Posted 18 March 2017 - 02:27 PM
Resetting tiers would be a half decent idea, I know when PSR first came out and I got to T4 the game got way better than the hell of T5, now that I am almost to T2 and it has been a long while since the PXH came out, the quality of matches has hit T5 levels constantly. Even if I see T1's on my team or the enemy team (names I know from forums that show the T1 badge) quality still seems horrid.
PSR worked until people got sorted into eternal T5 or slide up into T1. Like once out of T5, it is hard to go down in PSR, like really hard.
Return to ELO, redo match score to weigh things that actually win matches which are components destroyed, KMDD, UAV kills, UAV detection, that stuff instead of kills. Have the stats for pilots under the stats tree count KDR and kills based on KMDD's and not actual kills. Push people to actually play and not splash mechs to get that last hit for the kill. That will mess with people's precious KDR. Have PSR and Tier's still exist but more for showing standard deviations from "average". T5 being -2 deviations, T1 being +2 deviations, roughly. Dump new players in the bottom bracket, we don't expect much of them so they earn their ranking. With an ELO more focused on performance than kills, damage, and wins (reward smarter playing) and rewards consistent players with higher ELO ranking it helps. Cull people who haven't played say 60 matches in the past 30 days (comes out to around 10 hours over 30 days, generous in my opinion) from the ELO ranks to remove inactive players from recalculating at the beginning of the month where each deviation begins and ends.
ELO did give better matches than what we have now. PSR gave better matches for the first 4-6 months it was out. Now PSR has settled and it is bad. Removal of PSR and switching it to a standard deviation rating would allow for removal of the "valves" that PGI has which artificially makes more "buckets" of players. This will help with faster match making, or just go full ham and don't use ELO for match making and just do first come first serve, do it's best to get 3, 3, 3, 3 for both sides within a certain tonnage range and not care about skill, would certainly mix up the playerbase in who they face. PGI also needs to find a way to have 8v8 and 12v12 running at the same time, have MM randomly pick 8v8 or 12v12 with leaning more towards 12v12 servers when you have a high flow rate of players through MM, push more players to 8v8 servers when flow rate is slow. Helps speed up match making as you are dealing with a third of the players required to run a match.
Still, this doesn't address the economy of the game, which is too low for the average player, takes too long for them to get a new mech after the cadet bonus, premium time with the low economy is near worthless at 50%, if it were 100% at the current price we could have a conversation.