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#1 LMP


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Posted 08 May 2017 - 03:33 PM

I've been away for a while and when I came back I happened to get into a new game mode called Incursion and was lost. This is the information I found, but I don't completely understand it.

“Destroy the Enemy Base (or)
Destroy all Enemy combatants and have less Base Damage than the Enemy Base (or)
Have a Base Damage advantage when the match timer expires

To secure victory players in the Incursion Game Mode pilots must ensure the integrity of their Team Base, contending for essential Fuel Cell Supply Points to power key Support Towers for use in the fight against the Enemy forces and their Base.”

I have found the funny looking things that transfer power to me and done that successfully a couple times, should I blow it up when it's finished transferring power?

What does the Enemy Base that I am supposed to destroy look like? Is it the satellite dishes on top of the columns? If so what part do I shoot at?

Are there other things I am supposed to blow up other than the bad guys?

#2 SpiralFace


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Posted 08 May 2017 - 03:57 PM

Don't blow up the things you drop off power to. In addition to stopping its power, you are damaging your own base assisting your enemies in winning.

Basically, the enemy will have a base in its back field that mirrors your base. The objective is to do more damage to the base then the other guy. And you have those power nodes that can influence an engagement.

There is a lot going on in the mode compared to the other modes, and more then any other mode in MWO right now, you REALLY need to focus in incurssion on what YOU are supposed to be doing in the match.

The bases are not all too difficult to tear down if 2-3 mechs can break through and take the base out. So everyone has to do their part in preventing that from happening.

Basically, it comes down to this:

Lights: Rush power cells and fuel power dependent on what the enemy is doing. If you are rushing the middle for a big old brawl, Sensors is what you are going to want. Radar Jammer is good if you intend to be engaging "closeish" to the base. There is a limited range on the power that makes it more beneficial if you are planning to engage about 1.5 Kilo's away from your base. If its farther then that, Sensor sweep is the way to go.

If the opponents are turtleing in their base, then Air support is what you will want. As it will drop a dropship on their heads and deal fairly significant damage to them. But only if they are camping around their base.

Intercept other lights from doing the same thing to you.

You can also rush their base to "bait" some mechs from the main line to pull back and try to counter you attacking base components. But realistically, lights should avoid rushing the bases unless you go in numbers. As a single light will get torn up by the defensive turrets quickly.

You can also act as a scout / screen for your flank to scout opposing mechs from doing the same to you. DO NOT DISMISS WHAT A HANDFUL OF MECHS CAN DO TO THE BASE. If you scout a force that is swinging wide with what looks like the intent of smashing your base, be sure to call it out so your team can react to it.

If you escort your main force, you can also react to opponents going for the base. Remember that you have defensive turrets. So even if you can't directly counter base rushers, you can occupy them enough for the base defenses to deal significant damage, or have heavier elements arrive to support.

Mediums: You are the "flex spots" in this mode. If you are a fast med like a viper, you can occupy the cell runner and harasser just fine, but will suffer the same drawbacks to lights. If you are a weapons / armor based medium, you are probably the most app to basically do anything in this mode. Hunt enemy mechs, swing back to defend the base, go on the offensive against an opposing base.

If you are going for a base hunting strat, two medium mechs can easily wreck havok in an opposing base, and often be very well compensated for their efforts (doesn't show up in match score, but c-bill earnings can be tremendous.) Be VERY aware that this is not a mode that you want to be blindly nascaring in. If your opponents leave their base wide open for mediums to push it, you can VERY much effectively win the game by wrecking their base.

But also be aware that opposing mediums can do the EXACT same to you. So if a light calls out that they are going for the base, be EXTRA sure to weigh whether it is more important for you to stay on the front line, go back and defend, or break off and go on the offensive against the base.

Heavies and Assaults tend to occupy the same role you see in most other game modes, but with a very heavy emphasis on situational awareness. Unlike other modes, this is a mode that can VERY much be won by a few medium mechs getting to the base. So its extra important that your slower mechs make a choice between falling back to have a base to fall back to if you need to, or go on the offensive and try to break a hole for your own team to get to the base. But typically, Heavies and assaults are the mechs that are going to want to focus the most on fighting the other mechs. Either to destroy them as fast as possible, or to "hold the line" to support mechs that are wrecking their base.

Its extra important that heavies and assaults are aware of the added needs of the mode, as you can often find yourself "needing" to spread out a bit more compared to other modes if your opponents are.

Although most people play the mode as just yet another version of skirmish, be aware that going for a base attack strat is a legitimate threat that can be done with only a handful of mechs that break off from the main force. So while the central brawl is important just like in other modes, be VERY aware that it is not the only thing going on in the mode.

#3 Jingseng


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Posted 08 May 2017 - 05:17 PM

It's skirmish with more optional things to blow up and people generally hiding for long range sniping less

#4 Tier5 Kerensky


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Posted 08 May 2017 - 08:59 PM

Both bases look about the same. You start at your own base.

They have walls, you can destroy the walls. All the spesific base structures are inside.

You can damage your own walls, your own turrets, but you can't damage your bases structures. The health of a base, comes from these base sturctures only. Walls and turrets don't count.

The energy gathering things, you can't damage them. Once you are carrying an energy cell, you can bring it back to your own base to power up spesific towers with spesific features, in same manner you gathered the cell. They look similiar and you can identify each by pressing Q.

#5 LMP


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 05:45 AM

Thanks guys!

#6 Kaethir


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 07:03 AM

Kind of long, but very good writeup spiral.

#7 Son of the Flood


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Posted 10 February 2018 - 01:42 PM

was in same boat as you LMP, thanks SpiralFace!

#8 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 10 February 2018 - 06:54 PM

The best strategy I can think of is drop as a group mixed brawler and lights. Lights get the drop on enemy base and the enemy will split their forces. Lights burn as much as they can and exit stage left. Brawlers and Snipers mince the majority of the enemy team. All surviving forces converge on enemy base a finish the job. Game Over give me the C-Bills baby some new shoes.

Edited by Spare Parts Bin, 10 February 2018 - 06:55 PM.

#9 TooDumbToQuit


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Posted 13 February 2018 - 04:12 AM

You go with the mechs you have dropped, you do not have a choice. My main tactic is to move between the middle and fuel cell on the right. Then you control those two. I'm not big on returning fuel cells anymore.

I like to take that grid square between the two fuel cells then push push push towards their base. Fight as much as you have to but keep moving towards their base. Destroying their base is my big thing.

#10 _SpiderGoat


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Posted 13 February 2018 - 06:14 AM

Incursion is a cancer mode - just go kill the base and move on to the next match for a hopefully better mode.

#11 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 15 February 2018 - 08:44 PM

View PostLikeUntoGod, on 13 February 2018 - 04:12 AM, said:

You go with the mechs you have dropped, you do not have a choice. My main tactic is to move between the middle and fuel cell on the right. Then you control those two. I'm not big on returning fuel cells anymore.

I like to take that grid square between the two fuel cells then push push push towards their base. Fight as much as you have to but keep moving towards their base. Destroying their base is my big thing.

Why do some many people not understand this? This game is easier if we can reduce it to it's essential elements.

Edited by Spare Parts Bin, 15 February 2018 - 08:46 PM.

#12 Koniving

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Posted 16 February 2018 - 08:24 AM

The "fold out building tanks" and the towers, I believe are what you destroy.

Do not believe you can destroy the spawn points of power cells. But the power they generate seems to be equal to that of a "Super Heavy Duty" battery...
Put that in your high drain device and enjoy it for...less than 2 minutes before its dead.

Edited by Koniving, 16 February 2018 - 08:24 AM.

#13 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 16 February 2018 - 06:45 PM

Incursion is not as easy as Conquest but it is vastly better than Escort any day of the week.

#14 IllCaesar


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Posted 16 February 2018 - 07:16 PM

View PostmcCosmoat, on 13 February 2018 - 06:14 AM, said:

Incursion is a cancer mode - just go kill the base and move on to the next match for a hopefully better mode.

I like Incursion. It has faults but any mode that rewards mixed range loadouts without necessarily penalizing others ain't all bad. The cover that is propped up around the battery chargers is pretty nice too, especially on maps with little cover. Alpine Peaks and Polar Highlands are sort of a death sentence for short-range mechs but that cover gives you something to work with, and its something that can usually be overcome without too much difficulty by the opposing team if they actually work together. Some maps allow mechs with a longer range loadout to shoot straight into the base to damage the structures from afar. The base turrets mean that if the match devolves into a brawl that you can't be entirely reckless with your armour or ammo because you need to have enough to go take the base down afterwards. The base needing to be defended means that it affords pilots of lighter mechs more opportunities to create distractions and divide the opposing team.

I can see why its unappealing if you are in group queue but I've had a lot of fun in solo queue with it. At the worst its just one of those Assault matches that are played like Skirmish but then there turns out to be an enemy AFK at their spawn so you have to go kiill the AFK except now the AFK is a building. Its not as fun as other game modes but there is nothing outwardly offensive about it like Escort's braindead AI.

Edited by IllCaesar, 16 February 2018 - 07:16 PM.

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