Here's why I think it's good:
Economy of force. At round start mediums spot 2 lights and specifically call for 3 people to go after them, no more, no less, which proved perfect.
Awareness. I called for NASCAR push. Team starts push, then we saw Reds attacking rear of NASCAR. Team immediately switched directions entirely and defended effectively.
The Red team then did a push from the opposite side. Team again reacts perfectly and kill off attackers.
Cohesion. Everyone stuck together as much as advantageous. Ligths and mediums did exactly their job.
TL;DR: Yes, it was a roll, but mainly because my team played well rather than the enemy team playing poorly. The Red team actually did several decent counter attacks, was not afraid to fight, and the way that their forces were arrayed presented us with a pretty complex situation on the scale of the average MWO match. But the quick reactions of our team was too much.
GG, WP to both teams. 12-0 doesn't tell the whole story. Hope to see more PUGs like this.
Edited by JigglyMoobs, 06 April 2017 - 08:46 PM.