Civil War Update Details!
Started by InnerSphereNews, Mar 14 2017 11:37 AM
676 replies to this topic
Posted 05 June 2017 - 02:22 PM
Yeah. Basically missile vomit. But I don't imagine they'll do that. Chances are good we'll get it as all in one go. Perhaps if they buff the damage up from 1, even just 1.2, then they'll at least deal more damage than LRMs per section and salvo.
Posted 27 June 2017 - 12:02 PM
3 weeks to go, hopefully get some sneak peaks of the mechs herr soon. Last tease was just the Uziel on an art stream like a month ago >.>
Matt or Alex? Please post something or even do a 3 week count down?
Matt or Alex? Please post something or even do a 3 week count down?
Posted 27 June 2017 - 12:59 PM
Stop getting my hopes up! I thought they'd released some actual details Dx
Posted 27 June 2017 - 04:31 PM
There is supposed to be a test server.
Russ said there would be a test server in his townhall.
Russ said there would be a test server in his townhall.
Posted 27 June 2017 - 10:53 PM
They said possibly this week. If they disregard the event. We could have it Thursday or Friday. But if they wait for the event's end, it'll be sometime next week. I personally am fine with ignoring the event to test some new tech out
Posted 28 June 2017 - 01:37 AM
what a confusing time to live in as an mwo newbie.
But me as a day 2 player is very excited to dive into the damage labyrint d(@_@)d
But me as a day 2 player is very excited to dive into the damage labyrint d(@_@)d
Posted 30 June 2017 - 12:19 PM
Wendigo Waltz, on 14 March 2017 - 01:35 PM, said:
...but yeah, they are going to change somethings for clanners and they are gonna have to be aware of them on the battlefield.
I think you hit it on the head right here. I've been playing this game for a while, and I have both IS and Clan 'mechs.
When I'm in a clan 'mech I don't really take notice of many of the IS 'mechs at all, just something else to kill. However, when I'm in an IS 'mech and I see that 2xUAC5+2xUAC10 Kodiak come over the hill, I definitely take notice. Maybe now when I see that Mauler with the 2xRAC5s and the 2xMRM40s I'll think twice about engaging him in single combat with my clan 'mech.
Of course I want to see more tech for both sides and I want to see more awesome 'mechs. I want to see HAG, X-Pulse Lasers, etc. one day, but I'm okay with the IS getting a little extra love for once in this game. It's going to inspire me to dust off some of my older IS 'mechs that I haven't really bothered with in a while... Hello Grid-Iron, how are you? I think I'm going to call it my "Legionnaire".

Posted 17 July 2017 - 09:04 AM
what is the current year before the civil war update?
Posted 03 August 2017 - 07:27 PM
After looking in the new IS's tech, one thing that PGI missed was the IS LB-X 20. This gun couldn't fit into the mech's arm. As I had remember from TRO 3057-3060, one of Liao's mech (The Emperor) has this gun in both arms. This is not Heavy Gauss and the damage may even less than AC 20 in long range, why can't put it in the mech's arm.
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