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Wave 2 And 3 Clan Hero Faq

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#1 Alexander Garden


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Posted 03 April 2017 - 02:07 PM

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Release Dates and Availability Information

Q: What are the release dates for the new Clan Hero ‘Mechs?
All Wave 2 and 3 Clan Hero ‘Mechs will be delivered to eligible Pilots (according to their purchases) starting in the August 15th patch. Any purchases of a Clan Hero after that date will be injected into player accounts every hour, on the hour.

Q: What is the release date for the Standing Cockpit Item?
Purchasers of a Wave 2 or Wave 3 Clan Hero will receive their associated Cockpit Grenade Standing Item upon delivery of their 'Mech(s), starting August 15th 2017.
The Cockpit Grenade Standing Item will become available for purchase in-game with MC on February 6th 2018.

Q: When will the Clan Hero variants be available for purchase in-game with MC?
February 6th 2018.

Q: What is the incentive to purchase these Clan Heroes now through the website, rather than waiting for their release for purchase with MC?
The price of each Clan Hero represents a significant savings compared to their eventual cost for direct purchase using MC. The inclusion of 1 Mech Bay and Standing Cockpit Item with each Clan Hero further increases the value of a Clan Hero purchase compared to their eventual MC purchase prices.
While these Clan Heroes will become available for purchase with MC on February 6th 2018, the inherent value provided from purchasing a Clan Hero through the website makes it the superior avenue for acquiring these 'Mechs.

Q: What will the MC prices be for these Clan Hero 'Mechs when they release for purchase with MC on February 6th 2018?
As per the standard MC pricing structure, these Clan Hero 'Mechs will be priced at the following:

Mist Lynx MLX-ED “Ebon Dragoon": 2345 MC
Arctic Cheetah ACH-SH “Shard": 2815 MC
Ice Ferret IFR-RC “Rainbow Crow": 4220 MC
Shadow Cat SHC-MI “Mishipeshu": 4220 MC
Mad Dog MDD-BA “Bandit”: 5625 MC
Ebon Jaguar EBJ-EC “Esprit de Corps": 6095 MC
Hellbringer HBR-VI “Virago”: 6095 MC
Gargoyle GAR-KW “Kin Wolf": 7500 MC
Executioner EXE-CH “Cherbi": 8910 MC

Q: Someone Gifted me a Clan Hero, which I’ve redeemed successfully through the Redeem Portal. When will I receive my Clan Hero?
Delivery of items received from a Clan Hero Gift Code will also begin starting August 15th 2017.

Q: Are there any Early Adopter Rewards associated with these Clan Hero 'Mechs?

Q: Has a sale end date been announced?
The Clan Heroes should be available for purchase indefinitely.

#2 Alexander Garden


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Posted 03 April 2017 - 03:27 PM

General Questions

Q: How were the names of these Hero 'Mechs determined?
As with our existing Inner Sphere Hero 'Mechs, the Clan Hero 'Mech names are inspired either by the characteristics and actions of their associated 'Hero' Pilot in BattleTech/MechWarrior lore, by their custom Hero Pattern, or by a combination of those two components.

Q: How do the OmniPods for these Clan Hero 'Mechs work? Will we be able to buy these OmniPods in the MechLab?
Hero OmniPods cannot be purchased separately from the Hero 'Mech. To acquire Hero OmniPods for use with other variants of that chassis, you must own an instance of the Hero 'Mech to remove and use its OmniPods elsewhere.

Q: Can the Clan Hero Packs be Gifted to others? I.E. Can I buy this for a friend?
Yes! Each Clan Hero Pack will be available for purchase as Gift Codes through the MechWarrior Online Gift Store.

Q: Do I need empty Mech Bays in preparation for receiving my 'Mechs?
Each Pack comes with 1 Mech Bay to house your newly acquired 'Mech.

Q: Can I apply Standard and Faction Patterns to these Hero 'Mechs?

Q: If I remove the unique Hero Pattern from a Clan Hero 'Mech, can I re-apply it to that 'Mech later?
Yes, and there would be no cost in re-applying it. However, you can only apply that Hero Pattern to the Hero variant! You cannot apply the Hero Pattern to any other variants of that Chassis!

Q: Can I apply custom Colors to the unlocked Color channels of these Hero Patterns?

Q: Can I sell back a Hero 'Mech in-game for C-Bills?
Yes, though we do not recommend doing so.

Q: If I sell a Hero 'Mech, can I re-purchase it at a later date?
You can sell your Hero 'Mechs at any time, but you will only be able to re-acquire them when they become available for purchase with MC.

Q: What guarantees can be made about the balance of these Mechs?
Only that we will try to provide as fair an experience for all players, Clans and Inner Sphere alike. This may mean "nerfing" or "buffing" some weapons or adding Quirks to the 'Mechs at a later date.

Q: What are the Hardpoint details?
Hardpoints and other 'Mech details can be found towards the bottom of the Wave 2 and 3 Clan Heroes page.

Q: What are the Quirk details?
Any Quirks for these Clan Hero 'Mechs will be determined closer to the ship date.

#3 Alexander Garden


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Posted 03 April 2017 - 03:27 PM

Payment Information

Q: Which payment methods do you accept?
For direct credit card transactions we currently accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. Credit cards that are not accepted for direct transactions, such as Discover card, are usually functional when processed using a standard or guest PayPal account as an intermediary. We also accept most other major payment options through our current Global Payments option.
Payment options vary by country. Please click the Contact Us button at the bottom of the payment portal or contact Piranha Games support directly at billing@mwomercs.com if you have a specific payment question.

Q: Where is the payment option I previously used?
Due to a transition of our payment services, several payment options are still being freshly contracted out to PGI. We hope to make them available again as soon as possible. Please click the Contact Us button at the bottom of the payment portal, or contact Piranha Games support directly at billing@mwomercs.com if you would like to inquire about a missing payment option.

Q: Will this Collection be available for purchase worldwide?
Yes, except where prohibited by law.

Q: What can I do if I have encountered a problem with my purchase?
Please click the Contact Us button at the bottom of the payment portal or contact Piranha Games support directly at billing@mwomercs.com and our Support services will be happy to help you out. Please provide them with as much information as possible, such as a summary of the issue, the items being purchased, and the payment method being used.

Q: The payment portal looks different than it used to. Who or what is Xsolla?
Xsolla is a global payment processor with a specific focus on providing payment infrastructures for videogame developers and publishers. Their customer support network is unparalleled, and we have been extremely happy with their performance since our recent transition.

Q: Why can't I seem to process a successful transaction using PayPal Credit?
PayPal Credit is currently not supported, but we are working with Xsolla and PayPal to resolve this problem.

Q: Am I able to get a refund for my purchase, if necessary?
Refunds are granted without issue in cases where none of the content has yet been delivered. If your content has been partially or fully delivered prior to the refund request, particularly in cases where some or all of that content has been consumed or used since its delivery, refund eligibility is not guaranteed and must first be evaluated and approved by Support services.

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