In battletech and lore, autocannons function much more like massive machineguns, than cannons. Firing in burst of x-number of rounds dealing damage up to the autocannon rating.
The number of tubes used for lrms and srms should be adjustable as well, i loved firing srm-6's out of a x-5's 2 tube launchers.
While a larger caliber or more tubed launcher has the advantage of doing all of its damage at once, barrage fire has power in its own right. Weve all been pelted from a full barrage from an painful. However, having your side torso smashed off by one IS ac-20 round, is just as painful.
So, here is a table outlining its function, as stated before, there would be a clickable tab to select caliber next to the weapon, the same way you can select engine rating. For those of you worried about screen shake and such with this,rounds and screen shake would have to be scaled up or down down dependent on caliber.
4 rounds per cycle, 0.5 damage each
2 rounds per cycle, 1 damage each
1 round per cycle, 2 damage each
10 rounds per cycle, 0.5 damage each
5 rounds per cycle, 1 damage each
2 rounds per cycle, 2.5 damage each
1 round per cycle, 5 damage each
20 rounds per cycle, 0.5 damage each
10 rounds per cycle, 1 damage each
5 rounds per cycle, 2 damage each
1 round per cycle, 10 damage each
40 rounds per cycle, 0.5 damage each
20 rounds per cycle, 1 damage each
10 rounds per cycle, 2 damage each
5 rounds per cycle,4 damage each
1 round per cycle, 1 damage each.
Now, in battletech, an ac-20 could, theoretically fire in 100 round bursts, however things scaling that high would be ridiculous and slightly game breaking.
Reload times would stay the same as they are now, so in the case of an ac-20 using (insert mm here) caliber rounds allowing it to fire 40 shots in a burst, it would have to finish firing those 40, before its next reload. Ammo amount would stay the same, possibly adjusting the number based on caliber, but, thats just fluff. Youll still get 7 bursts for one ton of ac-20 ammo.
Lrm tubing is simple.
Selectable number of tubes using the same function as autocannons selectable caliber.
Srm tubing coming in increments of 2, lrm tubing in increments of 5.
So, you could have an lrm 20, in a 5 tube launcher again.
One of the only mechs i still see doing this is the AS7-S(L), which i love using lrms on because of its tubing layout.
It has 3 5 tube launchers, and one ten tube. I have 4 lrm 15's, the barrage of lrm fire suppresses most targets i choose to fire on.
Edited by XkrX Dragoon, 05 March 2017 - 04:04 AM.