Requiemking, on 03 May 2017 - 03:28 PM, said:
No, you really don't. You formed an opinion, which is fine, no one really cares if you like it or not. But just as nobody appreciated Impy going overboard in one direction, your need to shoutcast it everywhere you go, just because I guess it makes you feel good, is what tends to gets people less than receptive.
But you can be in denial of that if you like .
It's here. it should be pretty decent, not great, not bad. Deal with it.
Or jsut keep shaking your fist at the sky because you think it'll change reality, or make people start agreeing with you, or whyever the hell you feel the need to act like Rush Limbaugh/Michael Moore/Insert Overly Opinionated lacking in facts Pundit here; about it.