Another option I could imagne is haveing this mode not with the regual QP matches but beeing its own mode with the option to jump in and out as you like.
Meaning there is no matchmaking in the sense of gathering a team but you will just get the first free spot that opens up. You can then play
1) as long it needs to get the objective done
2) Points run out
3) you don't want anymore
It can still be a quick match or you can do it over the entire length.
As for preventing people from just Alpha / Override / Alpha / Die
Let me qoute myself:
Lets say for example each team has 100 points/drops
- If you die and redrop the team loses one point.
- If the enemy takes a batterie you lose 5 points
- If the enemy powers up a tower you lose 10 points
(All numbers are just an example)
So keeping the enemy from fullfilling the opjective becomes more importend then just killing a mech.
Reward system could be coupled with the points you take from the enemy team. That way a person that kills a lot of enemys and one that gets some objectives done would be rewarded similar. So no matter what you prefere to do you get your chance of a nice reward.
With that the Leroy type of player would only punish his own team and himself. You still have to survive as long as possible but you are capable to take a risk if neseccary.
Edited by Nesutizale, 28 March 2017 - 04:47 AM.