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Achevements More, More...

Achievements General Gameplay

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Posted 08 May 2017 - 02:33 AM

Give us more achevements!
It is not same to do 8 kills in QP, like in factions!
Why not 10 killer?
Some awords are not enough for some achevements!

#2 El Bandito


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Posted 08 May 2017 - 02:54 AM

I shot down an enemy UAV with an arty strike once. That really should be an achievement.

#3 Bud Crue


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Posted 08 May 2017 - 03:53 AM

Achievement and what you have to do to get it:

The Velcro Fly: Get stuck on the terrain glitches (5 times) that still exist on Vitric and Hellbore where if you jump and land against select surfaces your mech is stuck fast like a fly in sap. Reward: 10 advanced arty/air strikes since that's all you can really do when it happens.

Major Tom: Manage to suffer from the "super jump" glitch (5 times) wherein if you jump and land just right on a ledge your mech is catapulted into near orbital heights. Reward: shock absorbable module (or free access to its node).

Dig Dug: Manage to suffer from the fall through the earth glitch 5 times. Reward: a Cataphract 4X (for burrowing into the terrain even better).

Where's the pilot?: Manage to suffer from the dropship bug 10 times (drop ship fails to drop you or lands you off the map and then the game realizes that it has lost you and they teleports yo back into the dropship (sometimes repeatedly) and then finally places you at your spawn. Reward: compass hanging item and a sextant standing item

Kitty Pride: Record and submit to the forums 2 instances of PPCs passing right the f**k through another mech. Reward: a targeting computer and "you're not doing it right" decal.

The Dedicated: Group Reward. Keep a 12-man in the lobby and on the "looking for match screen" for more than 1 hour. Reward: hour-glass standing item and a sad trombone warhorn.

Whale Ahoy!: Awarded to any player who was dumb enough to buy a mastery pack or mech pack with real $ only to have PGI nerf one or more variants in that pack within 3 months of purchase: Reward: "wanna buy a mech pack" decal.

#4 JediPanther


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Posted 08 May 2017 - 09:40 AM

The Rambo: Use machine guns only during a skirmish match and get two kmdds. Reward: A survival knife standing cockpit item and a red bandana hanging item with an account injection of four (4) medium lasers.

Juggernaut: Tank over 800 damage in a single quick play match from enemy fire. Reward: A tank standing item and xl 400 engine.

Maverick: Kill two or more enemy mechs with one air strike. Reward: Colors of blue,red, and white. A f-18 cockpit item. Warhorn of Danger Zone.

Tattle-Tell: Narc the entire enemy team for five seconds. Reward: Wi-Fi signal decal,colors of red and blue, LRM ammo hanging item, fire support war horn of "missiles away!" Account injection of 500,000 c-bills and 300 mc.



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Posted 08 May 2017 - 12:10 PM

I give money for this game. But rewording is low with achevements. And I need more of them, from low, mid, and hi ones.

#6 Coolant


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Posted 08 May 2017 - 01:34 PM

I remember when Achievements were first released...some of the funnest times I can remember. It seemed like the first week we were getting Achievements left and right. It was kind of a replacement for leveling up...rewards other than just XP and Cbills. You had something to play for. I miss those times.

Yes, add new Achievements.

#7 Xetelian


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Posted 08 May 2017 - 02:04 PM

Games like Payday 2 add achievements and goodies for every DLC, they have over 300 achievements and only a few of them are extremely difficult. I've gotten quite of few of them with some friends.

If PGI knew how important achievements are for the community and for the game in general they'd have already been adding new ones. I think they've more or less given up on them and that is disappointing.

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