Also as to this:
Skill Tree, Engine Desync, and Balance Adjustments
Pending another phase of Public Test in April the new Skill Tree is planned for release in the May patch.
We know there has been some concern expressed regarding the transfer of progress and Modules over to the new system since the previous Skill Tree Public Test, and we want to assure everyone that we have taken great care in ensuring your Skill progress will be retained in the new system; we think you'll be pleased with the solutions.
A complete rundown on all the changes you'll see with the new Skill Tree compared to the previous testing phase is well outside the scope of this Roadmap, but you can expect all the details in the associated Public Test post later in April.
PGI, here too I for one would really appreciate it if you would share your thinking here as to the proposed "Balance Adjustments".
The skills tree would be much more palatable as a player and potential paying customer if I had some faith that the proposed nerfs to many of my past purchases were somehow going to result in a more balanced game play. Yet, with many of the most significant nerfs (as previously proposed) being directed to some of the worst mechs in the game, I simply do not understand how such "balance adjustments" can aid in improving balance; but rather they would seem designed to encourage greater imbalance.
Any sort of explanation to encourage understanding of what it is you are trying to do here would be appreaciated.
Edited by Bud Crue, 11 April 2017 - 04:06 AM.