Bishop Steiner, on 07 March 2017 - 12:36 PM, said:
Stay On. Test. Test a lot of things. Take two identical mechs, skill one, leave the other unskilled. Try different combos. Why? Because the longer you are on there, the more one actually tries stuff? The less WTF it becomes. Are there things that are still just not "right". Yes. But there is a lot more, in premise that actually is making sense, even if in many cases the specific values may be in question.
What are the salient points that are making sense to you? Please expound because i have tested a lot both with and with out skills and on various chasis and it all seems like a complete cluster. I intimated in another thread that I believed that the trees were effectively designed to force you to basically take them all. You said you felt differently but didn't mention how. Only other thing that made any sense was leaving approximately 25% of one key node untaken, and that didn't seem like a truly viable option after considering the trees further and my other options with the points.
Bishop Steiner, on 07 March 2017 - 12:36 PM, said:
Again, what I see is people comparing robots in a vacuum. OH MY GOD!!! This is less so and so than it is live! Without actually testing enough other things to realize.... wait a tick... pretty much EVERYTHING has taken a bit of a performance hit. BOTH factions. Oh, and thnaks to engine Desync... the Clan Heavies aren't all more agile than the IS ones anymore.
Yes everything feels much worse to pilot now, although admittedly not in PTS 3.0 seems like light mechs are better off than they are on live currently. But Mediums feel terrible across the board, turning, brawling, surviving, killing lights... everything, except the shadow cat seemed like the one medium that does not suck as bad and I tested a lot of mediums. As to heavies Warhammers especially felt terrible (agility wise) and brawling ability seems really compromised by these changes.
Bishop Steiner, on 07 March 2017 - 12:36 PM, said:
Meaning what? That outside of poptarts and turrets.... Clanners probably will on average spend more points on Mobility than the equivalent IS will have to Little things like that really add up. But one doesn't get to start seeing the shades of grey and such unless one is willing to test a lot, with an open mind.
Completely disagree with this. To even get your mechs to a some what reasonable state you are required to take the twisting and turning skills on all IS mechs. I couldn't even play my favorite Warhammers with out every single turning skill turned on and even then it is barely playable. I had set up the mobility tree with out taking all the twisting skills in some of my tests and that is completely non viable. I don't find there is single mech is or clan that i wouldn't take complete twist and turn skills on. If there were such a mech it might be one of the clanners so they got the better end of that stick as well.
Bishop Steiner, on 07 March 2017 - 12:36 PM, said:
The point? Most people really seem to be going into it looking at how to replicate the current Meta, etc.... when the whole point is to try to reduce the gap between Meta and Non. I've been running both IS and Clan and it is hard to overcome the inherent Clan Advantages of their XL, Endo, Ferro and DHS, and undoubtedly values will have to be juggled. But this insistence that PGI has some kind of crusade against IS Players (or Clan Ones, which yes, a goodly number of them claim) is just pretty dang dumb, TBH.
I disagree that the gap has closed any. They Have nerfed all mechs across the board and then allowed you to unerf some portion of them to get back a little what you lost. But they also removed quirks from many mechs that allowed them to compete while giving every mech access to the same trees. This move is puzzling in itself as now they have just nerfed an under performing mech many on the IS side with no power compensation in return.
This doesn't help new players or people in non skilled mechs or even people who are running non meta builds. All it does is punish people who start to pilot a new mech (either because they bought a new mech or because they are a new player) with an experience that is a lot like trying to get an elephant to change directions, which is to say lumbering and ridiculous, and increases the power delta greatly imo between skilled (mechs will points) and unskilled (mechs with out points), thereby making it a noob stomping ground even more so than it already is. And vetran pilots with new mechs are forced to grind through a long hard slog while they endure elphant turning radi, and abysmal overheating all while trying to get upgrades that individually are completely unsatisfying but that when finally stacked together do actually make a difference. Thus making the leveling process completely unrewarding and frustrating. This is all to say nothing of the problems with the ridiculous number of talent trees and points that currently exist that people will find overwhelming. (see this thread for more info on why that is a problem
Edited by Malrock, 07 March 2017 - 03:59 PM.