Widowmaker1981, on 13 February 2017 - 10:05 AM, said:
Yeah, it has energy, ballistic and missile boat variants, slender humanoid torso, head mounted cockpit, reasonably high torso mounted weapons, jump jets, high engine cap.. whats not to like? Only point against it is that it only boats, no mixed variants.
I think people confuse how good the mech is in TT with how good it will be here. In TT is shares that same hugely overengined problem the Gargoyle has, but here.. it can run an XL350 and do 75 kph while having actual firepower.
Yeah, I mean based on the stock loadouts, I surmise that you will have a variant that does the KDK-3 dakka loadout, 7-8 laser vomit, and a 6 SRM6 w/art mech, all with JJs. All of which are welcome additions to the Clan 80 tonner lineup. Super jumpy Clan Black Widow, Super Clan Grasshopper-5P, and Super Clan Griffin-3M.
Edited by Gas Guzzler, 13 February 2017 - 10:11 AM.