Vellron2005, on 28 April 2017 - 12:33 AM, said:
Why would the armor be wasted? It's not YOUR armor, you don't have a right to it.. nor it is the team's armor, unless we're 12man premade (in which case we play like a well-balanced team) Why do you think the armor is wasted? It's not.. its protecting a whole bunch of LRM launchers that are used to deadly effect!
All of this is part of the reason why people think LRMs are bad and LRM players are bad. The fact that you don't understand or see this only emphasizes this. It is a nice look into the mindset of the LRM apologist, and explains why so many potatoes run LRMs and feel justified in doing so.
Yes, you armorshare in QP. Someone takes the charge, the rest follows and once that armor is expended, he falls back and a fresh mech takes the charge. You maximize facetime and firepower, cycling through protection so the enemy team needs to damage your team more to get a kill. You preserve firepower by taking turns tanking. It's a simple tactic that is very effective, and LRMs in the back, especially on assaults, effectively make a team more suspectible to kills, because they do not pay into the pot of armor.
Additionally, all that armor that could make the team more resilient (but doesn't) is protecting a weak weapon system with inflated, yet meaningless damage numbers to annoying, harassing effect that no one is scared of. LRMs are not deadly, they are easily avoided, negated, shot down or made impossible. LRMs not supported by LoS TAG cannot be fired, unless someone else does the locking for the LRM boat via NARC or holding the lock, which a brawler or a fast-moving firing line will not do, as they need to indentify weak components and take them out for shortest TTK - something LRMs cannot help with.
Vellron2005, on 28 April 2017 - 12:33 AM, said:
The notion of "sharing armor" in QP is completely ridiculous, where every man plays for himself. Cose' if that was not so, than one could also call out a player of an Arctic Cheeta with ECM for "not sharing it's ECM" or the player of a kitfox for not sharing its AMS and many other such examples.
If you play for yourself, fine. Meanwhile, other players do focusfire, do listen to drop calls, do move with the team, do communicate ("CT open", "Kodiak needs to go down, focus Bravo", etc.) and those players excell in QP. You won't. Yet again, your inability to understand and process this emphasizes the prior statement of LRM players being bad at MWO.
The Kitfox projects a 120m AMS bubble around himself and supports his team by shooting down incoming LRMs, LRMs flying past him, or LRMs flying over him on their way to a team mate. The Cheetah uses his ECM to circumvent, sneak by and harass the enemy and/or scout. Both systems may also protect the user themselves, but do provide implicit and explicit benefits to the team. Additionally, I've seen quite a few ECM carriers guarding direwhales, kingcrabs and other slow fatties. LRMs, on the other hand, provide mediocre, untargetted damage and most of the time, unshared armor, which might aswell be irrelevant for team success.
Vellron2005, on 28 April 2017 - 12:33 AM, said:
You people just look at the math, but the math is irrelevant.. Its all situational, with skill and sheer dumb luck being the deciding factor. Cose' if sharing the armor was so bloody important, than why are PPC or Gauss snipers not getting the same hate LRM's get? Tell me that double Gauss Direwolf stalking me from half a map away is sharing armor? Please.. you people are just bullying LRM users..
That Dual Goose Direwhale is putting precise, hard-hitting damage into components and focusfires with the team to great effect, rather than showering the target with confetti sprinkles. The Quad PPC Warhawk can and does walk into medium range brawls, fights in tunnels and under overpasses, and can and does armor share. If their range of ~750m allows them to take shots that cannot be responded to, they are using their weapon systems, which deal precise, effective damage, to their potential. These builds can, and do, armor share and provide way more value to a team than any LRM carrier ever will.
Yes, LRM players are being bullied.
For a reason. For make the team more brittle, for dealing insignificant damage without precision, for being ineffective at long and short ranges, for being outright unable to add damage in various terrain geometry situations and for not only relying, but also demanding the team to do 50% of their work for them. Play a Hunchback with TAG and get your own locks. Learn to provide meaningful support. Learn to focusfire. Learn to aim and hit something. Stop being a baddie and defending being a baddie. Git gud. Then the bullying will stop.
Step 1: Understand that (and why) LRMs are bad weapons.
They aren't artillery. They are harassment weapons. And if you combine "harassment" with ASSAULT MECH, you are doing it wrong. An ASSAULT mech is predestined - and more than ready - to ASSAULT. If you want to play a harassment/support role, pick a harassment/support mech - Adder, LRM 10 Hunchie, Trebuchet, Catapult, etc. are all valid choices. Bring backup weapons, and learn to use them. Learn to fight in distance of 185m to 400m, learn to take a hit once in a while so your team lasts longer.
Step 2: Quit using LRMs altogether, because it is not about sheer dumb luck, or situations. It's about skill, creating situations yourself, and no weapon system is as passive and unable to project force as the LRM launchers. If you don't think it is about skill, and that RNG decides who lives and dies... well. You might be bad. Which brings us full circle:
If you don't think LRMs are bad, you are bad.
Edited by Ced Riggs, 28 April 2017 - 03:45 AM.