Why 91 Nodes?
Posted 03 March 2017 - 01:48 PM
It seams like with 91 you really can flood most trees, making it not really seam like choice persay, just unlocking like the old system. Granted there are somethings that you can boost or choose, but much of it is going to be the same no mater what mech you are in.
I was pondering the idea of lesser nodes. maybe 50 or 60, and i was finding i really had to sacrifice on what i wanted or how i wanted a mech to play. did i really want to put all my eggs into weapons and structure? Or did i want more sensors and move? did i just use a smattering of boxes in a bunch of trees?
boat up weapons and add JJ's with a little sensors? (poptart)
did i boat up structure/weapons/move and skip everything else (brawler)
did i go sensors/move and light weapons, (scout) ect
Playing around using less nodes, i found i really was making harder choices that really effected my playstyle in said mech, verse 91 where i really did kinda feel like i could just take all i wanted/needed for the most part.
Are we set on 91 nodes? or is there a better number?
Posted 03 March 2017 - 01:52 PM
That, and many types of skills have very weak values even when fully maxed out. If the values of some maxed skills were stronger, then it would make more sense to greatly constrict the number of skills we can have.
Edited by FupDup, 03 March 2017 - 01:53 PM.
Posted 03 March 2017 - 02:06 PM
I think there also needs to be more decision making. Like you say, with 91 points you can acquire pretty much every essential skills, including the equivalent of multiple 6 million cbill skills that we can't have under the current system. I'd like to see a reduction in SP but also some trade-offs and real decision making.
Of course this all assumes the skills are useful and balanced.
Edited by process, 03 March 2017 - 02:07 PM.
Posted 03 March 2017 - 02:11 PM
9 = perfection, 3×3 with 3 being the holy number, trinity.
9+1 = 10, the completion of all.
There is no other number more suitable to be the one to be chosen.
Posted 03 March 2017 - 02:21 PM
Then we can discuss how many you should be able to unlock, I think 50-60% is probably fine and forces some real choices, especially if the nodes represent real substantial buffs rather than incremental tiny improvements of questionable value.
Posted 03 March 2017 - 02:29 PM
process, on 03 March 2017 - 02:06 PM, said:
Honestly, there is decision making. None of my mechs can fully specialize more than 2 areas, and I always feel like I am missing out, especially if agility is involved. No, I think the skill tree is okay, but if they reduce the amount of nodes that we can unlock without changing the paths to unlock, then I will be pretty anti-skill tree.
Posted 03 March 2017 - 03:25 PM
Posted 03 March 2017 - 03:46 PM
It's a scam and waste of time, nothing more.
Posted 03 March 2017 - 04:34 PM
Posted 03 March 2017 - 05:03 PM
J0anna, on 03 March 2017 - 04:34 PM, said:
Yes and no.. There aer aspects you can get better on test than on live.. But the mech as a whole seams to run hotter, or moves not as well, or has a bit less firepower. But they can have more hit points, better amounts of sensors, jump jets, ammo counts, a few other weapon things for certain mechs.
I am also hoping they will boost the nodes depending on what class you are in.. Meaning a light would get more out of movement or sensors, and an assault would get more out of structure ect. maybe the mediums got an operations bonus, heavies get a weapon bonus. Boosting the effectiveness of certain trees for certain classes. you can see this already in the Jump Jet tree, the mechs that jump well get a bigger boost on these.
Posted 03 March 2017 - 05:06 PM

Posted 03 March 2017 - 06:39 PM
on the live server basically all mechs are generalists and can do anything. with 91 points it does allow more specialization, but even super specialized there are more than enough points to kick around.
40 or 50 points would be a much better option
Posted 03 March 2017 - 06:43 PM
soapyfrog, on 03 March 2017 - 02:21 PM, said:
Then we can discuss how many you should be able to unlock, I think 50-60% is probably fine and forces some real choices, especially if the nodes represent real substantial buffs rather than incremental tiny improvements of questionable value.
No that's still too much, i think 1 point will be enough or even half point.
Edited by Nexxio, 03 March 2017 - 06:44 PM.
Posted 03 March 2017 - 06:57 PM
Posted 03 March 2017 - 09:26 PM
Kiran Yagami, on 03 March 2017 - 06:57 PM, said:
You don't need any particular number of nodes to serve as a c-bill sink; they could just as easily allow each 'mech to take 4 skill nodes at 2.5 million each.
Posted 03 March 2017 - 09:46 PM
Queen of England, on 03 March 2017 - 09:26 PM, said:
Then people would actually have sticker shock.
As it is you have a lot of people thinking the skill costs are fine because they just cant envision the full costs of the system over time and over their mech collections as they expand.
Posted 03 March 2017 - 11:16 PM
Gas Guzzler, on 03 March 2017 - 02:29 PM, said:
Honestly, there is decision making. None of my mechs can fully specialize more than 2 areas, and I always feel like I am missing out, especially if agility is involved. No, I think the skill tree is okay, but if they reduce the amount of nodes that we can unlock without changing the paths to unlock, then I will be pretty anti-skill tree.
I still think the live model was better. A set of universal core skills to unlock followed by mastery skills for customization.
That should be coupled with a lower skill point total and fewer nodes with bigger bonuses.
And they still need to eliminate some of the dumb linkages like making some of the useless module-equivalent nodes prereqs for the basic-equivalent skills.
Posted 03 March 2017 - 11:19 PM
JC Daxion, on 03 March 2017 - 01:48 PM, said:
They threw three darts at the board and hit triple 20, triple 7 and double 5. Stop advocating for less. 91 out of 229 is fine.
Posted 04 March 2017 - 03:55 AM
Also, the skill tree should be smaller. It's much more satisfying to level up when the skill points actually do something. Where's the joy in getting a +0.5% range bonus?
Posted 04 March 2017 - 03:59 AM
Dee Eight, on 03 March 2017 - 11:19 PM, said:
JC Daxion, on 03 March 2017 - 01:48 PM, said:
They threw three darts at the board and hit triple 20, triple 7 and double 5. Stop advocating for less. 91 out of 229 is fine.
Agreed on telling people to not advocate for less nodes. People should advocate for more nodes. Heck, I like this post...
Acehilator, on 03 March 2017 - 05:06 PM, said:

...and add this to it...
D V Devnull, on 27 February 2017 - 05:06 PM, said:
Really, I'm NOT kidding around. I've had the chance to play another game that uses Skill Tree systems, namely "Borderlands", and seeing the low limits that PGI is allowing just made me sick. To give you an idea, "Borderlands" allows you "64 to 66, out of 105 nodes" to allocate, and it actually works out right. While I don't think that everyone should be given that insanely great a ratio here in MWO, I did find while watching others' videos and streams that "91 nodes of around 330" is simply not enough. If PGI really wants to see what people can bring out, what diverse designs can come to the field, then they need to make it at least "100 to 105 nodes, out of around 330" to be picked and allocated. There needs to be proper compensation for build allocation, and there just doesn't appear to be enough at this time, but what I suggest here really wouldn't 'break the bank' (as the old saying goes). Otherwise, they're choking too many Pilots and their Mechs, and all that can do is hurt PGI's Business-based Bottom Line in terms of Cash Flow. I'm sure PGI doesn't want to hurt themselves, so they should up the allowed number of nodes to at least 100 to 105, right?
...which I posted while down with a cold, but had the chance to view a ton of New Skill Tree PTS videos and form a useful opinion, due to being unable to get to the PTS myself because of Real Life Issues.

After seeing some videos regarding the 'New Skill Tree: Version 2, PTS Release', I've come to the realization that even my own words still hold mostly true. However, with how PGI is now arranging things, it seems like even a boost of 14 nodes wouldn't be enough for proper specialization. I've got the feeling PGI really doesn't understand how critical it is that all teammates can perform well on the battlefields, each with their Mech tuned properly for their playstyle and personal abilities. At this point, I now feel and think that PGI should place the Allowed Node Count at '120 of 229', a grand total of 29 Additional Nodes beyond their number of 91, and barely enough to cover only about one additional section -- maybe a little more -- of the New Skill Tree system. Otherwise, we're looking at a Major Community Breakdown as people tear each other apart over how they think their build path is better than any other, and a Major Backlash Against PGI for trying to force people through nodes that their equipment load can't even use while having pre-choked them out of even really using a proper set of New Skill Tree Sections. But hey, this is just my current mental mileage, although I can see in the form of a temporal cascading tree as to all the problems that PGI hasn't accounted for and could end up with causing their own destruction.

By the way, please keep in mind that I'm not trying to take aim at you, Dee Eight. Your post just happened to be the best point at which for me to come along, add some of my own thoughts to this thread, and therefore add to discussion contained within here.

~Mr. D. V. "Damnit, PGI's whole 'New Skill Tree PTS' mess has me going wall-of-text seemingly every time I post!" Devnull
[Minor Edit by Post Author for a missed piece of a thought.]
Edited by D V Devnull, 04 March 2017 - 04:03 AM.
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