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Vocal Minority Against Skill Tree Is Vocal Minority.

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#41 Monkey Lover


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Posted 27 April 2017 - 08:56 PM

View PostTercieI, on 27 April 2017 - 11:03 AM, said:

Kindof an odd comment since the current refunds more or less eliminate grinding for well established accounts. Unless something changes, I'll never have to play to skill up another mech.

I know right same here. Truth is i see my playing going down a ton. I dont think i will ever hit the public q again.

Edited by Monkey Lover, 27 April 2017 - 08:57 PM.

#42 Xetelian


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Posted 27 April 2017 - 09:14 PM

Most people aren't ANTI-Skill tree they are mad that they're getting a bull---- 4th currency implemented instead of a refund.

I'm not anti skill tree, I want cBills for my modules.

#43 Dollar Bill


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Posted 27 April 2017 - 09:40 PM

Nice try Grim. I noticed there wasn't the third option...NOT THIS SKILL TREE AT ALL. I wonder, how would the voting results look then? I think PGI has ground down the majority of these voters and they just want it to be over by any means.

I just looked at the game on PTS. After looking at the UI, and feeling more and more depressed the longer I looked at it (because I don't want to leave this game, and I feel this may be the last straw) I said "alright, lets give it a chance." So I held my nose and jumped into the hot mess of 91 nodes. I really was hoping as I went through rebuilding one of my favorite mechs that I would see it wasn't that bad. About half way through, I quit the game out of frustration. Just like I was afraid of.

For starters, the nodes I want are all over the place. And are too hard to find and too easy to miss because they are mixed in with all the other nodes. Nodes that are useless to my build that I don't care about and I'm forced to take (I know this is by designed, and it stinks Russ!)

I was excited, at first like everyone else, when the new skill tree was announced in December. But then I remembered. This is PGI doing this, headed by Russ, a guy who doesn't understand what the community wants and what make this game fun. I was hoping it would turn out right. But I knew deep down, judging from the other PGI/Russ screw-ups, PGI would find a way to screw this up too. Looks like I was right. I know this is not the final go-live version, but you all know the go-live will be very close to this steaming pile of confusing, frustrating, disorganized BS.

And 91 nodes?!! Why stop there? Make it 1000 nodes why don't you! The more nodes the better by PGI logic.

Here's what would make this work better...for everyone (for PGI less salt, animosity, and maybe more money. For the players/customers more fun and mech building control.)

- Consolidate the nodes. Cut the number of nodes at least in half. As another poster said somewhere else, this skill tree is way too granular with far too many nodes. It will also make finding the nodes we want easier and cut the frustration, and salt levels.

- Make the skill tree linear. And stop coming up with excuses not to do it. Solahma has done the work for you. Just copy and paste. Easy! Also it makes for a much cleaner looking and far more organized UI too.

- Stop trying to force us (your paying customers) into your idea of how our mech should be built. Stop trying to tell us what we should want (that only works for Apple and you anit selling iPhones.) Try to listen to what the community (your paying customers) is saying what we want.

Now, I know none of this will ever happen. I know PGI/Russ will plow ahead with their grand idea of how it should be and implement this poison pill. I really do hope for this games sake, and more so for the helpless employees under the decision makers at PGI, that I really am in the minority.

We will see very soon.

Edited by Dollar Bill, 27 April 2017 - 09:53 PM.

#44 Lily from animove


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 12:39 AM

91 vs 61, isn't much of a big minority. thats 59% for yes not that much of a huge difference.

And further this is only a poll about that 1% even roamign the forum. So, yes, very representive. Especially with no possibility to say, i don't care if it goes life or not you don't even can kno how many of thw whole palyerbase really wan't s a no or a yes.

what if the "doesn't cares are 200 people? then the people for No are low % and those for yes are also low %.

Edited by Lily from animove, 28 April 2017 - 12:40 AM.

#45 PhoenixFire55


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 12:41 AM

People with brains seem to always be a minority these days.

#46 Xetelian


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 01:01 AM

Calling the opposition the vocal minority doesn't change the facts of the situation.

They said they would give cBills back to people for modules, then they changed their minds when they realized that a few people would be getting back enough to buy a mech with robbing them of a million dollars.

#47 Lupis Volk


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 01:19 AM

View PostPhoenixFire55, on 28 April 2017 - 12:41 AM, said:

People with brains seem to always be a minority these days.

Brains.......Traveller there has been nary a iota of intelligence seen in these forums since the PTS was released. All we have been witnessed to is the ramblings of mad men and infantile wailing by the uneducated masses, morphed into a choir by those with an axe to grind or an agenda to push.

With every PTS i can simply go to a thread about the subject i'm looking for and ask a question and i get an answer. Not any more now, not with this PTS. Due to how far everyone has jumped into the crazy pond, my harmless question got ignored for more Ad hominems, general mud throwing and screeching.

Anyway It's moderates who are always the minority. Caught between two warring factions.

Edited by Lupis Volk, 28 April 2017 - 01:30 AM.

#48 Khobai


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 01:24 AM


They said they would give cBills back to people for modules, then they changed their minds when they realized that a few people would be getting back enough to buy a mech with robbing them of a million dollars.

some people are losing hundreds of millions.

PGI is just being cheap. they dont wanna give back the cbills that people rightfully earned and are being screwed out of because PGI couldnt make a proper skill system to begin with.

the worst part is this skill system isnt even good. so theyre stealing all my cbills just to implement a new massively overcomplicated skill system thats IMO every way inferior to the skill/module system we used to have. I mean wtf?

compensating people fairly was not that hard. only pgi could fail this comically.

Edited by Khobai, 28 April 2017 - 01:28 AM.

#49 drifter bob


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 02:55 AM

well ive never seen an official game forum that wasnt filled with complaints its basically where ppl go to complain sorta like this pic i drew gess its human nature Posted Image
Posted Image

there are always the people who are happy with the status quo and ones who are not
the ones who are not happy will seek (be vocal) to change it
and the ones who are happy will be vocal if anything comes along to upset the status quo

Edited by drifter bob, 28 April 2017 - 04:35 AM.

#50 Lily from animove


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 03:06 AM

View Postdrifter bob, on 28 April 2017 - 02:55 AM, said:

well ive never seen an official game forum that wasnt filled with complaints its basically where ppl go to complain sorta like this pic i drew gess its human nature Posted Image
Posted Image

there are always the people who are happy with the status quo and ones who are not
the ones who are not happy with the will seek (be vocal) to change it
and the ones who are happy will be vocal if anything comes along to upset the status quo

Yes thats opinions and I am fine with happy people and unhappy people if they can objectively argue about their standpoint.
But the current subject about PTS and refunds just showed that many people don't even undertsand how MWO works, what the changes really do and how they in facts comapre to what we had and will be. Then they even come with incorrect facts and even broken math trying to tell others why it is "better". When people throw away logic and bend even math to claim their opinion then stuff gets dangerously unhealthy. because firts these people are happy with something not even doing what they think it does, and they put people on their side and mak them vocal based on false information. And this will surely not imporve MWO, it will just make things worse for everyone.

#51 oldradagast


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 03:15 AM

View PostGrimRiver, on 27 April 2017 - 09:09 AM, said:

And they ARE the minority as they are outnumbered by those who are for the skill tree.

Proof? The forum is my proof, go take a gander it's not hard.

A few points:

- Your survey is statistically insignificant, unless the game really does have less than 100 players left, in which case we have bigger problems. You also fail to factor in the affects of internet trolling. Lots of trouble-makers out there are voting in favor of the skill maze because they'll either personally benefit based upon the mechs they own, or just because they "want to watch the game burn" or because they foolishly think "change is good."

- Many of the "supporters" of the skill maze just want it to be deployed because they are tired of waiting for PGI to fix it, which will never happen. If your only choices in a survey were to have a root canal done by a monkey today or have it done by a monkey next week, many people would vote for today just so they could get it over with (and go see a real doctor quicker.) That's the level of "skill" we're talking about with PGI; don't confuse people's eagerness to "be done with it" for actual support of the skill maze.

- Finally, a dismal percentage of players think PGI is going to "work really hard to balance everything after the skill maze is deployed." You can see this in many comments that are posted, and it is sad since they've clearly learned nothing. PGI has a horrible track record for fixing anything that requires real work or understanding of their game, they have no clue about game balance, and if they cared about fixing the negative effects of the skill maze, they would have actually FIXED THE STUPID PROBLEMS with it by now.

Edited by oldradagast, 28 April 2017 - 03:16 AM.

#52 drifter bob


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 03:44 AM

View PostLily from animove, on 28 April 2017 - 03:06 AM, said:

Yes thats opinions and I am fine with happy people and unhappy people if they can objectively argue about their standpoint.
But the current subject about PTS and refunds just showed that many people don't even undertsand how MWO works, what the changes really do and how they in facts comapre to what we had and will be. Then they even come with incorrect facts and even broken math trying to tell others why it is "better". When people throw away logic and bend even math to claim their opinion then stuff gets dangerously unhealthy. because firts these people are happy with something not even doing what they think it does, and they put people on their side and mak them vocal based on false information. And this will surely not imporve MWO, it will just make things worse for everyone.

yeah thats true people make alot of assumptions to shall we say fill in the blanks of what the whole picture is. and i agree with your earlier post i think most players probably dont care and just want pgi to either change it or keep it just make a move. but dont know that for sure and no poll here will tell us i gess that was the point i was originally making

i at least want them to just make a move my main dog in the fight would have to be the 3 variant req to master ill be a happy man to see it go other than that im fine

Edited by drifter bob, 28 April 2017 - 03:47 AM.



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Posted 28 April 2017 - 04:00 AM

View PostBlueFlames, on 27 April 2017 - 09:58 AM, said:

You're fighting shadows.

And how do you win that fight?

You shine light so those shadows have no place to hide.

That can and should be applied to a great many things in life.

#54 Lupis Volk


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 04:02 AM

View PostTWIAFU, on 28 April 2017 - 04:00 AM, said:

And how do you win that fight?

You shine light so those shadows have no place to hide.

That can and should be applied to a great many things in life.

But a shadow needs an object in the light so it can be cast......

Edited by Lupis Volk, 28 April 2017 - 04:02 AM.

#55 Lily from animove


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 05:13 AM

View PostLupis Volk, on 28 April 2017 - 04:02 AM, said:

But a shadow needs an object in the light so it can be cast......

and thats why you hide in complete darkness, then no shadow exists.

#56 GrimRiver


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 09:05 AM

Reading comprehension seems to be in severe lack these days.

I seriously don't know how to state in better than I already have.

1. My post ISN'T/NOT/WASN'T about the poll if you read my topic more thoroughly then you would already know this.

2.The poll ISN'T even mine, as long as some people have been on these forums you would figure that they could tell who created a topic by looking at the name and faction they belong to.

3.My post is talking about the people that are 100% against the skill tree no matter what is done/changed or added, as in they want this game to stay like it currently is for the rest of it's lifespan.

4.The "Proof" sentence is separate from the "poll indication" sentence, if I was referencing to each other then it would've been one whole sentence instead of two separate sentences.

5.The "Proof" sentence is talking about the forums as a whole, the "poll indication" is talking about the poll itself and nothing outside of that.

6.Please read all of this slowly and out loud.

#57 R Valentine


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 09:08 AM

View PostGrimRiver, on 28 April 2017 - 09:05 AM, said:

Reading comprehension seems to be in severe lack these days.

I seriously don't know how to state in better than I already have.

1. My post ISN'T/NOT/WASN'T about the poll if you read my topic more thoroughly then you would already know this.

2.The poll ISN'T even mine, as long as some people have been on these forums you would figure that they could tell who created a topic by looking at the name and faction they belong to.

3.My post is talking about the people that are 100% against the skill tree no matter what is done/changed or added, as in they want this game to stay like it currently is for the rest of it's lifespan.

4.The "Proof" sentence is separate from the "poll indication" sentence, if I was referencing to each other then it would've been one whole sentence instead of two separate sentences.

5.The "Proof" sentence is talking about the forums as a whole, the "poll indication" is talking about the poll itself and nothing outside of that.

6.Please read all of this slowly and out loud.

So what you're saying is,... you're full of crap. Ok noted.

#58 GrimRiver


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 09:14 AM

View PostKiran Yagami, on 28 April 2017 - 09:08 AM, said:

So what you're saying is,... you're full of crap. Ok noted.

How so?

It's not my fault some people took what I said out of context.

#59 ingramli


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Posted 28 April 2017 - 09:24 AM

I am against the skill tree, AND practically any sort of grinding. MWO is a player vs player game, i dont see it fair or enjoyable to give player advantage just because they play "longer" (playing skills improved aside) or spend more real money.

I am okay with a monthly subscription basis for playing and/or pay to get a new mech earlier than others, but grind is not the way to improve user experience. It will only screw up those who cannot spend enough time to play a single game, period.

Edited by ingramli, 28 April 2017 - 09:25 AM.

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