jonfett, on 06 April 2017 - 03:00 PM, said:
I just can;t get this to work in QP. I'm guessing BEEF had his video scripted. I get demolished by all the long range mechs on the enemy team, before I can even get close.
If this happens then you probably have been impatient and/or not using the cover well enough.
On open maps most of the time you won't be able to get near anyone until the brawling phase started. If you try it anyway then you will only get the full attention of the enemy team even if you use the cover well. Don't expect to get into their backs with your nova during the sniping phase. Stick near your group instead, wait for the brawl and then you will find opportunities to flank some unsuspecting victims (probably the long-range-mechs which are now in brawling distance).
On smaller maps like HPG of cause you can be more cocky and try to nascar the enemy right from the start to get into the backs of their long-range mechs. Such maps have many angles to approach them unscathered. Of cause you still need some luck because sometimes the enemy sticks together or have competent light pilots which deny you any opportunities. But most of the time it is totally possible to catch at least one guy off-guard.
If you need proof: Look at my video on the first page of the thread. At least every second kill is on maps which favor long-range builds like Alpine or Frozen City. Just wait for the brawl phase and you will succeed sooner or later.