I didn't know we had a missile Blackjack in the game. Never saw one on battlefield; probably because the missile boxes are horrible.
The Centurion is frustrating because you can see the spot reserved for missiles underneath the "dynamic geometry" that just ignores the body lines.
The Quickdraw has a large area reserved for missiles but if you use both hardpoints, it skips the big empty section and adds an ugly box to the side.
Someone at PGI really doesn't like the Dragon.
The Thunderbolt grows an ugly square tumor if you use both hardpoints. Looks cancerous!
Just ignore the shape of the body and tack boxes to its sides.
The Banshee has the laziest lasers in the game. Why are they staggered? If you're going to be lazy at least keep them in line.
Another ugly box just tacked onto the side. Why not use the space directly under the other missiles?