:
Awesome, Blackjack, Quickdraw

16-March-2021 Pre-March-2021 Patch (Not part of Cauldron's work)
Weapon Adjustment: AMS damage no longer count towards match score
Map Lighting Adjustments: Caustic Valley, Hibernal Rift
Note: Time of day Speed Set to 0 for above Maps, & new default times selected

17-Feb-2021 Pre-February-2021 Patch (Not part of Cauldron's work)
Map Lighting Adjustments: Forest Colony, Frozen City, River City, Polar Highlands, Viridian Bog, Crimson Strait
Note: Time of day Speed Set to 0 for above 6x Maps, & new default times selected

Also: Previous Road Maps:

Old Roadmaps:
[u]MWO 2024 Q2 Update[/u]
IS Omnimechs !! Posted Image

[u]MWO 2024 Q1 Update[/u]

[u]MWO 2023/2024 'Jihad?' Era Weapons[/u]

[u]25-Feb-2022: MWO 2022 Roadmap[/u]

30-Jan-2021 MWO 2021 Roadmap

2023/2024 New Weapon behavior changes: ('Jihad?' era new weapons, Part 1, Part 2):
IS: BL (Binary Laser Canon): decreased to firing 2x weapons at once without ghost heat penalty
IS: SXPL / MXPL / LXPL (X-Pulse Laser)

IS & Clan: ASP (Advanced Sensor Package--replaces the Command Console). Also gives TAG +20% range

Clan: HAG20 / HAG30 / HAG40 (Hyper Assault Gauss Rifle)
~~HAG20: 4x projectile shells per burst (Projectile Shell damage+splash profile: 0.5 / 4 / 0.5)
~~HAG30: 6x projectile shells per burst (Projectile Shell damage+splash profile: 0.5 / 4 / 0.5)
~~HAG40: 8x projectile shells per burst (Projectile Shell damage+splash profile: 0.5 / 4 / 0.5)

New Weapon: IS: LAC2/LAC5 (Light Autocanon)
New Weapon: IS: TBM5/TBM10/TBM15/TBM20 (Thunderbolt Missile), minimum range 150m. (Half damage below minimum.)
New Weapon: IS: SB Gauss (Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle): 3x projectile shells per shot
New Weapon: IS: Magshot (Magshot Gauss Rifle): No critical hit chance bonus over base values.
New Equipment: IS: Light TAG (Light TAG)

New Weapon: Clan: PAC2/PAC4/PAC8 (Protomech Autocanon)
New Weapon: Clan: AP Gauss (AP Gauss Rifle). No critical hit chance bonus over base values.
New Weapon: Clan: Beam Laser (Beam Laser)
New Weapon: Clan: Plasma PPC (Plasma Canon), damage+splash profile 1 / 5 / 1, plus minor heat damage 0.5

~~>New Fixed Equipment: IS & Clan: Supercharger: Catapult Ferroblast, Warhawk Kasai hero mechs
~~>New Fixed Equipment: Clan: Modified Ballistic Loader: BANE-L hero mech (turns HAG40 into Silver Bullet)
~~>Number of projectile shells per shot (ie: per trigger pull): another possible source here.

Major weapon behavior changes: (Civil War era weapons):
IS: STD Large Lasers: increased to firing 4x weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.

IS: STD PPC: increased to firing 3x weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
IS: STD PPC: minimum of 5.5 damage at zero meter range. Does exponential decay damage below minimum range (somewhat similar to Clan LRM).

IS: Heavy PPC: minimum of 5.5 damage at zero meter range. Does exponential decay damage below minimum range (somewhat similar to Clan LRM).

IS: Light-PPC: no minimum range anymore.

IS: Snub-Nose-PPC: decreased back down to firing 2x at once without ghost heat penalty (June-2022 patch)
IS: Snub-Nose-PPC: does splash damage (similar to Clan ER-PPC), damage+splash profile 2.5 / 10 / 2.5

IS: Light-Gauss: [Maintenance_HSL]: changed to "no" ghost heat penalty (can only charge/fire 2x at once though).
IS: Light-Gauss: no longer part of ghost heat linked penalty group of IS Gauss Family & IS PPC Family.

IS: LRM5: increased to firing 6x LRM5 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
IS: LRM5: Now in its own separate ghost heat linked penalty group.
IS: 2xLRM20 + 6xLRM5 with no Ghost Heat ! 2xLRM15 + 6xLRM5 with no Ghost Heat !

IS: STD SRM4: increased to firing 5x STD SRM4 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.

IS: Rocket Launcher: does slight (exponential decay) damage below minimum range (similar to Clan LRM). 'Zero' damage at zero meter range.

IS: CASE: now 0 tons, still consume 1x critical slot. Equippable in Arm, Leg, Left/Right Torso.

IS: BAP: now 1 ton, and consume 1x critical slot.

IS & Clan: LRM: firing arc reinstated back to its original 2023 value (now 150m, up from 100m).
IS & Clan: LRM velocity reduced on patch dates: Jan-2024 <-- Aug-2023 <-- Summer-2023.
IS & Clan: LRM (indirect) velocity: 160 m/s (down from 160 m/s <-- 190 m/s <-- 210 m/s).
IS & Clan: LRM (direct) velocity: 224 m/s (down from 224 m/s <-- 266? m/s <-- 294? m/s).
IS & Clan: artemis-LRM (indirect) velocity: 190 m/s (down from 190 m/s <-- 226? m/s <-- 250? m/s).
IS & Clan: artemis-LRM (direct) velocity: 266 m/s (down from 266 m/s <-- 316? m/s <-- 350? m/s).

IS & Clan: Streak SRM2: increased to firing 6x Streak SRM2 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
IS & Clan: Streak SRM4: increased to firing 4x Streak SRM4 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.

IS & Clan: ECM range decreased to 90m (down from 120m). ie: -55% protection surface area!
IS & Clan: ECM missile lock time decreased to only 2x times longer (down from 4x longer). ie: shorter lock times

IS & Clan: Radar Depriviation decreased to 80% max (ie: 80% = 16% x 5 skill nodes).

IS & Clan: AMS ammo does not explode upon crit.

IS & Clan: MASC lasts longer (fill rate decreased). MASC redline threshold increased to 85% (up from 75%).

Clan: ER-Micro-Laser: changed to "no" ghost heat penalty (fire as many as you want at once!).

Clan: Micro-Pulse-Laser: increased to firing 12x weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
Clan: Micro-Pulse-Laser: no longer part of ghost heat linked penalty group of Clan ER-Micro-Laser.

Clan: AC5: increased to firing 4x AC5 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
Clan: AC5: decreased to 1x projectile shell per shot (down from 2x).

Clan: AC10: increased to firing 4x AC10 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
Clan: AC10: decreased to 2x projectile shells per shot (down from 3x).

Clan: AC20: increased to firing 2x AC20 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
Clan: AC20: decreased to 3x projectile shells per shot (down from 4x).

Clan: UAC5: increased to firing 4x UAC5 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.

~~>Number of projectile shells per shot (ie: per trigger pull): another source here.

Clan: LRM5: increased to firing 6x LRM5 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
Clan: ATM3: increased to firing 6x ATM3 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.
Clan: LRM5 & ATM3: Both are now in its own separate ghost heat linked penalty group together.
Clan: 2xLRM20 + 6xLRM5 with no Ghost Heat ! 2xLRM20 + 6xATM3 with no Ghost Heat !
Clan: 2xATM12 + 6xATM3 with no Ghost Heat ! 2xATM12 + 6xLRM5 with no Ghost Heat !

Clan: ATM Family: new minimum range of 60m (down from 120m). 'Zero' damage below minimum range.

Clan: SRM4: increased to firing 5x SRM4 weapons at once without ghost heat penalty.

Clan: 2x ECM Skill Nodes max out at 33% ECM Target Range Reduction (ie: 16.5% per ECM Skill Node)
Note: IS only: max 100% ECM jamming (ie: max 100% = 20% skill node + 20% skill node + 60% base value)
Note: IS only: 2x ECM Skill Nodes max out at 40% ECM Target Range Reduction (ie: 20% per ECM Skill Node), on top of base value of IS base 60% ECM.
Note: Clan only: max 93% ECM jamming (ie: max 93% = 16.5% skill node + 16.5% skill node + 60% base value)
Note: Clan only: 2x ECM Skill Nodes max out at 33% ECM Target Range Reduction (ie: 16.5% per ECM Skill Node), on top of base value of Clan base 60% ECM.

Note: ## = Major mech chassis quirk adjustment

Note: [Maintenance_HSL] = Strictly to overcome the PPC/Gauss linked Ghost Heat penalty group; there are no additional weapon hardpoints to accommodate additional ERPPC weapons. eg: KGC-001, MAD-4L

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Additional Resources:
https://mwomercs.com/roadmap (Outdated)

Cauldron List of Patch-Notes:
www. mwocomp.com/patches

LRM weapon changes since 2024: (Summary: LRM velocity slower, but its 150m firing arc has been restored same as its 2023 value!)
Missile Velocity Quirk List

www.mwomercs.com/static/img/news/media/a6525ac7f423e0fcf458834cfcdc0753.png &&&

Edited by w0qj, 22 February 2025 - 06:12 PM.

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Posted 22 September 2021 - 09:34 AM

Also: Nep's MWO Mech Guide

Now here's a good mech build guide to each and every monthly free mech as below;
multiple builds for everyone's style and taste!



The Metal Mansion discord:
(Alternate method to contact the author of this Nep's MWO Mech Guide):

Edited by w0qj, 01 August 2023 - 10:57 PM.

#3 Nepgya


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Posted 05 October 2021 - 07:03 AM

There is an issue currently with the mech cards that are being used for the guide. The mech cards can only be generated using MechDB 1.0, however MechDB 1.0 is not updated to the current cauldron patch, so many builds do not have the correct ammo values or DPS calculations.

MechDB 2.0 is still under development but has been updated to the current patch, however there is no bot to generate new mech cards from MechDB 2.0 yet.

We're sorry for the inconvenience, and we hope to eventually have this fixed.

#4 knight-of-ni


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Posted 05 October 2021 - 07:42 AM

View PostNepgya, on 05 October 2021 - 07:03 AM, said:

There is an issue currently with the mech cards that are being used for the guide. The mech cards can only be generated using MechDB 1.0, however MechDB 1.0 is not updated to the current cauldron patch, so many builds do not have the correct ammo values or DPS calculations.

MechDB 2.0 is still under development but has been updated to the current patch, however there is no bot to generate new mech cards from MechDB 2.0 yet.

We're sorry for the inconvenience, and we hope to eventually have this fixed.

I was able to work around this issue by opening the link in MechDB 1.0, click save and share, copy the client link url, open MechDB 2.0, then import the build from the client link url in the clipboard. Lots of clicking, but it seems to work.

Edited by knight-of-ni, 05 October 2021 - 07:48 AM.

#5 knight-of-ni


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Posted 05 October 2021 - 07:46 AM

Thanks guys, for the great work you put into this guide.

I noticed the URL for the UM-K9 build with 1x UAC5 + 4x ERML is incorrect. The link takes one to the UM-K9 build w/ UAC20.

Edited by knight-of-ni, 05 October 2021 - 07:46 AM.

#6 Nepgya


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Posted 06 October 2021 - 04:58 AM

View Postknight-of-ni, on 05 October 2021 - 07:46 AM, said:

Thanks guys, for the great work you put into this guide.

I noticed the URL for the UM-K9 build with 1x UAC5 + 4x ERML is incorrect. The link takes one to the UM-K9 build w/ UAC20.

Thank you for the notice. It has been fixed. If there are any broken links, please let us know either through the public discord in the document or here!

#7 w0qj


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Posted 22 July 2023 - 08:09 PM

HSL List updated for the Stone Rhino! Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

View Postw0qj, on 22 July 2023 - 09:52 AM, said:

So technically, we have two new chassis for this July 2023 Patch:

1) Stone Rhino, and
2) Annihilator IIC for the Clan (aka Annihilator Gausszilla Legendary Mech) Posted Image

...I am not complaining... Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

Edited by w0qj, 23 July 2023 - 03:09 PM.

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Posted 26 April 2024 - 05:15 AM

Updated for the very first IS Omnimech, the Black Hawk KU ! Posted Image

Exciting times we are in! Posted Image

#9 w0qj


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Posted 20 February 2025 - 08:06 AM

Updated for the first Clan Light Omnimech, the Fire Moth ! Posted Image

Exciting times we are in! Posted Image
(Not too long ago, I almost thought that MWO gave up creating anymore new Omnimech chassis)

Edited by w0qj, 22 February 2025 - 06:00 AM.

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