- Desperada warhorn plays no audio - fixed for August
- Ceres Metal Scrapyard: AMD users have a chance of launching into this map with hyper color visuals (much pink) - fixed for August
- Stone Rhino decals don't align correctly when you place them on your 'Mech
- Increased heat penalty multiplier to 2.8 (from 1.4)
- Point blank (0m) damage is increased to 5.5 (from 0) - Sharp exponential increase to 10 damage at 90 meters
- Point blank (0m) damage is increased to 5.5 (from 0) - Sharp exponential increase to 15 damage at 90 meters
- Increased heat penalty minimum threshold to 5 (from 3) - You can fire 4 without penalty
- Increased heat penalty multiplier to 24.0 (from 1.0) - Firing 5 or more applies a large penalty
- Decreased Spin-up time to 0.75s (from 1.0s) - Similar to RAC-2
- Increased Ramp down duration to 10s (from 9.5s) - Similar to RAC-2
- Increased Acceleration to 17.72 kph/s (from 13.11)
- Increased Deceleration to 21.76 kph/s (from 19.12)
- Increased Torso twist rate to 90 deg/s yaw and 64.69 deg/s pitch (from 76.5 and 56.25)
- Increased Acceleration to 17.72 kph/s (from 15.42)
- Increased Deceleration to 21.76 kph/s (from 19.12)
- Increased Torso twist rate to 90 deg/s yaw and 64.69 deg/s pitch (from 76.5 and 56.25)
- Increased Acceleration to 15.41 kph/s (from 13.11)
- Increased Deceleration to 19.72 kph/s (from 18.05)
- Increased Torso twist rate to 90 deg/s yaw and 64.69 deg/s pitch (from 76.5 and 56.25)
- Increased max Torso yaw angle to 90 degrees (from 85)
- Increased Torso twist rate to 90 deg/s yaw and 64.69 deg/s pitch (from 76.5 and 56.25)
- Increased max Torso yaw angle to 90 degrees (from 85)
- Hand Actuators are removed from NSR-9J , NSR-9FC , NSR-9P , NSR-10P, NSR-WP (Hand models will remain on the arms for aesthetic reasons)
- Nightstar arms have been moved closer to the body to improve weapon convergence
Enhanced UAC/RAC nodes now provide Jam time duration to Rotary Auto Cannons as well. This in addition to the already existing Ramp down cooldown time that is provided by this node for RACs.
- Removed -30% UAC Jam chance
- Added -30% Weapon Jam chance (UAC/RAC)
- Added 15% Rotary Autocannon RoF
- Added 30% Rotary Autocannon RoF
- Increased Laser duration to -20% (from -10%)
- Increased LT, RT Structure bonus to +18 (from +12)
- Removed -25% STD Laser cooldown
- Added -25% Laser cooldown
- Added 20% Rotary Autocannon Rate of Fire
- Increased RA Armor bonus to +24 (from +8)
- Increased LT, CT, RT Armor bonus to +13 (from +8)
- Added +8 Armor to LA, RA
- Added -60% Missile spread
- Added +8 Armor to LA, RA
- Added -60% Missile spread
- Added -60% Missile spread
- Increased Ballistic ammo per ton boost to +100% (from +60%)
- Added +8 Armor to LA, RA
- Removed -5% Ballistic cooldown
- Removed -10% Energy cooldown
- Increased Cooldown to -20% (from -10%)
- Added -15% Ballistic heat
- Added -40% Rotary Autocannon Jam chance
- Added +8 Armor to LA, RA
- Added +8 Armor to LA, RA
- Removed 15% PPC Velocity
- Added 20% Weapon velocity
- Added 260% MRM 10 velocity
- Removed -40% UAC Jam chance
- Added -40% Weapon Jam chance (UAC/RAC)
- Removed -40% UAC Jam chance
- Added -40% Weapon Jam chance (UAC/RAC)
- Added -40% Rotary Autocannon Jam chance
- Replaced -10% MRM 10/20/30/40 heat with -10% MRM heat (clean-up)
- Removed -40% UAC Jam chance
- Added -40% Weapon Jam chance (UAC/RAC)
- Removed -30% UAC Jam chance
- Removed -25% Rotary Autocannon Jam ramp duration
- Reduced Ballistic cooldown to -10% (from -20%)
- Added -100% Weapon Jam chance (UAC/RAC)
- Added -7.5% Ballistic cooldown
- Added -7.5% LBX cooldown
- Added +7 Armor bonus to LT, RT pods
- Increased Armor bonus on LT, RT pods to +14 (from +7)
- Added +7 Armor bonus to RT pod
- Added +7 Armor bonus to LT pod
- Added -10% Gauss Rifle cooldown in LA
- Added -20% UAC Jam chance in LA
- Increased UAC Jam duration to -60% in SO8 (from -25%)
- Added -30% UAC Jam chance in RA
- Increased UAC Jam chance to -70% in SO8 (from -40%)
- Removed -20% Ballistic cooldown from SO8
- Reduced Missile cooldown to -15% in SO8 (from -20%)
- Increased Cooldown to -25% in SO8 (from -20%)
- Added -30% UAC Jam chance in RA
- Added 25% Ballistic velocity in SO8
- Removed Rotary Autocannon HSL +1
- Added Rotary Autocannon 2 HSL +1
- Replaced -10% MRM 10/20/30/40 heat with -10% MRM heat (clean-up)
- Added Rotary Autocannon 2 HSL +1
- Increased Heat to -12.5% (from -5%)
- Removed -5% Energy heat
- Removed -10% Missile heat
- Added -10% Heat
- Removed -5% Energy heat
- Removed -25% UAC Jam chance
- Added -10% Heat
- Added -30% Weapon Jam chance (UAC/RAC)
- Increased Heat to -15% (from -10%)
- Increased Crit Chance (Receiving) to -60% (from -15%)
- Removed 10% Missile velocity
- Added 10% Weapon velocity
- Added -30% UAC Jam chance
- Added -10% Heat
- Increased LT, CT, RT Armor bonus to +18 (from +10)
- Added -15% Weapon spread
To make the patching process easier for players with limited download caps, we'll be providing direct download links for the patch file(s) that comprise this patch. This will allow you to download the patch file(s) elsewhere, for manual injection into the MWO patcher through a Patch Cache folder.
Aside from allowing you to download the patch file(s) elsewhere, on another connection, there are no additional benefits to performing the patch this way; the patching process itself will be the same.
This direct patch download process will only work for players running the standalone client. It does not apply to players running MWO through Steam.
Patch File(s): - http://patcher.mwomercs.com/patch/Production/frontend/FrontendPatch_420.zip
- Download the above file(s)
- For sake of ease, we recommend creating a dedicated folder for the patch file(s), such as 'MWO Patch Cache'
- You do not need to unzip or unpack the patch file(s)
- Launch the MWO Portal
- Select the three horizontal lines in the top left of the Portal Window
- Choose the 'Specify Patch File Cache' option
- In the field that appears, paste or enter the location in which you saved the patch file(s) and hit OK
- For example, C:\Users\<username>\Documents\MWO Patch Cache
- Click the blue Patch button
- The launcher will now check the Patch Cache folder you defined. If it locates the required patch files, it will unpack and use those files to apply the patch
- Once the patch is complete, launch the game