What do you all think of having the ability to vote for an MVP at the end of a match? Someone who you thought did well and deserves a little recognition/reward for good play? Perhaps they won the game by keeping the enemies on their toes by capping their points in conquest? Perhaps they led the game well and helped organize the group and called focus targets well through solid combat awareness? Perhaps they were the last one standing and they fought against 3 enemy mechs very well and won the game for your team?
Would you like the ability to recognize them? Perhaps give them a few extra rewards?
How about at the end of the match you can vote for an MVP. You cannot vote for yourself. Then say they get rewards at certain break points of the votes. Say 10,000 extra c-bills and 50 GXP for 4 votes, 20,000 c-bills/ 100 GXP for 8 votes, and 30,000 c-bills/150GXP for 11 votes (since you cannot vote for yourself.)
The rewards are not overpowered but personally worth aspiring to get...might make a little incentive for playing better as a whole, and also get the community engaged in rewarding each other for good play.
Thoughts? Ideas? Feasable? Comment below.
Edited by Moadebe, 14 April 2017 - 12:25 AM.