PeeWrinkle, on 05 May 2017 - 07:07 AM, said:
It's just not going to happen. Very early on you'll have decent chances to win as IS because the playing field will be flooded with newbies on both chain play IS early and cram as many games as possible in before people get tired of getting gamed.
...or just don't worry about wins, get your free stuff, and walk away. It's CW/FP. The biggest steaming pile of horse hockey I've ever seen in the internet gaming world. Bigger @sshats on the net? yeah, there are worse places for trash talking. More complex games with comp play squishing new players worse? Yeah, they're out there.
...but is there a worse combination of "can't even get a game" with "ridiculous practical differences between sides" and "jerkoffs enjoying being d!cks so much they lose their minds" tossed on top of "game makers have no idea wtf they're doing" along with "high cost for premium play"...I don't think so. The only benefit here is that the high dollar costs are avoidable if you never buy any of the new mechs or very few interesting things in the whole game like decals and camo. It's nice and makes the game actually FTP but bleh...and CW/FP is a flipping joke. The last iteration at least raised it from "pond scum" to "evolved pond scum that longs to be something it's not" but just bleh.
I'm really not sure I can stomach that much faction play even with the rewards that are generated. If there are enough people playing, maybe...but I'm going to stick to my IS roots, and I'm not sure I'll be able to stand the kicking I'm going to get from the clans long enough to make some MC.