The bases are fantastic
The destroyable walls are cool
The objectives inside are good
The walls are currently pointless
huge open sections that allow free access to enemy units
please add gates that only open for friendly units
(a squad of 4 line backers, shadow cats or similar fast strikers will purge that base in under 2mins just by walking in the back door)
The energy mechanic is a good idea and I understand what you were trying to achieve here
but it fails to deliver
you wanted to give lights something to do, but it does the complete opposite
it takes lights completely out of the game and reduces the game to simple skirmish
if we look at forest colony a medium map with the bases quite close to the power nodes
a 155kph locust must cycle the power constantly
the towers consume the power before the locust can deliver to the next tower
this means to keep a base fully powered you will need 3 locusts running power the entire game
And that’s assuming you can get full control of all 3 power nodes
players will not bother with that, even if you have 3 fast lights they want to play the game
they are MECHWARRIORS , they are not convoy truck drivers , that’s a different game
Imagine how horrible this will play out when you spawn on Polar highlands with NO scouts and nothing faster than 70kph
So how do you fix it ?
the towers should be powered on at all times
collecting any sort of power node or supply should provide a large boost or buff to the towers and base features
this effect could be permanent or temporary depending how strong you desire it to be
the stronger the effect the more it will attract players to fight for it
a longer duration will determine how hard players fight for the energy
(see league of legends and their dragon kill buffs)
energy spawns should be random not fixed, the bases are static enough
random areas for the energy nodes will encourage adaptive tactics and allow scout units to hunt the nodes without being forced to contest a team of Kodiaks camping the objective
and in turn free up said Kodiaks to attack the base as node hunting will be to slow
I urge you to reflect on the stature of the units we pilot
We are MECHWARRIORS , legendary units , kings of the battlefield
so powerful that a handful of mechs can be enough to conquer a planet
We are NOT errand boys, cargo haulers, armoured fedex or anything else
game mode mechanics should represent the tasks that real military commanders would give to such valuable units, the energy mechanic should be operated by the appropriate personnel
The capturing of an energy node, should spawn a truck convoy that drives back to the base to supply it
Lights and mediums would be perfect for hunting down and destroying enemy supply trucks
heavies and assaults would often be well positioned to defend convoys but not solely relied on to do so
This instantly drives the energy harvest concept and keeps lights and mediums in the fighting and always busy
lack of cannon fodder
in addition to powering towers use energy collection to spawn waves of tanks that roll out to fight the other base
these units would allow mechs to jump in and support an attack
then back off when things go sour
this would also add to the sense that we are MECHWARRIORS, not cannon fodder
The frequency, type and strength of these attack waves could be also tied to the energy harvest mechanic
the concept is quite adaptable pressing huge value on fast mechs who can snag nodes fast or kill enemy supply trucks
energy collection rates could factor into spawned units
Attack helios that hunt or defend supply trucks
swiftwind scout cars that spot hostiles
different tank loadouts or larger waves
the energy design could also be a good way to add a field repair bay
these could be a great addition to each base by restocking ammo and a very small % of armor repair, but consumes energy
(note field repair bays cannot replace damaged items or lost limbs)
Reduce hud clutter
the size and amount of hud objects is overwhelming
if you can see majority of the base, you are flooded with enough icons that an enemy unit could use them as cover, spotting allies is also difficult within your own base
Display item tracking for allied structures by distance; this will prevent unnecessary hud elements from blocking screen real estate and important visuals
For hostiles this could be achieved by assigning each tower to a single lance as their primary objective
if a lance is destroyed or significantly reduced in strength, apply that lances objective as a secondary objective to other lances
this approach will let you reserve hud elements for priority objects and hostile targets
(also good opportunity for additional voice work and immersion)
overall the setup of the bases on each map was good
larger scale testing is required, but initial placement seemed good
HPG is probably the worst map for this new mode please consider expanding the outside section of the HPG
have the bases setup in the empty dunes and craters of the moonscape with the HPG station being a center piece that is fought over in between the two bases
or simply use the HPG walls that already exist on the map
place gates at each entrance and call it finished
this new mode has potential to be huge and its very close
lets make this the mode that embodies Mechwarrior

Incursion Mode: Good Work So Far But Needs Refinement Of Character
Started by Naduk, Mar 30 2017 05:40 AM
10 replies to this topic
Posted 30 March 2017 - 05:40 AM
Posted 30 March 2017 - 05:50 AM
Like the ideas but fear it won't happen. Espacialy the Convoy part and Tanks
Posted 30 March 2017 - 05:11 PM
there is no reason to fear
the goal is not as far out as you might think
they have all the necessary tech at hand
we have ai turrets that can target and shoot
we have ai mechs that can navigate from one side of the map to the other
they are already working on tank models for MW5
lets make this happen
the goal is not as far out as you might think
they have all the necessary tech at hand
we have ai turrets that can target and shoot
we have ai mechs that can navigate from one side of the map to the other
they are already working on tank models for MW5
lets make this happen
Posted 31 March 2017 - 03:32 AM
My fear isn't from the technological point. I know that they most likely can do a lot more if they would dedicate enought time/people/money into it but they haven't done that in the past and I don't see it happen here.
Still hope they will surprise us.
Still hope they will surprise us.
Posted 02 April 2017 - 05:43 AM
its not going to be terrible if they release it in its current state
but its mostly pointless i want to push them to give us more than just skirmish
but its mostly pointless i want to push them to give us more than just skirmish
Posted 02 April 2017 - 12:58 PM
Naduk, on 30 March 2017 - 05:40 AM, said:
energy spawns should be random not fixed, the bases are static enough
random areas for the energy nodes will encourage adaptive tactics and allow scout units to hunt the nodes without being forced to
random areas for the energy nodes will encourage adaptive tactics and allow scout units to hunt the nodes without being forced to
I agree that energy spawns should be random(-ish, out of a selection of potential points). The game's HUD should mark where they appear, so that you do know where they are.
Furthermore, I believe that they should appear 'eventually' but not 'immediately'. Either simultaneously or one at a time.
At this point it will play somewhat similar to the Command and Conquer mods on Unreal Tournament 2004. Each side has a base that builds up, though technically you built your base by ramming or using something in the enemy's base, a progressively harder task each time you tried to do it. You would have to become more cunning with both each success and failure.
Posted 03 April 2017 - 05:33 AM
random with in zones is what id expect to happen, even if its very loose , you dont want them to appear in funky spots
like the middle of the lava sea on terra or on the very top of the HPG dish
i really hope at least that makes it in
like the middle of the lava sea on terra or on the very top of the HPG dish
i really hope at least that makes it in
Posted 04 April 2017 - 11:20 AM
I really like the Supply Convoy and Cannon Fodder ideas. The use of defend the convoy/attack group is completely different than what we have already and would be a welcome addition. Especially if they are repeatedly launched throughout the match.
Posted 04 April 2017 - 02:42 PM
Haven't played that mode by now, but after i read, what it's about, i really feel forced to join the PTS the first time. However, according to what Naduk reported, all his suggesitions seem as plausible as sensible as inspiring to me. The match concept he described sounds awesome in my ears, and seem to me not only as an improvement to the actual state, but moreso as a fun multiplier in general. So, PGI, listen to that man! Do it, apply the wanted changes and lean back while watching proudly the most epic battles the MWO worlds have ever seen by now! I'm really looking forward to see this all happen! And, maybe with a good portion of luck... ...well - let's see...
I really hope, the devs keep an eye on this thread. If not... ...well... ...then we maybe just have "another" meh type of PUG gamemode at least... btw - i really (still) enjoy the escort mode, just because of its possibillities of variable gameplay on both sides.- though many others seem to hate it... i really can't catch why...
regards, JINN TONIC
I really hope, the devs keep an eye on this thread. If not... ...well... ...then we maybe just have "another" meh type of PUG gamemode at least... btw - i really (still) enjoy the escort mode, just because of its possibillities of variable gameplay on both sides.- though many others seem to hate it... i really can't catch why...
regards, JINN TONIC
Posted 08 April 2017 - 09:59 PM
Admiral Brad, on 04 April 2017 - 11:20 AM, said:
I really like the Supply Convoy and Cannon Fodder ideas. The use of defend the convoy/attack group is completely different than what we have already and would be a welcome addition. Especially if they are repeatedly launched throughout the match.
spot on Brad
convoys repeatedly launched through out the match is exactly what i had envisioned
its probably a good idea to only have a maximum of 2 convoys rolling at any given time to allow for tighter and more focused game play, things would sure get intense if all available convoys were rolling towards one base

JINN TONIC, on 04 April 2017 - 02:42 PM, said:
Haven't played that mode by now, but after i read, what it's about, i really feel forced to join the PTS the first time. However, according to what Naduk reported, all his suggesitions seem as plausible as sensible as inspiring to me. The match concept he described sounds awesome in my ears, and seem to me not only as an improvement to the actual state, but moreso as a fun multiplier in general. So, PGI, listen to that man! Do it, apply the wanted changes and lean back while watching proudly the most epic battles the MWO worlds have ever seen by now! I'm really looking forward to see this all happen! And, maybe with a good portion of luck... ...well - let's see...
I really hope, the devs keep an eye on this thread. If not... ...well... ...then we maybe just have "another" meh type of PUG gamemode at least... btw - i really (still) enjoy the escort mode, just because of its possibillities of variable gameplay on both sides.- though many others seem to hate it... i really can't catch why...
regards, JINN TONIC
I really hope, the devs keep an eye on this thread. If not... ...well... ...then we maybe just have "another" meh type of PUG gamemode at least... btw - i really (still) enjoy the escort mode, just because of its possibillities of variable gameplay on both sides.- though many others seem to hate it... i really can't catch why...
regards, JINN TONIC
thanks for the support Jinn
it is my hope that we start to see MWO really flesh out its character in the future
if we keep on asking for it they will have to listen
Posted 12 April 2017 - 03:32 PM
Did the patches but after four trys unable to logon.
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