Incursion Game Mode Public Test Session
Posted 26 March 2017 - 11:44 PM
Posted 27 March 2017 - 01:31 AM

Posted 27 March 2017 - 05:14 AM
Posted 27 March 2017 - 05:37 AM
Dropship tower is unneeded. A central turret control tower can replace it.
Radar Tower should have a limit, not do the whole map.
Be more interesting if you could cap the towers for control.
Only 1 base is needed.
PigMonkey, on 26 March 2017 - 05:50 AM, said:
I asked you a question... "how is that working so far?"
Which you did not answer, because you would have to straight up lie to be obstinate, or you would have to agree with me. It isn't. Then you lumped three of us together and accused us of crying, cause it is easier than trying to defend your position. So,it appears, any one who does not hold your opinion is "crying". You are right, it is up to people to realize that offering feedback is a bonus, but they have not, so how do we change it? You've been great with nay saying but how about a constructive attempt at a solution? You are attempting to bully people with your opinion because, why exactly? PGI as asked its players to leave feed back, and when they do, you are here to tell them that they're wrong. Nice, supportive, good leadership. Who is really wasting the community's time here? The people who leave feed back or the people who say that their feedback is wrong?
More free stuff is not an or the answer.
Too much free stuff can actually cost a company profit.
Everyone knows that is ALWAYS the answer when someone wants more free stuff.
Duerre, on 26 March 2017 - 08:25 AM, said:
Ask away but be warned there is already art work to do on new Mechs, fixing Mech errors and problems with existing maps. Wanting more maps when existing issues are still around is asking for more BAD maps.
Edited by Wildstreak, 27 March 2017 - 05:39 AM.
Posted 27 March 2017 - 06:09 AM

Posted 27 March 2017 - 07:07 AM
And i think mostly that's because all the bonuses you can get from them, are defencive. Also need to make destroying all 4 generators required for victory, or decrease the value of each gen/tower destruction. Because when you're taking down 2 gens, and then blowing one of the towers aaand Victory!..."how did that happend?" was my reaction.
Ok, so to the actual facts:
Dropship with few medium lasers? What's the point in it, it can do 2-3 weak shots at enemy's mech inside the base before leave, and when the enemies are inside your base - the least thing you're gonna worry about is tower charging. So after all the side that's pushing the line, controlling the map and the objectives and going to attack the enemy base - get mostly useless for them bonuses like ecm jamming of their side of the map, air support of the base, and map scan, that is meaningless - because you know where all there alive enemies are, defending their base.
I think those bonuses must be more for the attack then defence or balance between the two, so you not only gonna be interested in them, you will also try to prevent the enemy from taking them.
Something like:
- Turret control center that activates the second line of outer turrets with, let's say pair of ERLLs. Reasonable defence buff.
- Periodical arty/airstike with usage of the Long Tom arty mechanics (aim for the biggest group of enemies, maybe even with that bigger radius but with the damage of usual arty/airstrike). Good for both, support the attack and help in the defence.
- Change the dropship from staying above the base - to flying in the middle of the map across all the energy cell generators points: or just in patrol, or hold for ~10 secs above each of the cell generators, and then fly away from the map, and repeat 2-3 times during those 2 mins. That can be used in many ways: 1). would be a good way to keep lights from capturing new cells easily, and they will have to atleast look where the dropship is now and what generator to capture. 2). Make some annoying fire in the back for the enemy team that's holding the middle of the map or pushing for the attack. 3). Get yourself some fire support against the enemy defenders before rushing in on them to get the new energy cell or two.
In that way the dropship can be actually used in many ways, because of both - incoming fire prevents from capping, and fire in the back from undying flying thing in not the nicest part of the match).
Edited by Delta1262 Scorch, 27 March 2017 - 01:03 PM.
Posted 27 March 2017 - 07:37 AM
Wildstreak, on 27 March 2017 - 05:37 AM, said:
More free stuff is not an or the answer.
Too much free stuff can actually cost a company profit.
Everyone knows that is ALWAYS the answer when someone wants more free stuff.
Posted 27 March 2017 - 08:38 AM
CapperDeluxe, on 27 March 2017 - 05:14 AM, said:
I think I tried once to get in, but since Im in Europe, its seems impossible to find any match. And I was kinda excited.....
Yeah, as others have said. It would help alot. And if possible they should ditch the events that are normally scheduled for newly released mechs etc. Just pump up the test server rewards to your main "real" account as compensation.
Its mind baffling that PGI do not... seriously!
Edited by Tordin, 27 March 2017 - 08:38 AM.
Posted 27 March 2017 - 09:02 AM
Wildstreak, on 27 March 2017 - 05:37 AM, said:
More free stuff is not an or the answer.
Too much free stuff can actually cost a company profit.
Everyone knows that is ALWAYS the answer when someone wants more free stuff.
Maybe, but there is no better way to motivate players to get on the test server which is really more important than a marginal loss since they already give away minor items like candy anyway. As it is the player only stands to lose (looking at time spent vs rewards) by playing on the test server instead of live. There may be other reasons to play the test server but to the average player, probably not worth the time.
Posted 27 March 2017 - 09:10 AM
Wildstreak, on 27 March 2017 - 05:37 AM, said:
Dropship tower is unneeded. A central turret control tower can replace it.
Radar Tower should have a limit, not do the whole map.
Be more interesting if you could cap the towers for control.
Only 1 base is needed.
More free stuff is not an or the answer.
Too much free stuff can actually cost a company profit.
Everyone knows that is ALWAYS the answer when someone wants more free stuff.
Ask away but be warned there is already art work to do on new Mechs, fixing Mech errors and problems with existing maps. Wanting more maps when existing issues are still around is asking for more BAD maps.
Yes +1000
Except last point for new maps - new maps - always needed! Fix existing and add new.
Edited by Volkodav, 27 March 2017 - 09:12 AM.
Posted 27 March 2017 - 11:31 AM
Posted 27 March 2017 - 11:48 AM

Edited by Venshaw Kerensky, 27 March 2017 - 11:50 AM.
Posted 27 March 2017 - 01:12 PM
Wildstreak, on 27 March 2017 - 05:37 AM, said:
Dropship tower is unneeded. A central turret control tower can replace it.
Radar Tower should have a limit, not do the whole map.
Be more interesting if you could cap the towers for control.
Only 1 base is needed.
reducing one objective that is worth going after, making the mode even more skirmish , Say Whaaaat
but I kinda like the idea of capping the towers instead of getting fuel cells, but again that just adds more skirmish, we already have Conquest for that (Skirmish at the capping points). So I'm more towards keeping it snag and grab objective,
Need the objectives more meaningful, not less ,to keep the mode objective to win, rather then just Skirmish to win.
could add a countdown timer to destroy the base, if all enemies are destroyed , and only destroyed base is the win, bases not destroyed when timer gets to 0:00, results in a tie
Posted 27 March 2017 - 01:17 PM
Posted 27 March 2017 - 02:51 PM
Wildstreak, on 27 March 2017 - 05:37 AM, said:
Dropship tower is unneeded. A central turret control tower can replace it.
Radar Tower should have a limit, not do the whole map.
Be more interesting if you could cap the towers for control.
Only 1 base is needed.
More free stuff is not an or the answer.
Too much free stuff can actually cost a company profit.
Everyone knows that is ALWAYS the answer when someone wants more free stuff.
Ask away but be warned there is already art work to do on new Mechs, fixing Mech errors and problems with existing maps. Wanting more maps when existing issues are still around is asking for more BAD maps.
The fuel cell bit is the only bit that tries to make this mode not JUST ANOTHER SKIRMISH it needs buffing not removing.
Only 1 base? thats what domination is cept the "base" is a radar dish.
Too much can cost a company profit, but this loot bag stuff is such small amounts it aint costing them squat...
Too little and you lose people from playing who are the completionists to other games so your paying customers spend less coz theirs no one to play with.
When they have had years to fix existing problems its not that they're "working on it" it means they cant fix it, so they might as well add new stuff, more maps with only 1 spot you can get stuck is fine by me and better than waiting years for them to fix spots you can get stuck in current maps.
Posted 27 March 2017 - 05:40 PM
Wildstreak, on 27 March 2017 - 05:37 AM, said:
Dropship tower is unneeded. A central turret control tower can replace it.
Radar Tower should have a limit, not do the whole map.
Be more interesting if you could cap the towers for control.
Only 1 base is needed.
In other words, Domination mode 2.0?
Posted 27 March 2017 - 05:43 PM
Dodger79, on 27 March 2017 - 07:37 AM, said:
Trev Firestorm, on 27 March 2017 - 09:02 AM, said:
Maybe, but there is no better way to motivate players to get on the test server which is really more important than a marginal loss since they already give away minor items like candy anyway. As it is the player only stands to lose (looking at time spent vs rewards) by playing on the test server instead of live. There may be other reasons to play the test server but to the average player, probably not worth the time.
Yes, there is a better way.
Don't run PTS during an event.
If rewards are so needed, why do some other online games NOT suffer this problem. They do not offer incentives to get people on their PTS and yet they have enough people show up and get what info is needed, THAT is the discussion that should be had here.
Volkodav, on 27 March 2017 - 09:10 AM, said:
Yes +1000
Except last point for new maps - new maps - always needed! Fix existing and add new.
New maps after fixes are no problem for me.
Just really annoying seeing all the 'free stuff' demands.
CadoAzazel, on 27 March 2017 - 02:51 PM, said:
The fuel cell bit is the only bit that tries to make this mode not JUST ANOTHER SKIRMISH it needs buffing not removing.
Only 1 base? thats what domination is cept the "base" is a radar dish.
Too much can cost a company profit, but this loot bag stuff is such small amounts it aint costing them squat...
Too little and you lose people from playing who are the completionists to other games so your paying customers spend less coz theirs no one to play with.
When they have had years to fix existing problems its not that they're "working on it" it means they cant fix it, so they might as well add new stuff, more maps with only 1 spot you can get stuck is fine by me and better than waiting years for them to fix spots you can get stuck in current maps.
Jingseng, on 27 March 2017 - 05:40 PM, said:
In other words, Domination mode 2.0?
Domination is not a base, no walls, turrets, other base fluff.
Fuels Cells are nothing more than alternate Conquest Points.
If PGI wants to really make a new Assault Mode, they should look at what past MW and even MC titles did that made base assaults worthwhile. Not that hard.
Rewards, see above, plenty of other online games offer no rewards for their PTS and do nto have a problem getting people on.
Stuck points are not the only map problems.
Edited by Wildstreak, 27 March 2017 - 05:44 PM.
Posted 28 March 2017 - 04:10 AM
PGI you really need to understand that people who love the game. Some will try the PTS, but in a free to play situation you will have majority want a cookie for their efforts, cause mechs cost cookies. You have these big events it feels almost every time you host a PTS and no one then shows up for the PTS......
Maybe..... just maybe...... PUT AN EVENT ON THE PTS INSTEAD!
We want to test this mode, we want to see it done properly, but when you can't coordinate the time people will play or attract the players who want to get Cbills for their time playing you will not get a large turnout.
So now my two cents.....
The towers are pretty much useless.... and in CW if it ends up there, scouting will get you scans anyways. The drop ship is ok, but giving up a mech all the time to keep it cycled just to defend your base is a waste. Enemy team will just wait, it leaves, they rush in kill your stuff and run off. 2-3 mechs can easily clear the base.
The Jammer..... Does this thing do anything at all? I honestly can't tell.
Scan, ok it's nice, but the only time I used it when there was just 1 enemy mech left to find.
It has potential, I think it would have been better at a A symmetrical mode where one side defended a base from siege.
But now for my gripe on this and Escort mode.
Your turrets are the best snipers I've ever played against in this game. You claim you want roles in the game and want people to do something other than just be damage dealers, but your game modes do not support this. Skirmish mode over and over again with the only difference being, 1 out of 5 conquest matches ends with caps instead of kills.
But back to turrets. As a 90% of the time light scout pilot, I am penalized for doing any sort of flanking and striking in my light mech due to your turrets of perfect aim. They track at infinite speed, I can rush past one at 10 meters in a locust and it will follow me perfectly the whole time. I can try and torso twist it in my oxide, but yet the beam seems to just go right through and hit that side torso anyways. I now listen to my team complain at me cause in escort mode I won't go cap the points as quick as they want cause I'm trying to maneuver around turrets, and sneak up on them if I can remember their exact location so I can ambush them before they core me. These need to be brought down to human levels, turn speed, aim ability, maybe even an maximum twist distance so they actually have a back side.
And speaking of Escort mode..... thank you for the least played game mode where the game is weighed heavily in one sides favor as they have 13 mechs, turrets, scan towers, and the ability in most cases to LRM you the second you stand on the first cap point. The only counter I find to this being when the attacking team has mostly Jump snipers and makes them all hide and kill the VIP from a distance. But that's in quick play solo que.... group que it's easy. BUM rush and ignore all side objectives.... like SKIRMISH.
Ok now all you others, bring on the flames. I'm ready.

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