Monkey Lover, on 06 May 2017 - 01:35 PM, said:
-IS tech/gear should be more tanky and more robust less, efficient in fire power (not heat)
Then there is a lot of work to do.10-15 extra armor doesn't make something tanky. It just makes it have 1-2 extra laser worth of damage. We can start by doubling IS armor.. Allow IS to us case in our arms be nice too.
Be nice to have weapons with less heat on IS side too. Dph are about the same on both sides. Even a few weapons on the clans are cooler for example clan ppc, Er small.
What should be done is have a fully fleshed out critical hit mechanic that includes ALL aspects of a mech's construction and damage to any component should have some effect on the mech's performance.
Currently the list of components that can be damaged with our current "critical hits" mechanic does not include anything in the head (sensors,life support, cockpit) Does not include any default center torso components (Gyro and Engine) and no actuators in either the arms or legs are effected by critical hits.
Essentially any critical component that is default on a mech is immune to damage and is only effected by damage if the entire body section is destroyed.
So we should have everything capable of sustaining meaningfull damage and if you want I.S. tech to be more tanky than clan tech then I.S. gets more individual component health (maybe improved structure as well)
Examples of meaningful damage...
Leg actuator damage = speed and manuver penalty % based on number of damaged actuators. So as a leg gets critted the mech gets more difficult to control (slower and less responsive)
Arm Actuator damage = reduction in arm target reticule rate of traverse that is increase by X% per arm actuator damaged. So as the arm sustains actuator damage the arm weapons are slower to aim.
Sensor crits = flickering HUD for first hit NO HUD for second hit.
Life support hit = heat threshholds (levels of excess heat) cause pilot blackouts ( reduced vision from the pilot perspective) while the damage heat threshhold is in effect.
Gyro crits = reticule shake when the mech moves increasing with mech's speed and mech destruction on second hit.
Engine hits = + X% heat build per damaged engine critical with three engine crits resulting in mech destruction.
Weapon or equipment crit = disables the functions of that item.
By adding this feature we could tweak values based upon crit chance % values and component/structure health instead of mucking around with weapon values etc.