Hit the Deck, on 29 March 2017 - 07:19 AM, said:
I often saw
Chris online on the forum. Is this a good sign?
I know that
Mark Nicholson sometimes even posted. I really appreciate that since he's a 3D Artist and the 'Mech models are one of MWO's strongest assets (BTW, the 3D translations are really good lately, many thanks for that!).
Chris hasn't posted much at all. That was one post, don't exaggerate
But yes, it is indeed a good sign. I had said previously awhile back that they need to be more forward in communication by going to the forums or reddit - if this is it, early signs of it, and if you're reading this devs, please, do post here more. As much as we seem bitter at times, we do like seeing you guys around. It shows that you do care about our opinions, and we would like to hear more.