I spent some time testing it on my Timberwolf.
Tried 0 skills invested, tried to clear some specific (hard) locations on Canyon.
Then maxed the tree, tried to clear the same locations with no change.
No appreciable speed up, minimal gains in boost duration. Several locations I still couldn't clear the spot I was trying to clear.
The difference in performance was so weak, it wasn't even worth trying to test out different break points to look for sweet spots - there are none.
This is because the bonuses are percentages based on low base numbers - so the gains do very little.
The tree as it stands now, is poor value and it's unlikely I would ever invest in it as it stands.
*Above testing also had maxxed out Upper/Lower torso trees for both with and without JJ tree. This means JJ tree would actually be even worse, if you weren't maxing those trees due to how important velocity is when trying to achieve jumps.
Edited by Ultimax, 09 February 2017 - 08:00 AM.