Tribal556, on 05 April 2017 - 10:58 PM, said:
that, and the friendly fire because assaut are too big (and armored, they don't mind a few laser shots in the back from teamates...)
Um, yeah they do, one or two half misfires is understandable, but if you are so bad at channeling your fire properly that you hit teammates repeatedly,
DON'T HIDE BEHIND PEOPLE, learn how to manage your fire, don't expect people to be happy with a teammate shooting them in the back "because they are big"...
As a player who uses assaults frequently, often having the armspan of a 747 (widely spread out guns), I tend to go most games without hitting teammates, particularly when we are a ball and things are tight. The most frequent scenarios in which I ever hit a teammate is when they run into a stream of my fire, or I desperately torso turn with time on my laser burn. You should never be wasting heat/cooldowns and team armor by hitting a teammate, that is terrible form.
To be honest the last guy that kept hitting me (several times after I told him to watch fire) in the back, I just alpha'd him in the head to stop it.