With the recent skill tree, too much can be placed in a build with only one type of weapon. Quad UACs or M. Pulse Laser builds are favored rather than having different load outs that might have energy, ballistic, and/or missile combos.
Solution: Let’s give more Skill Points (SP) to diverse builds!

Let's take the example you get 5 Bonus SP for each Hard Point Type (5 for the Energy trees Only, 5 for the Missile trees Only, 5 for the Ballistic trees Only). It would look a little like this,
Let's say you have 85 stock skill points (SP) for each mech
1) You have only ONE hard point types (Lets say Energy).
-You get 5 Bonus SP to use ONLY in the ENERGY type skill trees (Like Laser and Pulse laser).
2) You have TWO hard point types (let's say Energy and Missile for now).
-You get 5 Bonus SP to use in each of those skill trees, for a total of 10 SP (5 for the energy trees and 5 for the Missile trees).
3) You have ALL THREE hard point types.
-You get 5 Bonus SP to use in each of those skill trees, for a total of 15 SP (5 for each).
These points would be the first used in those weapon trees and would be removed the same way as other SPs. This would also help a little to those who want to change the build of the mech from one weapon type to another.
Balance the SP numbers out and this would not only encourage new builds but give diverse builds a fighting chance without breaking the laser/ballistic/missile boats that some people love.
In Short: Win-Win
Now let’s go Kick in some Cockpits, Mechwarriors!
Edited by ragedog4, 08 February 2017 - 08:52 PM.