Proof? The forum is my proof, go take a gander it's not hard.
Here's a poll:
If this poll is any indication, more people are for it than against it.
People that are against it don't want to have their comfort levels messed with and those types are the last to adapt to any changes because they know they'll be left behind.
It's 2017, not 2013 and it's past time we get out of this placeholder system that we've been stuck with for 3+ years.
The tree isn't perfect, we all know this but it's been a better option than those before it as a replacement for the aging placeholder past it's prime.
Face it naysayers you're outnumbered, cut your loses, suck it up and prepare for change like the rest of us.
(((This is for those that are outright against the tree without offering reason or cause)))
People keep misreading my post, here is clarification: "Proof? The forum is my proof, go take a gander it's not hard." I'm talking about all the topics in the forums and it's comments on the subject of skill tree.
"If this poll is any indication, more people are for it than against it." I'm talking about the votes pertaining to the poll itself and was used as a bit of extra data. Ie: I'm not using the poll as a 100% source of my information.
>>>(((Reading comprehension people, geez. I've already stated multiple times throughout my post and in the clarification above^ that the poll is only a small part of my post, as in it's (((NOT))) what my post is about nor was about in the beginning. Besides the poll isn't even mine, look at the author of the poll, it's a different person as you can see.)))<<<
Edited by GrimRiver, 28 April 2017 - 08:42 AM.