Xetelian, on 02 May 2017 - 02:09 PM, said:
Knock downs are impossible to balance. No one likes to go prone and unable to fire back, just like stun mechanics in a anything, it becomes a cancer that makes for a not fun experience.
dario03, on 02 May 2017 - 07:50 PM, said:
Knockdowns just never worked right. Sometimes you would be 20m from another mech and then just somehow end up teleporting into each other then all around the map and then when getting up. Was also great getting ran over by your own teammates constantly because they just had to be in the exact spot you were instead of one of the other 50 perfectly good paths that they could take.
I may be wrong, because i didn't play with it, but how about this: (I mean knockdown balancing):
1) When equal mass mechs collide, the one who was moving faster falls, the slower one have very small chance of falling.
(this ballance out intentional knocking down enemies, because it's more likely for you to fall down, than to stun your foe)
2) When a mech collide with significantly larger mech, first one have way way bigger chance of falling, no matter how fast he was going. Other one also have a chance of falling, it depends on mass difference. For example if locust and atlas collide, later have about zero chance of falling. If jenner and cataputl collide - chance of falling is like 4:1 or 5:1. it is also modified by each mech's speed.
(this would also balance out inntentional ramming, since lights are faster and more maneuverable, and if used properely it's very hard to ram locust with atlas. AND it disable leghumping.)
So basically both participants of any collision have a (different) chance of falling down, but generally initiator of collision and lighter mech have higher chance of being knocked down by a colision, so there would be too dangerous for your own mech to do it intentionally, unless you are an atlas and you ram a locust. But it's so hard to do that it can only counter leghums, and it's a good thing.
You have to watch where you're going, you have to keep safe distance from your foes AND teammates, lights are still as good (or as bad) as they are today, exept leghumpers.
As a nice bonus game becomes more realistic, more of a feeling of piloting a walking 2-legged robot.