Greetings MechWarriors,
Hang in there! We have a hotfix coming tomorrow, Wednesday, Dec 6th at 10 am PST. Matt has already kept you all up to date on where we think the server issues are coming from, which you can read in detail in his post HERE.
With this fix we intend to revert the issues we are having with Server Load times, and player account display issues.
This patch also includes a fix for the Centurion Chassis that has been shown to cause client crashes.
Here's what you should expect post-patch:
- Server stability should return to normal
- Client crashes (from the Centurion) should be fixed
Bolt-Ons will function more like Cockpit Items
- We have reduced the total Item IDS by making (most) Bolt-Ons shared across the Chassis where possible
- There are still Unique Bolt-Ons such as Atlas Glowing Eyes that can only be equipped to Atlas Variants
- If you owned 1 left-hand Atlas Katana Sword and 1 left-hand Hatamoto Katana Sword you will now own 2 left-hand Katana Swords that can be equipped on Mechs that are compatible with Left-handed Katana Swords
- No Bolt-Ons have been removed
- You may now own duplicates of some Bolt-Ons depending on your inventory
- You will still need to unequip Bolt-Ons from the mechs that they are currently equipped on to move them to other mechs
- In some cases, there will still be duplicate Bolt-Ons that are only shared on select mechs
- Naming conventions on the Bolt-Ons are a bit wonky (for now) as the UI intends to display all the mechs it is compatible with
- We will fix the naming convention in a future patch (not in Dec patch for now)
Look forward to current event extensions, a compensation event, and Seasonal events coming this week.
Thank you for your continued patience!
-The MWO Team