Skill Tree Public Test Session #2
Posted 27 April 2017 - 03:30 AM
I also like the new refund-system with skill points, even though I didn't have a problem with the one before.
1 thing I can't accept in this:
- You nerf a lot the offensive quirks without any explanation as to how you're going to replace it. Everything is fleshed out except this. These quirks are surely there for a reason? How are these mechs going to compete in the future?
Also worth mentioning, you still need Laser duration to get all Range nodes (example). You call it initial investment. I call it 'in lack of a better solution'.
Posted 27 April 2017 - 03:37 AM
Edited by lit up pilot, 27 April 2017 - 03:38 AM.
Posted 27 April 2017 - 04:30 AM
Posted 27 April 2017 - 04:31 AM
so far, I've tested a handful of my clanmechs and also some IS mechs. training course only.
@engine decoupling.
my unquirked clanmechs feel good / where they belong. the kodi is a bit more sluggish, but that's okay / feels right.
my now unquirked ISmechs; everything okay, 'xcept the locust maybe. it feels more like a jennerIIC. feels like a nerf.
as someone piloting the locust from time to time, I feel a bit sad about it. as someone who'd rather duel a kodi or 2 in his timber/huntsman/whatever than being hunted by a locust, I can live with it.
--> needs more playtesting, but not bad.
@less quirks on IS
I'm SURE that's not a good idea. -some- quirks where over-the-top, but most of them are there for a reason.
the new skilltree buffs/nerfs everybody equally, so the situation above is -not- changed by that.
--> I suggest to keep ALL the quirks as is and sort this out AFTER the new skilltree.
I like it, but its STILL way too much clicke-di-click-click. It's fine and fun skilling a single mech - it's a nightmare to do it to the whole collection. we wanna shoot mechs here, we don't wanna do accounting in our freetime. it'll take hours and that's no fun.
--> reduce the nodes from 100+ to 20-30 with meaning.
most important thing IMHO:
more tests. and don't mash the stuff, it's a REALLY bad idea to change several things at once.
make a test for the decoupling, adjust, test again, roll out.
make a test on the skilltree, adjust, test again, roll out.
make a test on the quirks, adjust, test again, roll out.
and so on..
there's a -by now old- saying "never touch a running system". well.. if you do, you don't change everything at once, but in succession

Edited by Captain Caveman DE, 27 April 2017 - 04:39 AM.
Posted 27 April 2017 - 04:33 AM
DeeHawk, on 27 April 2017 - 03:30 AM, said:
Apart from ppcs (for obvious reasons), duration tends to be a more important stat anyway. The number of times per game you'll need extra range will be nominal as its difficult to keep enemies in that max-optimal range, but condensing your dmg into shorter period of time is almost always useful...
Posted 27 April 2017 - 04:36 AM
Peiper, on 26 April 2017 - 02:46 PM, said:
On another note: DO NOT CONVERT MY MODULES INTO XP. I paid for C-bills for them and I want C-Bills back. I don't mind grinding up xp and leveling my mechs, but I absolutely hate grinding for C-bills to buy new stuff ESPECIALLY as I already earned the C-Bills. I've been expecting a C-Bill refund for months. It made me happy. I was excited to see how much I got back for all my 50+ modules. I don't need GXP or whatever. I have tons of that. I don't need XP on mechs I already own and enjoy, I have tons of that. I want my money back, damnit!
Posted 27 April 2017 - 04:37 AM
William Warriors, on 27 April 2017 - 02:50 AM, said:
Dear Willian Warriors
Its much better than what we currently have and gets rid of requiring 3 mechs to master 1.
Go look at the polls more people want it as is even though its bad than to put up with the current crap any longer.
Posted 27 April 2017 - 04:39 AM
Posted 27 April 2017 - 04:46 AM
Captain Caveman DE, on 27 April 2017 - 04:31 AM, said:
so far, I've tested a handful of my clanmechs and also some IS mechs. training course only.
@engine decoupling.
my unquirked clanmechs feel good / where they belong. the kodi is a bit more sluggish, but that's okay / feels right.
my now unquirked ISmechs; everything okay, 'xcept the locust maybe. it feels more like a jennerIIC. feels like a nerf.
as someone piloting the locust from time to time, I feel a bit sad about it. as someone who'd rather duel a kodi or 2 in his timber/huntsman/whatever than being hunted by a locust, I can live with it.
--> needs more playtesting, but not bad.
@less quirks on IS
I'm SURE that's not a good idea. -some- quirks where over-the-top, but most of them are there for a reason.
the new skilltree buffs/nerfs everybody equally, so the situation above is -not- changed by that.
--> I suggest to keep ALL the quirks as is and sort this out AFTER the new skilltree.
I like it, but its STILL way too much clicke-di-click-click. It's fine and fun skilling a single mech - it's a nightmare to do it to the whole collection. we wanna shoot mechs here, we don't wanna do accounting in our freetime. it'll take hours and that's no fun.
--> reduce the nodes from 100+ to 20-30 with meaning.
most important thing IMHO:
more tests. and don't mash the stuff, it's a REALLY bad idea to change several things at once.
make a test for the decoupling, adjust, test again, roll out.
make a test on the skilltree, adjust, test again, roll out.
make a test on the quirks, adjust, test again, roll out.
and so on..
there's a -by now old- saying "never touch a running system". well.. if you do, you don't change everything at once, but in succession

This dude got this right.
This game needs skill tree.
But it needs to be implemented carefully with feedback from people.
IS quirks need to stay where they are.
IS quirks should/may be removed/tweaked/reworked after skill tree is set in stone and done.
Then and ONLY then after people test different mechs throught playing them you should maybe consider some tweaks to the quirks.
TL;DR version
(then maaaaaaaybe, but only maaaaaaaybe when ppl whine some mechs got super OP, nurf plx, etc - which I doubt would happen for any mech that already relies on his quirks to carry him through mediocricy; maaaybe then consider some tweaks to some quirks on few mechs)
Edited by lazytopaz, 27 April 2017 - 04:50 AM.
Posted 27 April 2017 - 05:00 AM
Yes, I have to click a lot.
And no, I won't be cbills billionare after this.
But I still like it. So bring it to the live servers, PGI! Fast! Now! Do it! :-D
Posted 27 April 2017 - 05:14 AM
CadoAzazel, on 27 April 2017 - 04:37 AM, said:
Dear Willian Warriors
Its much better than what we currently have and gets rid of requiring 3 mechs to master 1.
Go look at the polls more people want it as is even though its bad than to put up with the current crap any longer.
Dear White Knights,
Please, visit PTS feedback subforum and count how many topics are saying that skill tree is ok/semi-ok and how many topics says the opposite.
Please, spend a minute of your time and tell us, Villain Warriors, what does the new skill tree offers to compensate for:
1. Ruined mech balance
2. Alienated core and new players
3. Bleeding eyes and a headacke every time we see the hexagon mess called 'UI'
Please, have a look at Alistair's Winter topic Do we have a consensus? from previous PTS and check the polls yourself.
I'm getting tired of repeating this today, but still: change for a sake of change is not an option, especially if it is a change in a wrong and plain bad direction. New Skill tree does nothing (except the rule of three removal) to make the game better and does a lot to make it much worse.
Edited by AngrySpartan, 27 April 2017 - 05:16 AM.
Posted 27 April 2017 - 05:21 AM
I like that we are getting a new skill tree, I am not afraid of change, and look forward to something fresh, and hopefully more in depth and meaningful customisations.
I like that PGI are taking into account retaining our time and effort investment in to leveling our mechs and grinding our CBills.
I think we are going to have to accept, this won't be perfect on days one. Some mechs will be buffed, some will be nerfed. Let just hope PGI reacts quickly to re-balancing. We need to launch the skill tree aspect of this very soon, so that changes can be made before civil war drops.
I would rather see CBIll refunds rather than GSP, or at least offer the choice, or a choice with combinations of the 2. Right now, I will NOT have enough cbills to use up the HXP. And if I use the GSP, I'll have mostly worthless HXP sitting around.
Additionally, with the thousands of GSP refunded, I am not going to need to play any future mechs to gain mastery over them. Surely that will affect the amount of people playing - we have a low enough player population already that we might as well not have a Match Maker.
Posted 27 April 2017 - 05:30 AM
Posted 27 April 2017 - 05:35 AM
Leave modules, upgrade existing skill tree by replacing some of the skills, buff the XP necessary to unlock it, thus increase the grind, and cancel the rule of three...
Now, ain't that simple or what

Leave the quirks, continue your "holy path to sacred balance" (BTW if you can't find it in yourself, it is futile to look for it elsewhere) and let us be on our way... the revamped skill tree isn't gonna balance the game.
All the quirks in the world can't balance something that is "un-balanced" out of the box. You can't balance more skilled pilots versus less skilled, as you can't balance a design with "bad" hit-boxes versus a design with "good" ones.
I know I can't make you change your mind, I just hope you can see that what you are trying to accomplish is a never ending story, fundamentally...

Edited by pacifica812, 27 April 2017 - 05:58 AM.
Posted 27 April 2017 - 05:43 AM
pacifica812, on 27 April 2017 - 05:35 AM, said:
Leave modules, upgrade existing skill tree by replacing some of the skills, buff the XP necessary to unlock it, thus increase the grind, and cancel the rule of three...
Now, ain't that simple or what

Leave the quirks, continue your "holy path to sacred balance" (BTW if you can't find it in yourself, it is futile to look for it elsewhere) and let us be on our way...
That's some golden words. Since PGI is unable to do new skill tree properly, they'd better stay away from any massive changes in it.
Posted 27 April 2017 - 05:49 AM
Posted 27 April 2017 - 06:22 AM
- Pestilence -, on 25 April 2017 - 05:22 PM, said:
If you want to get rid of all players who invest money into this game, then keep having this attitude.

Just to click all available options it took me 2 minutes and 52 secounds, without thinking about which nodes I need or want. Without a message telling me that I don't need an option for a weapon that I don't have. This means it would take me 14 hours and 20 minutes just to unlock everything without thinking. Take this times 5 for the time I need to tinker about my mechs and you have a whole week that I would have to invest to get my whole hangar of 300 mechs battle ready.

This is the refund that I get. 40.000.000


You can compare the lower left corner with an actual ingame screenshot. I would be ripped off if this goes live. Why don't they create pre-saved templates and I just assign these to my mechs? I am NOT going to click 91 nodes for 300 mechs, and if I don't then I won't play this game anymore ..
Posted 27 April 2017 - 06:23 AM
Anyone want to confirm this for everyone or PGI put out a statement of clarification for us.
Edited by ThiefofAlways, 27 April 2017 - 06:26 AM.
Posted 27 April 2017 - 06:32 AM
Not bad but still work to do.

And needed a button to unlock an entire "skill tree" plz do not like so many clicks if not for needed.

A note of little confusion or what you have done after 91 "NODE".

More work plz .. Force to do what's good for the game.

Posted 27 April 2017 - 06:37 AM
I´m not able to reach the current AC2 rate of fire. Even with all the nodes you can´t compensate the massive quirk-nerf. That´s just one mech, i didn´t test more yet.
It cannot be that a pts-mech is not as good as before (even there it was a niche-mech)!
PGI is on the best way to lose the rest of the playerbase #mightbeworkingasintended
Srry 4 my bad english
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