Samual Kalkin, on 07 April 2017 - 09:08 AM, said:
I started in MWO before PGI sneakily removed the Beta tag from this paid-for-by-us-users very extended Beta. I have never owned or trialed a single Clanner mech. I recently came back after a year or more of not playing.
Assault mechs .are my preferred weight class.The Fat *** D-DC & King Crab (dual AC20 mostly) are my favorite Assaults. I used to have fun in the Victor a LONG time back before the various nerfs to curb poptarting cut its nuts off as a brawler. Mainly I like an assault that can pack a couple long range pokers, but is good at in your face, ef you up slug fest.
I am now looking to try a Clan Assualt mech. What might be a good clan mech to start with that would have a similar feel to one of the above? Those things are so pricey, I don't have the cash or C-Bills to trial and error tens of chassis in a random search.
Actually the mechs you've mentioned made somewhat of an return if they where realy gone anyways.
Atlas profits greatly from things like UAC20, MRMs and ERMLasers.
The KGC works pretty well with 6UAC2 and the dual Gauss and 3LPL version still wrecks face...light engine helps alot.
In fact the Victor profited the most from the changes over the past 3/4 year. Now its actually a valid mech again with enough armor, speed and firepower to be a decent super heavy brawler. (not realy assault class though)
Concerning the Clan assault mech thing. There are two top chassis (MAD-IIC all variants and the new MadCat II) and a fair number of valid builds on different Clan Assault mechs.
The best bang for bugs may be the MAD-IIC-A. You can do a variety of builds on it.
The most solid may be
Looks uninspired but has manageable heat buildup, decent dps and good range on a sturdy easy to twist chassis.
A Variant of this would bring 2 UAC10 instead of 3 UAC5 or just plain quad LPLs in an other iteration with enough enginepower and heatsinks to fire them 2+2 for some time.
Wouldn't recommend the Kodiak anymore.
Its too squishy due to its large hitboxes and lacking armor quirks compared to other mechs and can not compensate this through its big engine anymore due to engine desync.
KDK-3 has become a real glasscannon.
Other candidates may be the new variants of older clan mechs that have been released recently.
Like the Gargoyle-E for example that does realy good with quad LPLs or Quad HLLasers in its torso.
The Executioner can do the same thing but relies heaviely on its MASC to get in and out of the thick in contrary to the Gargoyle wich has comparable maneuverability to a Timbi or better than a NightGyr.