Main issue of current tree system is apparent from the Weapon branch. Previous installment encouraged weapon boating, which was somewhat fixed with merge. Now the unified skill tree benefits all weapons in low SP investments and encourage specialization with increased SPs unlocked - so far so good.
I do understand that the position of nodes is arranged in the way that getting to juicy stuff requires spending SP on less appealing improvements and I am OK with that. However this arrangement encourages investing in the weapon upgrades which I am not currently sporting. For example I was trying to skill up my Marauder to be more effective with PPCs, but I came to the point where I would have to take Laser nodes to be able to get to other beneficial nodes (esp. heat is crucial). But I don't want to use lasers!
It would be possible to indefinitely rearrange the weapon tree, until it will encompass all the possibilities, but thats is going to be long and painful proces. And what are going to do when a major overhaul will be needed? Refund all nodes every time?
Second thing - because of merging, the three itself become tremendously huge leading to lesser readability.
I know it is radical and not a new proposition, but I think it would be better to choose different system and instead of a tree create system of tiers. Each tier will require certain investment of SP before allowing advancement to next one. By clever distribution of upgrades among the tiers it would be possible to create similar system to current one, but without the restriction to take unwanted upgrades.
The idea to prevent boating is to fill lower tiers with mostly generic upgrades and start adding weapon-specific improvements progressively with tier increase. Parallel system like this will yield same results like current implementation but without the shortcomings of tree linearity.
Bonus: this system can allow invest in one upgrade several times and thus get rid of filler items (like 10 levels of same upgrade), however in this case, the number of points per tier would need to be limited, to prevent over maxing one atribute.
So with tier system, considering 1SP/Upgrade and 5SP needed for tier advacement the weapon upgrade branch could look something like this:
Tier 1:
Cooldwn 1, Range 1, Velocity 1
Cooldwn 2, Range 2, Velocity 2
Tier 2:
Cooldwn 3, Range 3, Velocity 3, Heat 1, L-Duration 1, M-Spread 1, LBX-Spread 1, G-Charge 1
Cooldwn 4, Range 4, Velocity 4, Heat 2, L-Duration 2, M-Spread 2, LBX-Spread 2, G-Charge 2
Tier 3:
Cooldwn 5, Range 5, Velocity 5, Heat 3, L-Duration 3, M-Spread 3, LBX-Spread 3, G-Charge 3
Cooldwn 6, Range 6, Velocity 6, Heat 4, L-Duration 4, M-Spread 4, LBX-Spread 4, G-Charge 4
Tier 4:
Velocity 7, Heat 5, L-Duration 5, M-Spread 5, M-Rack 1, LBX-Spread 5, UAC-Jam 1, G-Charge 5
Velocity 8, Heat 6, L-Duration 6, M-Spread 6, M-Rack 2, LBX-Spread 6, UAC-Jam 2, G-Charge 6
Probably would make sense to make the SP tier unlock requirement progressive to tier levels, buts thats more up to the fine tuning of the system. But the main point is - this will prevent investment to unwanted nodes while still keep need to invest to generic nodes first. I am sure that similar progression could be think up for each mech skill-branch
Other improvement for consideration:
Also, as I have stated during PTS1, I still think that reasoning behind mech specialization would be more straightforward. This could be supported first by lowering overall SP number and by correctly adjusting number of maximum SP vs. available upgrades. This ration should be about 1/3, so there would be more initiative for more conscious choices in a way: do I want to improve offensive, defensive, mobility, support or be jack-of-all trades?
Lowering the actual amount of maximum SP and number of choices would make whole skilling proces much more clearer and synoptic.
Edited by RudWolf, 08 March 2017 - 09:15 AM.