This is the total refund in MC you are receiving for all of the Owned MC Consumables present in your Inventory as of April 19th 2017. Due to changes we've made to Consumables in the new Skill Tree any Consumables in your Inventory have been removed.
This is a 1:1 refund of the original MC purchase value for all your Owned MC Consumables! If applicable you'll also receive purchase value MC 'refunds' for any Owned MC Consumables you acquired without purchase, such as through special events.
This is the total refund in General Skill Points (GSP) you are receiving for all of the Owned (Non-Consumable) Modules in your Inventory as of April 19th 2017 (if they were acquired prior to December 3rd 2016). Modules acquired after that date are being refunded to you in full in the form of C-Bills.
The amount of GSP you receive for your Owned Modules is determined by the Total Purchase Value of all your Owned Modules divided by 45,000 (the C-Bill cost of a Skill Point). For example, a total Purchase Value for all your Owned Modules of 50,000,000 C-Bills would result in you receiving 1,112 General Skill Points (the final value is rounded to to the nearest decimal).
These General Skill Points can be consumed to unlock Skill Nodes for any 'Mech you wish without needing to spend the usual 45,000 C-Bill and 800 XP cost associated with purchasing a standard Skill Point directly. As a result, the Module > GSP refund process provides you with a great deal of free XP integrated into the GSP conversion. In the above example, 889,600 free XP has essentially been provided to the player in the form of their 1,112 GSP.
This is the total refund in C-Bills you are receiving for all of the Owned (Non-Consumable) Modules in your Inventory as of April 19th 2017 (if they were acquired after December 3rd 2016).
These Modules are being refunded as C-Bills due to our original intent to provide full C-Bill refunds for all Owned Modules. We understand some players made Module purchasing decisions based on that original statement, so all purchases made after that statement are being refunded as C-Bills.
This is a 1:1 refund of the original C-Bill purchase value of your Owned Modules acquired after December 3rd 2016! If applicable you'll also receive purchase value C-Bill 'refunds' for any Owned Modules you acquired without purchase, such as through special events.
This is the total refund in GXP you are receiving for all Pilot Nodes you unlocked with GXP under the previous Skill system.
This is a 1:1 refund of all your invested GXP!
This is the transfer of Skill Progress from all of your 'Mechs under the previous Skill system. The 'Overall Progress' column in your Refund Ledger refers to the total number of Skills you had unlocked for a listed 'Mech.
Put simply, the Skill status of a 'Mech under the previous system is converted into an associated number of Historical Skill Points (HSP). You can then assign any amount of HSP to a specific variant or its duplicates for use in the Skill Tree.
Each Skill from the previous system is converted into a specific HSP value. For example, Cool Run (Basic) equates to 1 HSP, while Fast Fire (Elite) equates to 10 HSP.
Basic | Original XP Cost | Skill Point Refund |
Cool Run | 750 | 1 |
Kinetic Burst | 1000 | 2 |
Twist X | 2500 | 4 |
Heat Containment | 1000 | 2 |
Hard Brake | 1500 | 2 |
Twist Speed | 2500 | 4 |
Arm Reflex | 1500 | 2 |
Anchor Turn | 3500 | 6 |
Total Basic | 14,250 | 23 |
Elite | Original XP Cost | Skill Point Refund |
Quick Ignition | 4000 | 6 |
Fast Fire | 6000 | 10 |
Pinpoint | 3000 | 5 |
Speed Tweak | 8500 | 13 |
Total Elite | 21,500 | 34 |
Master | Original XP Cost | Skill Point Refund |
Module Slot | 21,500 | 34 |
Grand Total | 57,250 | 91 |
The HSP value is determined according to the XP investment required to unlock the Skill under the previous system; for every 630 XP you spent to acquire a Skill under the previous system you'll receive 1 SP (rounded up).
Full Basic status equates to 23 HSP.
Full Elite status equates to an additional 34 HSP.
Full Master status equates to an additional 34 HSP. A fully Mastered 'Mech therefore receives a base amount of 91 HSP in return. Those 91 points can then be used to acquire full 'Master' status under the new Skill system without needing to spend any C-Bills or XP to unlock the Skill Nodes.
Additionally, the amount of HSP received from the Skill status of a 'Mech under the previous Skill system is multiplied by the number of duplicate variants you own of that 'Mech.
For example: A player owns three CDA-2A 'Mechs, and had achieved full Elite status for the CDA-2A chassis under the previous Skill system. As part of their transition and refund process they would thus receive a total of 171 HSP for use with their CDA-2A 'Mechs (57 HSP * 3 variants).

To purchase a Skill Node you'll first need to acquire a Skill Point using a combination of C-Bills and XP. To purchase Skill Points for your current 'Mech click the "Add SP" button located inside the 'Mech Enhancements window.
1 Skill Node = 1 Skill Point
1 Skill Point = 45,000 C-Bills and 800 XP (of any single type)
Un-equipping a Skill Node = No cost
Re-equipping a Skill Node = 400 XP
Purchasing a full 'Mastered' complement of 91 Skill Nodes would cost 4,095,000 C-Bills and 72,800 XP.
Purchasing all 242 Skill Nodes for a 'Mech would cost 10,890,000 C-Bills and 193,600 XP. However, only 91 Skill Nodes can be Active at once.
When a Skill Node is purchased with a Skill Point it is immediately Unlocked and Activated, and is considered owned. Once owned you can un-equip and re-equip Skill Nodes at your discretion. There is no cost associated with un-equipping a Skill Node. Re-equipping a Skill Node requires 400 XP.
Once you have activated 91 Skill Nodes your 'Mech is considered Mastered, and no additional Skill Nodes can be activated. You can however continue to purchase additional Skill Nodes, un-equipping existing Nodes to respec your 'Mech.
In the image below you can see this player has purchased a total of 92 Skill Nodes for this 'Mech, 87 of which are currently Active. If they activate 4 more Skill Nodes they will have reached the 91 Active Skill Point 'Mastery' status for this 'Mech.
While only 91 Skill Nodes can be active at one time, you can purchase all 242 available Skill Nodes in the Skill Tree.
Clicking the 'Add SP' button located in the 'Mech Enhancements window will bring you to the associated Skill Point purchase windows.
If you possess any amount of GSP or HSP as a result of your account refund and transfer you will first be prompted to choose whether you wish to draw from that pool of available GSP or HSP, or whether you wish to purchase a Skill Point outright using C-Bills and XP.
In the example below the player is looking to allocate or purchase Skill Points for one of their Warhammer WHM-BW Black Widow 'Mechs.
They have a total of 16,423 GSP from their Module refund, along with 273 HSP available to all WHM-BW variants as a result of their Master Skill status under the original Skill system.
Using GSP or HSP will require that you transfer those Skill Points to your specific 'Mech variant for use in its Skill Tree. Once GSP or HSP has been transferred from the pool to a specific 'Mech it cannot be reverted.
In the example image below the player is looking to transfer a total of 120 Skill Points from their pool of WHM-BW HSP to one of their three WHM-BW variants. Only 91 Skill Nodes can be Active at once, but the player wants to be able to purchase additional Nodes to facilitate Loadout changes they expect to make later.
In this example the player is only using their WHM-BW HSP for this transfer, choosing to reserve the more versatile GSP pool for other 'Mechs.
If the player has no GSP or HSP from which to draw they will instead be taken straight to the standard Skill Point purchase window after clicking the 'Add SP' button inside the 'Mech Enhancements window. From here the player will determine how many Skill Points they wish to acquire using their current pool of 'Mech XP, GXP, and if applicable, HXP.
You can increment the number of Skill Points per-XP type by using the plus and minus icons, or by dragging the slider itself. Doing so will increment the amount of XP spent by 800 for each Skill Point. The amount of C-Bills required will update automatically according to the number of Skill Points you're purchasing.
In the example below the same player as above is instead looking to use a combination of HXP and GXP to acquire their 120 SP for this WHM-BW variant.
Once a Skill Node has been purchased and equipped it is considered owned, and can be un-equipped and re-equipped at any time.
Un-Equipping 1 Skill Node = No cost
Re-Equipping 1 Skill Node = 400 XP
There are two methods by which you can un-equip your Skill Nodes: you can reset your entire Skill Tree and un-equip all active Nodes en-masse, or you can un-equip individual Nodes.
Full Respec
• You can perform a full Respec through the associated button inside the 'Mech Enhancements window.
• Performing a full Respec on a 'Mech will un-equip all Equipped Skill Nodes. To commit your changes you'll then hit the Apply Changes button.
• There is no cost associated with un-equipping Skill Nodes through a Full Respec.
Individual Node Respec
• Instead of performing a full Respec for your whole Skill Tree you can remove individual Skill Nodes by clicking an Equipped Node you wish to un-equip. To commit your changes you'll then hit the Apply Changes button.
• There is no cost associated with un-equipping individual Skill Nodes.
Survival • Armor Structure
• Agility
Jump Jets
• Jump Capabilities
• 'Mech Operations
• Sensor Systems
• Miscellaneous
While the layout and content of Skill Branches are identical between Clan and Inner Sphere 'Mechs (and between weight classes), there are minor differences in the values used for certain Skill Nodes.
In the following section we'll run through all of the available Skill Tree types.
Please note that the 'Mech used for the purposes of demonstration in the images below is the Warhammer, an Inner Sphere Heavy 'Mech.
As mentioned above, the physical layout and core content of all Skill Branches are identical between Clan and Inner Sphere 'Mechs and between weight classes.
Any differences in Skill Node values will be displayed in a table below each section when applicable.