Yeonne Greene, on 13 February 2017 - 10:43 PM, said:
I don't think it's any more painful. You are looking for a way to mitigate this potential outcome, but to me that appears like an over-correction. It wouldn't be any worse than now. You'll still have people who want to play brawler or sniper or whatever and they will have what they have for each map and the combat will not always allow for ideal play. (side note: there are no maps which favor brawling, closest is actually Caustic, but that's really more of a hammer-and-anvil power position dealio).
The trees aren't all-or-nothing, either. You could spec a little in each tree, but the overall benefit would be small compared to if you went all-in on a role because the good stuff would be deeper in and/or cumulative with earlier selections. Alternatively, you could spec a tree that complements only part of your build, the one you expect to be leaning the most on, and just work with the natural traits of the rest.
Scouting isn't really a thing in this game, and even if we had strict role trees it still wouldn't be a thing because the game mechanics don't allow it. We don't have differing radar cross-sections and we don't require a lock to get maximum impact on a target. The Mk. I Eyeball is the most powerful tool.
There are also no builds which are both skirmisher and fire support. Effective Fire Support 'Mechs are too slow to be Skirmishers because they are pretty much strictly ballistics with the odd ERLL boat in very niche conditions. Skirmishers don't have the sustainable DPS to be Fire Support. They have high burst DPS that can't be sustained or they have low burst DPS that can be sustained for awhile.
To be clear, Fire Support would be something like the WHM-6R running PPC+UACs or the pop-tart Night Gyr. Skirmisher is more like the pop-tarting Summoner and Hunchback-IIC or the old Jenner IIC SRM36 bomber. That CDA-3M, assuming the UAC build, can be specc'd either way. My point, though, is that you shouldn't be able to optimize to do both equally. That would just drive those aforementioned strong builds up (i.e. pop-tarts that rely on Gauss like the Night Gyr...are also very capable brawlers if you are a good shot and we should allow them to be equally good at both FS and Brawl simultaneously because that makes the whole 'Mech and build too good).
And that's still an option. If a pilot feels he has trouble spreading damage, then he could spec the Brawler tree for increased durability even on his ERLL boat, he just won't also get the advantage of maximum range and shorter duration that a Fire Support tree might give him. And nor should he, that's the opportunity cost. The good pilots, however, will spec trees that synergize with the build and role they want to perform, and just deal with drawbacks that come with it. Teams especially will be able to assign roles to members that cover gaps in capability.
I apologize if I'm not articulating this very well, it's early AM for me.
Early AM for me too. You're communicating very well. I appreciate you taking the time to answer the questions.
My last thought of the night is: i can see this working in larger group drops, both FP and Pug. But what about solo drops?