(Note, the mech pictured above has been modified to more closely resemble original concept art, and does not reflect the actual finished geometry and paint selection of the UM-K9 Hero Mech)
This will be a three way contest, for Fan Fiction, and both Digital and Traditional Art.
This is the Entry Thread for TRADITIONAL ART ONLY.
By Traditional Art, I mean drawings, sketches, Lego mechs, Models, Macaroni Sculptures, etc. Physically created works of art made specifically for THIS contest.
*Just a side note (which I will append to the OP also),, it doesn't HAVE to be the Urbanmechs, or even robots. If someone wants to design the Uniforms and or Draw the Pilots of the Mechanized Police Unit of the Zhi-Chiang Constabulary, or something to do with the SWAT vehicles that support them.... by all means, feel free! (the shoulder patch for the unit has a simple "ZCC" on the top, and "MPU" on the bottom, with the middle field displaying the crest of the Federated Commonwealth)
All entries must be new and original, created especially for the sake of this contest. The Winner in each category will be gifted a shiny new UM-K9 "K-9" Urbanmech Hero. (dunno if there should be anything like MC, premium time, etc for 2nd/3rd place, or if it's an all or nothing type of party?)
For the fictional background informational aspect, a few details of the mysterious Urbanmech come to be known as the

1st Place: K9 Hero Mech
2nd Place MC Injection (1250 MC)
3rd place: Cockpit Item or Color of Choice
Winners will be decided by a Panel of PGI Judges, our Community Manager, Tina, and Myself!
This is all in good fun, of course, but I wanted some way of saying THANK YOU to all the members of the community who helped me get first the Urbanmech, and finally, my beloved Hero, into this game! And an extra special Thank you, to PGI, not only for bringing my Deputy Dawg to life, but supporting this contest, also!
Oops! I forgot! Contest ends 11:59pm EST, March 15th, 2017, after which we will judge and post winners hopefully soon after!
********ENTRIES to Date*********
1) -Snotling-

2) -Dolgfer-
3) -CoffeeFrog-

4) -MAXrobo-

5) -TheDevouringOne-

6) -c0d3rPK-
7) -Steel Raven-

......... more to come?
I'm extending the Deadline. Not by choice, but necessity. Apparently Tina had to be out of town for the last couple of weeks, and won't be returning until Monday. I am trying to work the situation out with another Dev at this time, but because of his other responsibilities, I don't believe he has had time to get fully caught up. So until I know what is going on ( I am only one of the judges on the panel, and do not have the power to bequeath the prizes), I will have to extend the deadline. At this time I am extending it tentatively by 48 hours until 11:59 pm EST, March 17th, 2017, but it may extend longer depending on what is decided. I apologize for the confusion and thank you for your patience. If you have any more polishing on your arts, stories, etc, feel free to continue.
****************and the Winners are!**************************
Traditional Art:
-1st Place: Dolgfer
-2nd Place: Maxrobo
-3rd Place: steel raven
Thank you again to PGI and Tina and the various judges for making this possible... and to all the entrants who posted their creativity! And congratulations to our winners! Any problems with injections, please let me Tina know...and if our third place winners could contact Tina and let her know your choice of Color or Cockpit Item, she'll get those injected to your accounts! Thank you again!
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 28 March 2017 - 05:07 PM.