Metus regem, on 16 February 2017 - 03:18 PM, said:
I will say three words, that should aleaviate your concerns...
Think about it, they could make DLC Clan Invasion, DLC Clan Invasion from the Clan side, DLC Operation Serpent, DLC Operation Bulldog, DLC Operation Serpent; Clan Side, DLC Operation Bulldog; Clan side, DLC Age of War, DLC Star League Civil War, DLC Pentagon Worlds campaign, DLC FedCom Civil War.... there are a lot of things they could make actual DLC campaigns for for MW5....
Me i see MWO2
Hope you are all ready to rebuy your whole MWO mechs collection in MWO2...
You can see in video MW5 shadow hawk model is EXACTLY same than current MWO shadow hawk we have now... meshes textures ( in fact only HUD is totally new lol ) and MWO2 shadow hawk will be exactly the same model...
Same for raven and all others mechs which will be avaiable....
Yea you did pay MWO mech package for they make the dream real and they will sell you same work in 2 mores games with MW5 and MWO2.
Dont worry IP won't die, just need whales for make this dream alive again (MW5) and again (MWO2)

Me i wasn't convince by their work on MWO and also didn't became a whale and i swear i will never become one.