Posted 25 March 2017 - 07:06 PM
I agree 110% with this thread. I've played two matches so far and the only one I got anywhere in, I killed two towers and installed two batteries and got precisely 0 match score for the work, presuming my math is correct (30 damage/2 = 15 base match score, death = -2, for a total of the 13 points).
I don't even think I got damage dealt to bases counted as damaged dealt.
I think the mode has a lot of promise for giving lights and mediums very important roles, but as always, they're getting majorly shafted in match score and compensation for doing their job. If I can get 2-3x the cbill and xp compensation and several times the match score by joining the death ball as a light instead of running batteries or flanking the base and taking out pieces, then why would I bother? I spent the entire match running batteries and destroying two turrets, was the last to die, and got 13 match score to show for it? Doesn't seem very fair.